in #steempress5 years ago (edited)

Today we want to continue sharing classes about school gardens with you.


• Review the principles and priorities
• Decide on goals
• Write a statement of objectives

School gardens can have different uses and have been seen
from many different perspectives, some practices and others
The table differentiates practical from educational objectives.
At first glance, which of the following objectives coincide with
your priorities and interests?

The practical goals of the school are:
Create a sustainable and productive garden using methods

Offer the community a home garden model Mixed produce food for school improve the diet of children with garden produce improve eating habits of the kids.

Sell produce from the garden to generate resources for the school improve the school environment (trees, grass, trails,
flowers, etc.)

Collect rainwater and «gray water»; take advantage of beneficial insects; prevent erosion, etc.

Strengthen some aspects of the school curriculum (eg, natural sciences, environmental sciences, home economics)

Help children survive and thrive in the world unite the school, children, families and the community in a common effort

Children learn:

To grow products harmlessly and sustainably, and to manage
successfully his own school garden to enjoy horticulture and to Acquiring a favorable attitude towards horticulture.

To talk with families and community members about horticultural activity.

To grow food for themselves to improve their diets and prepare healthy meals with garden products to appreciate healthy foods and change your eating habits commercial and entrepreneurial aptitudes.

To respect and be interested in their school environment to become aware and acquire knowledge about the environment, to respect nature and to manage natural resources through specific practical activities to plan, collaborate, make decisions, assume responsibilities, explain and convince, etc.

To interact with adults in various ways and be aware of the horticultural practices of the community.

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The gardens provide resources, food and lessons on marketing, science and teamwork.
The garden provides funds to the school for stationery and equipment. The school sells its products at half price in the local market and families. Older students market food and keep accounts. A team of horticulturists of four students, which changes every month, organizes the work of the garden under the responsibility of the director. The garden provides teachers with practical examples for the teaching of mathematics, biology and environmental science.

The objectives of the school garden can change and change over time. The important is that:
• be realistic;
• achieve a balance between the purposes of education and
• interest everyone (children, parents, families, teachers, staff
of the school and school lunch service managers);
• be discussed and agreed with all the main participants;
• respect and protect the rights of children.
Some lessons learned from the experience are:
The objectives are achieved if they express what people need or want to avoid imposing the objectives. Discover the needs of people and make decisions according to them.
The gardens have to benefit the children, and such benefits must be obvious. The food produced by the gardens will be for the children; the income obtained will be
for school, and education must be a priority objective.

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School gardens can make a real difference to the health of children, because:
• provide vegetables and fruits rich in nutrients that are often lacking in children's diets;
• thanks to horticultural activities, children learn to grow, prepare and consume vegetables and fruits;
• families feel motivated to carry out the cultivation tasks themselves;
• help to understand what a good diet consists of;
• children learn to prefer nutritious foods grown at home;
• demonstrate to children the relationship between what they grow and what they eat, and their general health status.
School gardens can add nutritional value and variety to school meals, but they can not provide school-wide food So that the entire school can have enough food, children should work long hours a day, which is neither ethical nor education, and that would undoubtedly be a measure not accepted by children or their parents.

School pride is paramount The most thriving school garden projects create a sense of pride for the school as a whole and its surroundings, as well as the garden's satisfaction.

This project draws on the lessons of experience and promotes a broad concept of school gardens. From our point of view, school gardens should primarily have as a function to promote healthy eating habits and good learning. They should not be considered as a primary source of food or resources, much less as a substitute for school feeding programs.
This project gives priority to:
• horticulture as a source of good nutrition and nutrition education;
• horticulture and commercial horticulture as a source of learning;
• improve the school environment;
• the participation of families and the community;
• practice an organic horticulture;
• develop life skills.

School gardens are beneficial for the health and education of children.
A healthy diet is essential for education. The children who do not eat well do not grow or learn well, they get sick frequently, they stop attending classes, they drop out of school very soon and have fewer opportunities to get a good work.
School gardens not only provide food, but a better one
food, and can immediately and fundamentally improve the
diet of children. The orchards provide fruits and vegetables
rich in vitamins and minerals; increase the nutritional value of
school meals; they are the source of a varied diet, which is so important for health and growth, and help children to appreciate and enjoy such nutrition. They also increase the availability of food during "hunger periods". The improvement of the diet can be translated into changes to long term in practices and attitudes, without relying on external sources.
However, children should not only learn to eat better, but they need to know how to eat better. The school is an important place to learn about food and nutrition, as it has close contact with families, who provide most of what children eat.
When it offers school meals, the school helps to establish eating habits. The school can provide clean water and emphasize the importance of its consumption; It can promote sanitation and hygiene and other interventions related to health and nutrition, such as deworming and vitamin A supplementation. Horticulture completes these actions by teaching children to produce food, harvest it, preserve it and make it.
 Will priority be given to food within the activities of the garden? Will emphasis be placed on nutrition and nutrition education?

In our next message we will include a complete procedure of the school garden implemented in a local school.
This project is linked to the @sc-v GREEN FOOTPRINT campaign.

Contact Data.

In addition we will have channels available for questions, suggestions and personalized attention through email and discord.

[email protected]
[email protected] or chat with @childrensclothes#7556 on our Discord

You can also enjoy updated information on events and models from our Aurora collection, follow the Instagram account: Vastagocasademodas.

We accept payments in Cryptocurrencies Steem, Sbd.

Why support @childrensclothes?

By supporting this productive social program will be contributing to a solidarity project for children in Venezuela who have no shelter, food and medicine, will be strengthening the productive apparatus and the ability to generate jobs to mothers head of households, will also contribute to maximize the level educational with training for entrepreneurs in various trends, financial, commercial, business, personalized courses, will also be promoting the inclusion of special children Autism, Down syndrome, and children with cancer that occupy a special place. Preventive measures to care for the environment The use of the blockchain will be established as a technology with purpose, and to empower leaders in action to form their own companies, in a self-sustaining model through efficient resource management.

"If society improves, it will improve the performance of the company. You can not be happy alone, I can not do well in the middle of a failed society "


YEAR 2019. The goal is to enjoy childhood in all its colors, aromas and flavors.

We thank our collaborators:
@fundition,@adollaraday, @pennsif, @sc-v,@wafrica,@ecotrain, @curie,@c-squared,@artemislives,@gogreenbuddy.


Posted from my blog with SteemPress :

Excellent @childrensclothes!!

This is amazing! And I think it's something that should be implemented in every school.
My kids are homeschooled (unschooled) and growing our own food is one of our (almost) daily subjects.
Most kids in the developed world only know how to buy food from a shop, but not how to grow it themselves and also make it taste better and be healthier in the process! I'm trying to teach my kids that, and so much more, and hopefully it will make them resilient for the future and be able to take care of themselves.

So much APPRECIATE seeing what you do to educate and nourish the children. They ARE our future!

Highlighted in the @ecotrain Nuggets post this morning.

Leading the curation trail for both @ecotrain & @eco-alex.
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