Kanji practice from now on
Again ready for Japanese learning, as one of the thing I want to get for this year! It is time I start this 10 level (Beginner) from this Japanese game. It looks easy I see mostly all kanjis I know but it happens that I still do not remember some lectures for use.

I got a 16 / 20, not bad but still i'm failing some kanjis. Lets see some kanjis from the records

Sentece: I hear the sound of the sea when I put a seashell (KAIGARA) on my ear (MIMI)

I should have written CHIKARA but I wrote CHIKACHI instead

Here the correct lecture should be TA not DA

I laughed so hard after this one. I just put ITSU ITSU but there should be read as HITO-TSU HITO-TSU
Now wait 'till the next practice you will see how i became a Kanji Master. No matter how much it takes or how difficult it is! GANBARIMASU!
Publicado desde mi Blog usando SteemPress : http://andresbloguea.260mb.net/2019/03/01/kanji-practice-from-now-on/