US Preparing to Strike Syria Under Any Pretext - For Israel (Forcing Iran Out of Syria)

in #steempress6 years ago


War in Syria 2018 - Operation "Basalt"


Source: PressTV

US official visits Syria's Kurdish-held territory, says American forces will remain

Sunday, August 26, 2018

A senior US official has paid a visit to northern Syria without the permission of Damascus, saying Washington will keep troops in the territories held by Kurdish militants.

State Department representative William Roebuck traveled Saturday to the cities of Manbij and Ayn al-Arab locally known as Kobani, both situated in Aleppo Province, as well as the town of Shaddadah in Hasakah Governorate. He was later due to visit Dayr al-Zawr Province which is held by US-backed Kurdish militants.

"We are prepared to stay here, as the president (Donald Trump) has made clear," he said after meeting with militants.

With the Syrian government focused on crushing foreign-backed militants and Takfiri terrorists, Kurdish militants carved out a de facto autonomous region in the country's north and northeast which was later occupied by US troops.

About 2,000 US troops and a lesser number of troops from France and other allies have been deployed to northeast Syria in territories under the control of Kurdish militants, raising fears that they might be aiming to partition the country.

Please go to PressTV to read the entire article.


The repeated method of using another false chemical attack to be blamed on the Syrian government which has failed repeatedly over the course of this seven year international criminal conspiracy to destroy Syria then break apart the country, is being rolled out again as the Russians move military assets to prevent an attack.

Russia Sends Largest Naval Armada Of Syrian War Amidst New Chemical Attack Warnings

UK's Olive Group Denies Involvement in Suspected Chemical Attack Plot in Syria


A new and what looks like a fourth attempt to blame a chemical weapons attack on the Syrian government looks like it is being coordinated by the UK just when economic sanctions against Russia in regards to the "case of the Skripal's", when sanctions take effect on August 27, 2018. The UK still claims Russia was responsible for poisoning Sergei Skripal and his daughter.

Breaking News, 24th of August, 2018


It would appear an impasse has been reached on how to get Iran out of Syria. So the US military, countless other foreign militaries, the Turkish military, special operations military groups, Israeli operatives, mercenaries from who knows where, thousands of foreign mercenaries and private intelligence networks can all operate in Syria but the Iranians can't? Even though the country of Iran borders Syria? So what will Israel do now to eject Iran from Syria? Have the US military begin a military attack on Syrian military targets? Even though John Bolton says that forcing Iran out of Syria isn't the US's "top priority", what would explain the sudden buildup of Russian naval assets in the Mediterranean?

Analysis: Everyone Wants to Get Iran Out of Syria. But No One Knows How to Do It

Bolton: Putin said he can’t force Iran out of Syria, but wants it gone


Foreign-backed militants are preparing for an attack on Iblib, Hama and Aleppo, Syria being financed, trained, provided logistics and armed by different countries including the US, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, France, Germany, UK and Israel. The circumstances in Syria after 7 years in the most brutal proxy war in recent history are complex and that is because there exist private intelligence networks involved in destroying Syria. The bottom line is Israel does not want Iranian interests in Syria.

Thousands of Militants Preparing Attack on Syria Hama, Aleppo – Russian Military




It would appear the Russians are prepared to go all the way.

Russian Official Shocks By Urging Tactical Nuke Deployment In Syria After Bolton Warning

Black Sea Fleet missile frigates to join Russia's Mediterranean task force


Good bye, John McCain, your ISIS terrorist proxy army will miss you for their big offensive on Iblib.

John McCain and President Trump are at war, but these photos show Senator McCain in bed with Al Qaeda and ISIS


At some point it would seem as though the US, Israel, Russia and other participants are discussing or perhaps even coordinating their actions in Syria.

Syrian War Report – August 23, 2018: 86,000 Militants Eliminated During Russian Operation In Syria

It doesn't matter if you are a ISIS proxy terrorist fighting for the highest pay master in Syria, if you go near the oil fields you risk getting bombed.
Syrian War Report – August 24, 2018: ISIS Attacks US-occupied Oil Fields In Euphrates Valley


Source: Tass

US preparing new strikes on Syrian government facilities - Russia's Defense Ministry

Military & Defense • August 25, 11:37 UTC+3

According to the Russian general, the provocation will be staged by terrorists of the Hayat Tahrir ash-Sham terrorist organization (formerly known as Jabhat al-Nusra outlawed in Russia)

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov • © Sergey Bobylev/TASS

MOSCOW, August 25. /TASS/. A provocation with an alleged chemical weapons use in Syria, which terrorists are plotting to stage with the assistance of UK special services, will serve as a pretext for missile strikes by the West and the United States against the Arab country, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said on Saturday.

According to the Russian general, the provocation will be staged by terrorists of the Hayat Tahrir ash-Sham terrorist organization (formerly known as Jabhat al-Nusra outlawed in Russia) and for this purpose eight containers with chlorine have been brought to the Idlib province.

"The staging of this provocation with the active participation of the UK special services is set to serve as a new pretext for missile and bomb strikes by the United States, Great Britain and France against Syria’s government and economic facilities," the spokesman said.

For this purpose, "the US Navy’s destroyer Sullivans with 56 cruise missiles on its board arrived in the Persian Gulf several days ago while a B-1B strategic bomber of the US Air Force armed with AGM-158 JASSM air-to-surface missiles was redeployed to the Al Udeid air base in Qatar," the Russian general said.

"Absolutely unfounded statements made by some high officials of the United States, Great Britain and France on Wednesday, August 22, about their intention to respond in the most resolute way to the alleged chemical weapons use by the Syrian government" can serve as an indirect confirmation of the preparations by the United States and its allies for a new act of aggression against Syria, the Russian Defense Ministry spokesman said.

"Therefore, the actions by Western countries contrary to public statements are aimed at another dramatic escalation of the situation in the Middle East and at disrupting the peace process on the territory of Syria," the Russian general stressed.

The US and its allies already used terrorists' provocations in the past as a pretext for delivering missile strikes against Syrian government facilities.

Please go to Tass to read the entire article.


Here is a good idea:

Seize the transnational corporations to rebuild Syria?



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