The Three Stooges Go to Washington: Part 2

in #steempress6 years ago





Last month we determined beyond a reasonable doubt that the Republican choice to be the 44th president is not who he says he is. Like the Bush clan, the McCain genealogical records, passenger manifests and other public records, or the suspicious lack thereof, are inconsistent with family biographies. Don Nicoloff has hit upon a model of research that reveals what these people really are not, where they came from and with whom they are associated. This month we conclude our peek into the truth and lies that surround the genealogical records and public persona of JS McCain III by picking up where we left off.

By Don Nicoloff

John Sidney McCain, Jr. (JS McCain II): The "official" story

JS McCain II, the father of Senator John Sidney McCain III (JS McCain III), was born in "Council Bluffs, Iowa" on January 17, 1911. Like his father JS McCain I before him and his son JS McCain III after, JS McCain II graduated near the bottom of his class at the U.S. Naval Academy, class of 1931. JS McCain II had disciplinary problems and was "consistently in trouble with the authorities."

JS McCain II married oil fortune heiress Roberta Wright at Caesar's Bar in Tijuana, Mexico, on January 21, 1933.

Despite educational and behavioral shortcomings, "Jack," as he preferred to be called, was brought up through the ranks and given command of the submarine "Gunnel" in 1943. His five patrols in the Pacific theatre during World War II have been described as "slight" successes.

After WWII through the 1950s, JS McCain II was assigned to numerous administrative posts at the Pentagon. Throughout the 1960s, JS McCain II held a series of posts in the Atlantic naval command and was promoted to full admiral May 1, 1967.

"Admiral" JS McCain II reached his pinnacle as Commander in Chief, U.S. Forces in the Pacific, from 1968-72. JS McCain II was involved in the investigations following the June 8, 1967 attack on the USS Liberty. The truth about Israel’s involvement and President Lyndon Johnson’s complicity in Israel’s unprovoked attack on a U.S. naval vessel—that killed 34 American sailors and wounded another 175—has only recently surfaced.

Roberta Wright McCain

The future wife of JS McCain II was born in Fayetteville, Arkansas, on February 7, 1912, to Archibald Wright of Mississippi—a wealthy Los Angeles oil wildcatter—and Myrtle Fletcher of Texas.

Roberta would travel to Colorado Springs, Colorado, to marry JS McCain II in 1933. It is claimed that her parents "were vehemently against the marriage" and thus the elopement to Tijuana.

Like the McCains, the millionaire Wrights were able to avoid the Social Security system. No tax records exist for either parent. In fact, no traceable birth records exist in Arkansas, nor in Texas, outside of biographical and amateur genealogical accounts. Those accounts reveal the same obfuscation techniques we have seen with the Bush family (The IO, April-June, 2007), the first part of this article (The IO, May, 2007) and other ongoing genealogical investigations of key people ascending to positions of political power.

The alleged farmer father of Archibald Wright, "Franklin Alexander Wright," is yet another fictitious character. Note that "Franklin" and "Alexander" ("Benjamin Franklin McCain" and "William Alexander McCain"—see part one) were two names also appearing as the "ancestors" of the "McCain" clan (the odds against these names being random coincidence, under these circumstances, are staggering).

Family biographies claim that, in 1933, Roberta's alleged twin sister Rowena Wright married John Luther Maddox, an airline maverick whose company became part of TWA. No tax, social security, or birth records exist for Maddox. The only references to his unnamed airline are in family biographies; no references to a John Luther Maddox or his airline company are found in TWA historical accounts or in reference to Transcontinental Air Transport/Western Air Express—the airlines that merged to form TWA in 1933.

Needle in a haystack: Albert McCann, aka JS McCain II

Albert McCann’s name appears on crew’s lists, particularly on ships owned by the same lines. Like his "father," John McCann/JS McCain I, Albert was confused about his age on more than one occasion. His declared citizenship and places of birth were "Ireland" and "America."

[Note: Boldface indicates data excerpted from original documents].

Albert’s first documented arrival was on April 27, 1908. On line 0001 of the "SS Caledonia" passenger manifest, Albert McCann, age 21 and a weaver from Belfast, Ireland, was on his way to Brooklyn, N.Y. He had previously been living with his father, Thomas McCann.

One cannot assume that this Albert McCann was the one being sought, though it is significant that his name appears on line one.

Arriving at Ellis Island on the SS Vasari, November 15, 1917, Albert McCann, Irish, age 28, 5’-7" and 140 lb., was an assistant steward.

On March 13, 1919, Albert McCann, crew member of the "SS Vasari," was age 30, 5’-3" tall, and weighed 126 lb.

By May 22, 1919, Albert L.J. McCann, sailing on the "SS Lake Lesa," which he had boarded in the British Isles, had grown 4 inches taller and weighed 135 lb. Albert, now age 20, had become a full-blooded American citizen.

Sailing on the "SS Santa Ana," December 13, 1919, Albert J. McCann, age 20, now 5'-6", was promoted to wiper. He was still an American, though no weight was recorded.

The significance of this voyage pertained to the ownership of the ship—the U.S. Navy.

The "Santa Ana" had sailed from Colon, Panama CZ (canal zone), the future location of Coco Solo Naval Submarine Base and the "McCain" clan.

The "SS Sinsinawa" sailed from Valencia, Spain, arriving in New York on May 6, 1924. Able Boatsman (A.B.) Albert McCann, now 24, had reached the height of 5'-8". Coincidentally, 1924 was the year that "John McCain" first appeared on crew's lists.

Genealogical records for "Albert McCann" are devoid of crucial information, though one record revealed a curious result. This author deduced that McCann might have been born in 1898.

There exists a record of "Albert McCann," born May 8, 1898 in Mulladry, Armagh, Ireland. His parents? "John McCann" and "Ellen Dillworth." Was this the "Mrs. McCann" found on several Ellis Island passenger manifests (see part 1)? And why was the name "Albert" chosen?

Edward VII, King of England, was originally named "Prince Albert Edward." Having determined the likelihood that John McCann was Albert's son in part 1, would it be a further stretch of the imagination to assume that Albert had also been sired by the future king?

Albert McCann, like his father, was also older than admitted. Stranger things have happened and the purpose for the obfuscation surrounding the fictitious "McCain" ancestry in the U.S. now becomes clearer.

The official accounts of Edward's own scholastic disabilities mirror those of all three "John Sidney McCains." Why should the U.S. Navy tolerate such ineptness? None were considered especially "bright" in class and were just as incompetent in battle. Their own biographies, those of the U.S. Navy and those of other historians, agree on both points. Records can be created out of thin air and they were in this case.

The "feel-good stories" about the "McCain" family of military "heroes" portray the very elements of brainwashing born out of the Tavistock Institute in London, England. Tavistock, formerly Wellington House, was funded by the British monarchy and the Rockefeller banking dynasty to advance the science of mass brainwashing and mind control.

What reasoning justifies such promotion to the rank of admiral? The only logical explanation is that King Edward VII and his son George V, the half-brother of "John McCann," were pulling the strings of the American government from 1860-1936. The plot was hatched and facilitated during Prince Albert Edward’s visit to Canada and the U.S. in 1860 (see part 1), before being implemented in 1892 and continued, at least, to the conclusion of George V's reign as "king-emperor" on January 20, 1936.

George’s reign also experienced a rise in socialism, fascism and Irish republicanism. And it was George V who hid the origins of the British royal family by changing his family's German name, "Battenberg" to "Mountbatten" upon his creation of the "House of Windsor."

Three U.S. presidents were assassinated after Albert Edward’s visit in 1860: Abraham Lincoln, 1865; James A. Garfield, 1881; and William McKinley, 1901 (Prince Albert Edward was crowned King of England on January 22, 1901). McKinley’s death opened the door to the presidency of Teddy Roosevelt, whose son was complicit in secreting the "McCann-McCain" clan into the U.S. via his United States and Roosevelt Lines and then the U.S. Navy (see part 1).

A quote from Teddy Roosevelt during the trial of "presidential assassin" Leon Czoglosz asked, "McKinley was not a captain of industry but a lifelong public servant. Why target him?"

Exactly. The infusion of the king's bloodline into American politics and the military/industrial complex would fix that reality. The Roosevelts were more than happy to oblige.

Senator JS McCain III: The "official" story

As mentioned at the outset, JS McCain III was born on August 29, 1936, at the Coco Solo Naval Hospital, Colon, Panama Canal Zone. His father and grandfather were reportedly "stationed at the base during this time."

In 1951, JS McCain III "attended Episcopal High School, a private preparatory school in Alexandria, Virginia," after his family moved to Northern Virginia. McCain’s graduation from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1958 revealed a class rank of "894/899 graduates." He was known for defending his friends against bullies and he became a lightweight boxer. Like his father, JS McCain III also had frequent run-ins with authorities and was known for his explosive temper.

JS McCain III was commissioned as an ensign, began two and one-half years of training to become a naval aviator at Pensacola and graduated from flight school in 1960, despite his reputation as a "party man."

Prior to his assignment on the USS Forrestal in 1966, he served with A-1 Skyraider squadrons on the USS Intrepid and USS Enterprise. JS McCain III also "survived two plane crashes and an encounter with power lines."

On July 29, 1967, JS McCain III was almost killed "when he was at the epicenter of the USS Forrestal fire." While "helping another pilot escape when a bomb exploded," he received shrapnel in both legs and his chest. One-hundred, thirty-four sailors were killed in the "accident," and "Lt. Commander McCain" volunteered for duty on the USS Oriskany.

JS McCain III's 4E Skyhawk was shot down by a missile over Hanoi on October 26, 1967, during his 23rd bombing mission over North Vietnam. With two fractured arms and one fractured leg, JS McCain III nearly drowned after parachuting into Truc Bach Lake. He was attacked by a mob, receiving a "crushed shoulder" and bayonet wounds.

At Hoa Loa Prison, JS McCain III was tortured by his captors and received no medical attention until they learned he was the son of an admiral. He then received medical attention and was treated more properly until his release on March 14, 1972. JS McCain III returned to the U.S. a war hero, resigning from the Navy in 1981.

By 1982, JS McCain III entered politics, first in the U.S. House of Representatives and was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986.

Please go to Don Nicoloff to read the remainder of Part 2 and Part 1.


[AD note: We do not subscribe to the erroneous information put out that John McCain was directly responsible for the disaster on the USS Forestal on July 29, 1967. Incidentally, the disaster on the USS Forestal happened about seven weeks after the Israel attack on the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967. Both McCain's, father and son in the US Navy, are connected to the USS Forestal ("the FID") disaster and the USS Liberty attack. Both incidents were an absolute embarrassment of major proportions for the US Navy in which 168 US Navy personnel in total were killed.]


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