SteemPH Manila Daily Featured Posts 12-Mar-2018
Hello Steemians of Mega Manila!
Today, we would like to share with you, some of our spectacular content authors of Steemit platform. They were hand-picked to be part of the daily featured posts. Are you excited to meet them?...
The Criteria:
• Over 300 Words Used
• At Least 3 Photos Used to Complement the Text
• Use of Basic Formatting
• Clarity (including thought organization, minimal grammar lapses, and overall presentation of the post)
• The Authors are all from Mega Manila
Post # 1

• Author: @robiney
• Link: top-6-places-worth-visiting-in-cebu-philippines
• Number of Words: >500
• Count of Photos: >20
• Clarity: Very Good
• Formatting: Good
Note: The photo was taken from the post.
Summary: In her post @robiney, she told us the top 6 (six) beautiful places to visit in Cebu City, Philippines. She gave detailed descriptions of each scenery and reason why we should visit the place. She also showed us the amazing views around it. If you are looking for a great place, add this in your bucket list and visit her blog @robiney.
This is a great travel article rob @robiney. Your post got 100% upvotes from @steemitph and @steemph.manila.
Post # 2

• Author: @luigienius
• Link: https: regressing-transportation-my-daily-journey-going-home
• Number of Words: >1000
• Count of Photos: 8
• Clarity: Very Good
• Formatting: Good
Note: The photo was taken from the post.
Summary: In his post @luigienius, he tackled the diversity of the transportation in the Philippines, both in rural and urban areas. He gave us three (3) phases of his journey from the office to his home. If you are commuters, you will surely relate to this article, a daily dose of dilemma especially to commuters situated in the centers of industry. If you want to know more about it, you can visit his blog @luigienius.
Wow! Nice to hear about your journey going home. You did a nice job giving us the three phases of it. Your post got 100% upvotes from @steemitph and @steemph.manila
Post # 3

• Author: @geneson.garcia
• Link: customized-laptop-and-monitor-stand-diy
• Number of Words: >2000
• Count of Photos: >20
• Clarity: Very Good
• Formatting: Good
Note: The photo was taken from the post.
Summary: In his post @geneson.garcia, he showed how to DIY a laptop and monitor stand, from a mess to a wonderful creation. He gave us the step by step process in doing so. He was so detailed in every step he took to make it happen. From the master plan, to end-product. His work was so amazing. If you need someone who can teach you in DIY, you can visit his blog @geneson.garcia. For sure he has a lot to offer.
Your work is so amazing and very informative @geneson.garcia . Congratulations! Continue sharing your talents to other Steemians. Your post got 100% upvotes from @steemitph and @steemph.manila.

This is @steemph.manila's effort to provide additional exposure to budding Steemians who exert effort to make awesome contents.
Follow @bayanihan to view the work of exceptional talents from the Philippines!
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Thank you @steemph.manila it's an honor to be featured on your article.
thank you so much po @steemph.manila. I'll do my best and will definitely more create quality posts. :)