in #steempeak6 years ago (edited)


When I first joined STEEM I didn't realize Steemit.com was simply one of several ways to interact with the Steem blockchain. (I also didn't realize that steemit the site rarely got updates because the focus was on the blockchain itself not the interface.)

For months I'd use random 3rd party sites for stuff like

  • Creating and saving drafts
  • Checking statistical charts
  • See who commonly voted on my work
  • Check the value and power of votes

I'd live on places like steemworld, steemwriter, upvoters, steemd, steemauto, ginabot, steemitmoreinfo... i loved that developers could create cool new tools and I was ok going to 8 different sites looking for answers. Back then there wasn't a better way.


Little did I know 6 months later I'd be helping a team to create a site that would have everything I needed and more. Now I'm creating a new interface that is not just a more visually pleasing but an interface that could include ALL those features into ONE LOCATION and save me major amounts of time and be usable.

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As you go through this list think of your "Steem Wishlist"
@steempeak has a contest right now for who comes up with the best NEW IDEA
Check it out on their profile


@steempeak has certainly made STEEM way more enjoyable and has saved me tons of valuable time.

Our team (@asgarth, @dmytrokorol and myself) wanted to create a site first and foremost for ourselves that would have EVERYTHING we wanted in one place. But we also wanted a site that we could refer to our friends that wouldn't confuse the crap out of them. It took me months to get a hang out Steem/steemit and I wanted to help create a place where it would be intuitive and easy for a beginner. (But first came the cool tools)

  • SAVE TIME (is a by-product)



We are not content and want it to be even better... but already it just seems so much more intuitive specially for a beginner which is a big goal. But even more exciting is that pictures are larger!! As a photographer this is a big deal and I think everyone is excited!

But let us know where things can be made more beautiful all while increasing the intuitive value of the site for beginners. We're not done improving the look even though so much time has been put into new Features.


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Lots of people are going crazy about the cool grid mode.
Personally i have refrained because I love seeing pictures large and I'm waiting for Grid mode to have quick comments and votes. But I understand the huge appeal.



I go on lots of photo trips and I get busy with other projects so some days it's hard for me to write up posts. That's why drafts is such a magical thing. Sure we can save the text in a google doc, on gmail or use steemwriter but having it ON the blogging platform is a whole new world... I promise you. And to be able to organize them... extra bonus.

I help run @photogames and @monsterworld and @steempeak and even using drafts to brainstorm new posts is a benefit.

Then to be able to save templates of the most common way I create drafts is also a big deal and huge time saving and organizational feature.


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Like i said when I'm gone traveling the world for pictures I am not always at the computer with my pictures and keyboard and time to post cool posts. I can use my cell phone to respond and continue voting and interacting but creating posts has always been difficult for me on any platform while I'm traveling or deep involved in a side project. So scheduling is a life saver!!

I've found the tool has saved me time and actually led to more interaction and voting from me


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This is perhaps one of the coolest things for this Photographer... specially as someone who always posts tons of pictures in my posts. But I also follow plenty of curation accounts and going through their pictures quickly is a beautiful thing.


_Image courtesty of @chronocrypto ... post here

I have visited numerous sites looking for charts and statistics about my progress on Steem... I know how beautiful it is to have ALL the charts in ONE LOCATION. Truth is we haven't updated or created new charts since the day SteemPeak was released so we're do to create and make these better.

In fact I joined the team when I was looking for a way to automate this concept of GSMI (Gauranteed Steemit Minimum Income) as a statistic that could be more trustable way to judge growth on your account. @asgarth was able to create that and I was sold. We still need to do a few more things to automate that and then publicize or more deeply integrate it.

I personally am waiting to use the stats/charts more when after we update them. I don't get much value from daily statistics I would prefer the numbers to be plotted by the week. But I know how exciting having charts on the same place you do all your other interactions is a really awesome concept. I'd love to hear what other charts and stats you'd like to see in this dashboard.



I am a big believer of crypto key security. The passwords we use should be guarded tightly and I personally think you should NEVER EVER use your master key (the original key you were given) except for when you need to change your password. I think every user should only use Posting or Active keys (aka passwords)

Also never use your active or even posting on a site you don't really really trust.
We expect you all to have the same concern. So we went with a trusted system called SteemConnect.
You will never input your keys into steempeak.com... all actions on the chain on the steempeak site are done via steemconnect.

Petition to steem connect
In addition we ask that SteemConnect fix or help us figure out a better way for people to login using the Posting Key. There is little reason to need the Active key on steempeak but right now we are limited by SteemConnect. (Note: there is a work around to this problem so many accounts are able to use their posting key but still... it shouldn't need to be a work around so please those who have connections to SteemConnect tell them we're begging them to fix this)


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Probably the second most time saving feature on SteemPeak for me. And a huge one for anyone that is a contributor on more than one account. Once you connect SteemConnect to multiple accounts you can then switch in an INSTANT.



This tool is gonna be more exciting than you think.
Don't think "browser bookmarks"... think more pinterest.
You'll find yourself marking tons of informative steem articles, saving contests you're interested in and of course saving longer posts you want to save for later.

The ability to give the bookmark tags makes bookmarks much more usable and opens up lots of use cases. Favorite recipes, ideas for future posts, how-to documents, places you want to go and a whole slew of rationales that made Pinterest a phenomena.

I'm excited for bookmarks to get even more updates and features. Stay tuned.


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Any constantly repeated actions should have a quick option. We were all constantly going to particular accounts and having to go into the URL and remember the exact spelling was a pain. So we created the ability to save those topics and users and get to them quickly.




Not only can you quickly and easily see the voting power, voting value of each vote you get. Every user gets access to the voting slider. It's big beautiful and easy to use. And in the settings you can set your default values for voting on posts and comments saving you tons of time over the weeks and months.


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You may want them or you may not... at least you have the choice now.

This was a recent request by a user on our Discord
We all have accounts we love and we want to support and some of the accounts we love happen to resteem a ton!! Sometimes we like seeing the new content they bring us and sometimes we just want to see the blogs from the accounts we personally follow.

... I've been bothered at times but didn't think to ask. But @r00sj3 asked and @asgarth implemented it in like a day... I guess the moral of the story is get on the discord and at least ask.



This is the feature that has saved me the most time of any feature.
I still can't believe that at one point I had to go to my original post just to be able to respond to a reply someone had sent me. Why would I need to go back to a post I was intimately familiar with because I personally wrote? Why can't i just see the comment and respond right there. If you don't understand what I'm talking about just go to SteemPeak go to the replies section and reply to a few comments and then I go back to the old way. It'll make you cringe.

Again more time saved means more of my life regained and more interaction I can do.


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Granted that a new update to STEEM has actually made this not quite as pivotal as previous it's still really handy to have.

Steem Blockchain has a feature that makes us wait 3 seconds between commenting and voting. I understand the logic behind it but up until recently the delay for commenting was 20 seconds not 3 seconds so we simply created a queue which would take your votes and comments and wait to post them when it was appropriate.


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You can watch Dtube videos right from the feed. YouTube coming soon.
This basically means you don't have to go into the post... specially when many video posts are only the video anyway so there's really no reason to need to go to the post.... you're getting all the content anyway and as we already know you can respond right in the feed as well.


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I have done things like look at how much I've sent an account (like @steemmonsters) or I'll check binance activity for me or others. I can also check on bid-bot activity. There's tons of options for searching the wallet aspects of the blockchain easily and quickly on accounts.



That's right there's an option to EXPAND and be able to see the whole post without having to leave your FEED.
You don't even have to loose your place in the feed you can read it all you can comment you can vote. OR you can go to the post just like always... but now you have a choice.


  • AutoVotes
  • Notifications
  • Private (off-chain) messaging
  • Improved editor functions
  • Curation Trail
  • More charts
  • And many PRO level features


We have proven that we are dedicated and quick.
We acknowledge there are errors to fix and @asgarth fixes them shockingly fast.

We do tons of updates EVERY WEEK.
We lost count of what version number we should be on because we've updated so many times.

There are tons more exciting features now than there were when we started a month ago.

This should make you excited about the future. We have a bunch of even more advanced PRO features.


I didn't even know this would be a question but apparently some sites charge a small fee to post using their system. We don't think that is bad because they're putting in valuable work but we just have chosen to not go down that route.


We have not promoted SteemPeak very much in the 4 weeks since launch. (On Purpose) We've been able to expand features and fix errors without the pressure of tons of users. Now we're ready for the primetime. And @asgarth has a consistent track record of responding to requests and bug reports in an insanely fast fashion. so... We're Ready for the Limelight.

And that's why I'm promoting this post. If anything deserves to be on the top of rewards @steempeak needs to be known about and seen.

Connect with us:
Website - https://steempeak.com
Discord - https://discord.gg/Fy3bca5
Account - @steempeak

FOLLOW THE TEAM @asgarth @dmytrokorol @jarvie



Please don't.

Haha i can see your concern.

I personally use autovotes already a ton to support good friends and projects I love, to me a vote is not Just about that singular post but about the content maker of the stuff I want to support. I feel like my interaction levels have increased a ton because of the other features on steempeak so all in all if this is a statement about improving interaction there are tons of things to be done in this area.

I have like 10+ autovotes set up and will spend an hour or two looking for new content to vote on ... so i spend way too much time as it is doing voting and even with autovotes I'll still wake up with 100% because those people just aren't posting. Granted I rarely do a full vote just so i have the ability to interact a crap ton.

But I think the issue is that it is a tool and it can be abused (not sure which forms of abuse you are most worried about)... also it's a tool that already exists... but i would hate to punish people like myself just because others will abuse it. Plus we'll probably limit the number of usages or do other things to limit abuse. If you have ideas down that line let us know. For example if there is a limit of 5 or 10 then people have to think pretty hard and make it a special decision.

Anyway in my mind an autovote to many people is probably better than a self-vote ... one is better interaction and helpful to others than self anyway (btw I do them both... but I also vote crazy amounts of stuff on a normal day)

I like the steempeak platform..will consider to steem on steempeak..thanks

Also you have more to share than this... I went and checked your post and you had some good suggestions for example in your last post about declining curration rewards on comments.
Never thought of that idea until i read it.

Jump on over to the discord or on @steempeak to share a few of those ideas. We may not align on our opinions on everything but we can still work on some cool stuff together.

dear really very good post


You will never input your keys into steempeak.com... all actions on the chain on the steempeak site are done via steemconnect.

Are you aware how SteemConnect works? Anyone using SteemConnect with your app, is delegating his posting authority to your app, and you can technically do any comment or voting for them.

If you really care about security, implement posting key login as soon as possible. If you don't and just wondered what to put in your article then I guess I'll never try your app

Sorry for the delay answering this. Unfortunately some of the features we created and some that we are planning requires our servers to have the token/key to operate on the blockchain.

I know that also without the posting key developers can always use the steemconnect token to broadcast votes or comments, but we NEED this in order to be able to let user schedule their post and have automatic upvote rules.

I also think that for a new application (like @steempeak) it's better to avoid storing the private keys, and much better to have the steemconnect tokens (that expire and can easily be revoked). I think most of the vote selling website do the same and also this is the same that steemauto do in order to be able to broadcast operation on behalf of the user.

If you know of an alternative method to do this please let me know and feel free to join our Discord channel ;)

So SteemConnect has facility to use the posting key login ? Because In most of the apps, when it redirects to SteemConnect , it asks for the active key. Can you explain where it would need the active vs Posting key ? And is it on the app to decide that ?

Yes, the app decides which authorities to request from the user. It's totally possible to only allow the posting authority, or even LESS than that with SteemConnect!

The bad thing with SteemConnect, is that any app developer can use the authorities of users who logged in on their app. For example, I totally can upvote as all the people who logged in on DTube with SteemConnect. I will not do it, but I could.

Sometimes back I had raised this with dmania, and I was told, it was not possible, I wonder, why all the apps are not using this. And may be it could be restricted from SteemConnect as well, to force to use a posting key for apps.

We would LOVE for steemconnect to allow posting key for login!!
Does anyone know how to make that happen or get a hold of them.

Right now there is a work around though so it's not like it's impossible.
I use the work around when logged into @SteemPeak account and several contributors use it for my @photogames account.

So you'll be able to use steempeak.com with your posting key just not as easily as simple login.
I can look up that work around or summon @r00sj3 or @asgarth who knows how to do it better.

However with that said @heimindanger i would love to have a discussion with a few people about the option of direct posting key login. Of course the main developer @asgarth should be doing more of the talking than me. But I've been telling everyone to only use POSTING recently. Just wish it was easier to do with steemconnect.

BUT... best of worlds is to just find a way to do it easier with steemconnect.
But... there is a way.

If your dev wants some help, I can help. It's actually pretty easy. All the transactions are exactly the same in the code, only the login part is different, but I can show him how to verify a posting key and see if it matches the official one on the blockchain. I do it with SteemJS in DTube

P.S: Im on discord.gg/dtube as heimindanger

Yes please, I'm very keen to know how to do this.

this is a damn fine post. bookmarking...

WOW, I am going to have to check this out!

That's what I like to hear! Hope you find some time saving tools and improve the overall experience of using steem.

ADDENDUM: @steempeak has a contest for who can come up with the best NEW idea for Steempeak.com ... aka go over there and express your STEEM wishlist. haha


definitely i will try it for sure. I have some ideas in my mind...thank you @jarvie


There are so many sites available. When will there be a mobile app that doesn’t charge and take a percentage of your post? A mobile app to post materials would be ideal.

We haven't really started working on the mobile site yet. (i do still use it plenty)
However when we do start work what would you like to see on an APP that a mobile site couldn't really do?

I am referring to a mobile version that is the equivalence of an iOS app, with all of the bells and whistles of the desktop. I think if there is something that can rotate portrait pictures automatically and show them correctly on the blockchain, that would be great.

Thanks for the heads up! Upvoted!!

I have a negative 1 reputation are my posts visible on STEEMPEAK?

yep i saw this.
@steempeak will eventually give people options that they get to choose to use to filter their experience as they desire.

Sounds good, I'm looking forward to seeing all the new features.

Jesus Christ this is SPECTACULAR! I'm swapping over from steemit to steempeak right now. I'm a photographer, and follow other photographer, so it's good in that regard too. You've implemented some stuff that I've had in various different apps that I've created since being here. I've often thought about combining everything, but honestly it seemed too hard (and I'm a shit UX designer). I'm so glad someone else has done it and done it well by the looks of it. Congrats on your hard work so far. On the face of it, this would appear to be the best steem front end by a LONG shot. Could be a bit of a game changer, as steemit.com is a pretty ordinary introduction to the steem environment for new users. If we get something like steempeak as the almost default front end, I think we'll see a much larger retention rate of new users. Again, well done guys!

Yeah don't think I haven't thought about how they should just swap it out for the good of steemit haha.
I want my photographer friends and youtuber friends to come over here and have a great first experience.

But a large corporation gets grilled on every tiny little thing they do. When it's a small group of private individuals I think we get away with more things just on the basis of saying we think it's best for us... or best for photographers (which we all are)

Anyway thanks for the feedback and enthusiasm... sounds like your experience was pretty similar to mine.

I was in the middle of developing a photographers browser extension for steemit that is displaying photos in grid, and was going to allow a slideshow of images. But Steempeak does all this, and probably nicer than I was doing it. I go a bit mental when I do app development, so it's good to have excuses to stop developing an app. :). Unfortunately it just means I'll put all that same energy into another app I'm developing and will wind up just as mental...

Have you considered doing notifications? That was another of my apps that I previously developed. But I pulled the plug because I got sick of paying for the server and not getting enough support from the community. I.e. I went mental... :)

Yes @revo notifications is on the list but we know it's a big one so we're waiting until after autovotes. We'd love to hear about your experience with it. If you jump on the discord we'll get you on the private brainstorming channel and have a conversation about it. @asgarth has started to look into what's needed.

Personally i'm excited to have some developers as users I know they can be a tough audience but they can be a great resource.

Thanks, feel free to join us on Discord to stay up to date with the latest news and to discuss about what will come next :)

Well said. Its encouraging to know there is such creative and prolific talent on Steemit.As you say,it will inspire user retention.

Yep if people are saving time, having a more pleasant interaction experience and are generally less confused ... then I think they stick with it.

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