Can I Ask You A Simple Question? SteemNews - Celebrating A Rather Remarkable Blockchain Achievement - Read On To Discover A True Blockchain Ambassador...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemnews5 years ago

A simple question you ask, yes indeed and I will bet I can hazard a guess at your answer.

If you are brand new here or living in a Tibetan monastery closed off to the outside world or maybe if you've been living beneath a remote rock in a desolate wasteland for the past few years you may have a legitimate reason to be flummoxed and flabbergasted by your lack of knowledge on the matter I am going to share today.

However for everybody else I am going to be detailing a blockchain project that you will be incredibly familiar with and will have doubtless encountered many, many times over your time within the Steemiverse.

The question? Ok Ok I'm getting to it, be patient for a moment young Padawan!

Are you familiar with the Steem News produced by the legend/enigma/ ((AKA self professed ordinary guy 😁 )) @pennsif ?

What am I saying? Of course you are!


It is an initiative synonymous with Steem and has been for quite some time, have you ever wondered just how long? What I am about to share with you may surprise you...

Now I am sure that many of you will have been featured in the Steem news or had your project promoted at one time or another and I am certain you have ((as I have)) learned about a multitude of Steem initiatives, become familiar with causes or maybe used knowledge within the occasional edition to inform, assist and guide you through understanding updates and changes to the blockchain.

I am sure that by now you are wondering why I am asking you about this, although many who know my rambling, verbose and slightly random nature will just think I have been allowed to run free on my keyboard once again...

I just wanted to highlight a matter that I believe we should celebrate and indeed congratulate as a community, a community that is so often found wanting in the search for ambassadors and leaders who have both longevity, and commitment to this amazing platform for connection and engagement that we have at our fingertips that I think we often take for granted.

The Steem News just celebrated it's 250th edition!!!

Graphic by @pennsif...Uhhm...Obviously!!!

YUP! That's not a typo - I really did say 250!!!

In a world of here today gone tomorrow ideas, projects and mediums, that sort of single handed commitment over such a long span of time is remarkable, admirable ((and if you ask this rambling, verbose, foolish blogger dude)) quite frikkin' magnificent.

Now just In case you are thinking of the time-frame as being not quite as gargantuan as I am suggesting, how many times have you heard the term:

"A week on the blockchain is like 6 months in the ((so called)) real world?"

I just wanted to take a moment to celebrate the work of one man who has, in my opinion, stayed true to his unshakable belief in the blockchain we inhabit. Moreover I wanted to make the point that even the most cursory glance within an edition of the Steem News proves what many of us have long since suspected, there is more going on here on any given day than those who proclaim Steem to be a "failed experiment" could ever comprehend.

We are far from dead and although we occasionally appear to be down, we are most certainly not out!

Who knows what the future holds???

So please take a moment to check out THIS MAGICAL TELEPORTY LINK THINGUMMYJIG to the 250th edition post to send your very best wishes and maybe show a little love to a true ambassador ((albeit an unassuming one)) who leads by example. A man who has often been found hosting shows on Discord, frequenting hangouts promoting community endeavours and promoting Steem meetups in the real world. I believe this stems from an absolute rock solid belief and understanding that true connection and engagement is exactly the thing that will create a solid community that achieves what it has oft underachieved in the long-term.

Never forget that as an emerging technology, blockchains and indeed cryptocurrency in general are still in their absolute infancy, the big picture, mass adoption and gloabl utility and an socio-economic means of exchange are still ((in my estimation)) some way off but as long as the pioneers keep on leading from the front, the rest of us will have the semblance of a 'well trodden' path and a beacon to follow.

I know that @pennsif is a somewhat humble and unassuming man who may not recognise himself within the nonsensical ramblings hinting at high praise that I have thrown ((messily and somewhat shambolically)) at this page. My great hope is that I have in no way caused embarrassment with my slightly fangirlesque gushing admiration for a true gentleman who gives of himself in the spirit of, and for the benefit of the spirit and noble notion of community.

Kudos to you my friend on quite an achievement ((although I have long suspected it to be a labour of love)) I wish you and yours well for the future and cannot wait to do this all again in celebration of the 500th edition 😁

From me and from the wider community both old, new and yet to arrive...

Thanks a million


Great hommage. Without @pennsif we wouldn’t have found our path into STEEM community that fast. Thanks to @shanibeer for connecting us.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks so much for stopping by it is more than appreciated🙂

Indeed, he is a true gentleman who is always eager to help and foster a greater sense of community in those whom he crosses paths with. Whether chatting with him in the comments section or in a Discord hangout there is always a sense of great ease as if you are having a natter with somebody you've known for years.

I feel that it is time to I follow that spectacular lead and take a share of the workload on introducing newcomers to the platform and helping them to feel at home in 2020.

With people like this in our midst, how the heck could we possibly fail?

Thanks again, take great care 🙂

Thank you!

Thank you for these very kind words @stevenwood.

It has been a long haul, with a couple of breaks along the way. But it never ceases to amaze me the amount of activity happening on the Steem blockchain when we scratch a little beneath the surface.

Our collective task now is to go out and tell the world about it.

Oh my friend, let me tell ya, you are far more than welcome and it is just a tiny part of the acknowledgement and recognition you deserve for a job well done. I have had a crappy last 12 months or so due to many health issues that I am tating to recover from and spend a little more time around the blockchain again. The reason I mention this is that one of the first things I did after the most recent hardfork and being away for a longer than usual spell was to hit the search bar and key in the letters P-E-N-N... ((well I'm sure you know where this is going...))

I knew that when I hit your page I would have a flavour of the state of Steem and I did! There is a hardcore of people here that share your ethos and belief in relation to this fabulous community that lays the foundations for the rest of us.

In relation to your observation or should that be rallying cry?

Our collective task now is to go out and tell the world about it.

I accept that challenge my friend. I hope that the suitably futuristic sound of the year 2020 ((many considerably younger than we, may not quite see it that way BUT I know you know what I mean lol)) speaks of an era where we start to make that quantum leap that has been a while in coming but was always coming nevertheless.

I have said it before and shall say it again. The future's bright thanks to those I consider pioneers ((certain by now that you realise I regard you as such lol)) who already blazed the trail for the rest of us to follow. I intend to think up some creative ways to promote just what we have here and to bring in some wonderful new people who would benefit greatly for the immense sense of community and connection we enjoy here.

When I saw that substantial, milestone number 250 next to yet another edition of the Steem News I just knew I had to take a moment to share my thoughts and at least mark the moment. I'm sure you realise I don't have the most substantial following or the highest engagement here but still wanted to take a few minutes to say thankyou, congratulations and maybe introduce a few newer members to the Steem News.

Long may it reign my friend. Take great care and hope to catch up again soon when maybe I have begun to master the skill of brevity ((although I doubt it very much!!!))

Thanks again Steven.

I hope we can all push forward and begin to build the numbers on Steem.

What a wonderful post. Thank you for taking the time to craft it. I had heard of Steem News and may even follow, but I don't recall for sure. Now about to enter the portal :-)


Hello my friend can I just take this opportunity to wish you a massive, warm welcome to the Steem community I see you have been here for a little over a month and are already setting an example to many others who have been here for a far longer time. The best part about you stopping by to comment is that I love to meet new friends and make connections with new and interesting people from all walks of life and every corner of this beautiful planet.

I checked out your page and wow! I am incredibly impressed, I gotta say that the opening line of your bio grabbed my attention immediately and told me the biggest thing I could ever want to know about you...

Actively Co-creating Peace on Earth.

That my friend is the most noble aim and the greatest challenge facing us today and those few small words hinting at a far BIGGER aim and sentiment makes me incredibly happy to know you and to be filled with gratitude that we crossed paths 🙂

Thankyou for taking the time to stopby and connect, I am very happy you did. I was going to suggest a couple of follows for you, I see that you have already encountered @ecotrain from your resteems I wonder if you have crossed paths with the wonderfully lovely Aishlinn yet AKA @trucklife-family @samstonehill is a warm, well informed energy aware guy you would like and the @naturalmedicine community will, I have no doubt, lead you to many wonderful people you would share a common thread with.

Take great care of you and yours my friend, once again let me say it is wonderful to meet you 🙂

P.S The Steem News is an amazing font of info on what is going on within the community and can lead you towards many undiscovered, projects, initiatives and enriching niche communities.

Another very thoughtful and well crafted post from you Steven. Very happy to meet you too. Already connected with all you mentioned except Sam, but now I am following.

Thanks for the tips.

Peace be with you

Thnx for sharing. A great post for those who haven’t heard about the Steem News Community 🙂

Thankyou my friend I am incredibly happy to meet you and would love to welcome you to the Steem community, I see you are very new here and have made a truly wonderful start so kudos to you on that I have no doubt you are going to be a wonderful asset to the family here and look forward to crossing paths with you many, many times in the future 🙂

The Steem News can be a great asset when you are new here and looking for areas to connect and engage and also when looking for projects and initiatives that appeal to your specific set of interests. I see you have a keen interest in the tech side of the blockchain, I am certain you will find many ways to connect with others of a similar nature here.

Glad you have chosen to make a home on Steem, again let me say it is awesome to have you here! 🙂

Take great care of you and yours, look forward to connecting many times as the journey progresses 🙂

Thank you. Happy to see such a warm welcome and great interest into my posts. Rreally appreciate it and it is great to see such thing.😃

@pennsif is certainly a man who can help you escape 'the man'!

A true legend of the Steem blockchain!

Hey there RS thank you so much for taking the time to stop-by and help to celebrate the wonderful efforts of a truly fabulous man. It is a loooong time since we crossed paths and great to see you, here, engagin' as ever and just doing it still... Even though Steem died already sheesh it seems that guys like you and @pennsif just don't seem to care that nobody is here, no projects exist and we are just sitting playing the fiddle as the ashes of the failed Steem experiment blow by...

It is befuddling and strange that the people who engaged and created and chatted while Steem was at the giddy price-highs of 2 years ago would still be here doing the same despite the naysayers sayin' nay... You could almost be forgiven for thinking it had something to do with more than the Steem price huh?

Thanks again for taking a moment out and helping with a little engagement and celebration of a lovely guy, take great care of you and yours, hope to cross paths very soon 🙂

Thanks Karl, I'm forever on the run...

Thanks for alerting me to this milestone... @pennsif is a mighty fine fellow.



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