RE: SteemMonsters is a scam and we need to be talking about this.
Aside from calling the game a scam, most of your criticisms are spot-on. It was developed by two guys in their spare time over a few months. We were abundantly clear that the fighting would be automated from the very beginning, so if anyone is surprised by that, that's on them.
We are definitely taking advantage of the general hype around anything crypto/blockchain-related to raise money to do something that we would likely never have had the chance to do otherwise.
The game is poor at best right now, overly confusing, lacks any sort of help or tutorial for new players, and has no way to move up other than buying cards. We get that. The "bet", by those who have invested, is that it will improve in the future, dramatically.
Will it? I don't know. That's for each person to decide. All I can do is promise to do everything I can to make it happen.
I hope the development can catch up to the hype before people start getting burned out on the gameplay. You are obviously aware of the issues the game has. It seems like y’all got swept up in the excitement and put out the game before you should have.
Gamers are excitable but they are fickle and lose interest quickly, especially casual gamers. This is compounded by Steem being such a small community with new users not pouring in, and even then they take a while to build steem to invest or even fully understand the platform. You have a short window to make this game what it needs to be to be sustainable. MySpace was a global juggernaut one day, and forgotten the next.
On a side note, y’all seem like sincere guys so please don’t take my shit talking personally. I stand behind the points I made, but the bombastic vulgarity is just kind of my schtick.
Like I told aggro; I hope I’m wrong.
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