Steem Monsters Feedback Requests and Opportunites!

in #steemmonsters6 years ago (edited)

New Logo!

Hey guys, things are going extremely well! We're making good progress on a lot of fronts and we want to check in with stakeholders to see if the will of the community is behind us in our current plans.

For fun, let's start with this as a new amazing logo created by our Creative Director, @nateaguila!

We have also purchased the green logo from @mrgodsby and have the rights to that too. As part of a whole branding initiative we're planning on rolling this out as the official logo. The Godsby one looks great but it doesn't fit as well with the overall branding that we are going for. That said, it's ours and free for the community to use for promotional purposes.

We're also in the process of updating the design of the entire website to provide a cohesive and fully immersive experience and we're excited to get that rolled out to everyone in the next few weeks. In the meantime, let us know your feedback on the new logo!

End of an Alpha!

We're quickly approaching the end of the Alpha period of the project. September is right around the corner and we're targeting October as the start of the Beta. Our plan is to start the Beta period after either 300k total Alpha booster packs are sold (~200k more than have been sold already) or on October 1st, whichever comes first.

As you know, once the Beta period starts then the Alpha editions of the cards will no longer be purchasable on the site. All packs purchased after the start of the Beta will contain Beta edition cards. We will be adding some type of visual indicator on the cards to easily identify which edition they are from.

That brings us to the question of how to handle combining duplicate cards from different editions. Our goal is to ensure that combining cards to level them up for use in gameplay is not at odds with preserving their potential value as collectibles.

In order to achieve that we propose the following system:

  1. Alpha and Beta (as well as future edition) cards of the same type may be combined together as normal to create a single card with more XP which will unlock more stats and abilities in the game.
  2. When viewed through the website each card will show what percent of the card is made up from each edition. For example, if I combine 10 Alpha Fire Beetles with 30 Beta Fire Beetles, the resulting Fire Beetle card will show 25% Alpha and 75% Beta.
  3. The visual edition indicator shown on the cards will show whichever edition makes up the majority of the card. In the example above it would show the card as Beta edition because it is made up of more Beta cards than Alpha cards. If it is made up of an equal number of cards from one or more edition it will show the earliest edition.
  4. Most importantly, we will begin to allow un-combining of cards back to their respective editions. In the Fire Beetle example above, this means that you will be able to un-combine the Fire Beetle into two cards - one made up of 10 Alpha Fire Beetles and one made up of 30 Beta Fire Beetles. You will not be able to un-combine any further than this.
  5. If a card has gained additional XP through gameplay and is un-combined back into its separate editions, that XP will be split up among the un-combined cards based on the percentage they comprised of the original card. Again using the Fire Beetle example, the card made up of 40 Fire Beetles combined will have 80 XP. If another 20 XP is earned through gameplay and the cards are un-combined, then the resulting Alpha card will have 25 XP (20 from the 10 Alpha Fire Beetles combined into it and 5 representing 25% of the additional 20 XP earned) and the resulting Beta card will have 75 XP (60 from the 30 Beta Fire Beetles combined into it and 15 representing 75% of the additional 20 XP earned).

We feel that the above mechanism best achieves the goal of allowing players to combine their cards to use in gameplay while still always having the option of retrieving the cards from a specific edition to sell or trade if desired.

Game Roadmap - What's Coming!

  1. Fighting is on track for September (though the UI might be a little rough at first!)
  2. Kickstarter is on track for September (we'll accept crypto too for sure, but the main purpose of this is to attract players from outside the Steem and crypto communities)
  3. The gameplay mechanics and initial card stats should be available later this month!

Kickstarter - All of September!

Here's a preview of what we're thinking- It's text only for now. Art and video are coming.

We'll also make it available on Fundition and accept crypto with the same rewards available, so don't freak out that we're doing this on Kickstarter. The whole point is to get non-crypto people onto Steem and using it. Can't do that on Steem-centric platforms!

Game Jam - Late August!

This is a heads up that we're going to be running a game jam at the end of August. A game jam is where people get together to make teams to make mini games. We're going to sponsor one with Steem Monsters. Make a runner, an old school rpg, or a card game. We'll choose winning teams and give them up to $1000 worth of stuff! If things look promising we'll figure out a way to collaborate and either pay for some of the development or help you get some marketing going for your game.

Thank you for your continued support!

Steem Monsters Contact Info

Official Account: @steemmonsters


A Steem Monsters identity design for all channels is great news! This should really push forward branding of it.

The irreversible operation of combining remains like now and i'm fine with it til the point where you make a mistake. I had such situation with trading cards and wished we (i and @nikokafka) could un-combine these cards to immediately see what went wrong. Imagine the following situation:

  • we made a trade 3x Chromatic Dragon vs. 3x Lightning Dragon - sent the cards to each other
  • he combined the Chromatics and then recognized that he was overleveled with 900 XP asked me if i had sent one of the three with Lvl2
  • maybe he was right, but we couldn't figure out what really happened because you cannot simply look in a combined card to see the history tree of combining and ownership.. i tried to inspect the blockchain with ID C-N3SRFO0TAO of the combined Chromatic with the help of @blervin but soon realized that was not for me and gave up

Un-combining in this situation would be really helpful but i think not necessary if you have the right tools and visualization of combining history on hand. Please take this in consideration. It would be also interesting for collectors to see family tree of combined cards with all buyers, sellers, last ownership for example.. and would be real life saver for such mistakes, which can also happen with wrong pricing a leveled-up card.

Currently it's quite hard do determine the market value of a combined card because you don't know how many cards are inside a combined if you don't know about the level-up-system with number of needed cards in detail. It's also hard for buyers to realize the value of such offered cards, often they remain in the market (my experience with offers), because i guess not many can calculate it or want calculate it.. and missing a steal. It could also be helpful for the market to give an estimate for sellers what their card (e. g. lvl5 rare) is worth with the currently cheapest price for a single cards (x combined cards).

So maybe it's worth a consideration to make un-combining possible to single card level for all cards. Imagine the first card ever created in the game is stucking in a combined card and you cannot extract it and it could worth $1 million for a collector? 😂

Another topic are statistics. There were distorted views regarding the number of owned cards in some statistics because of forgetting counting un-combined cards owned by a collector/player. You can have just 1 cards but in reality you own 379 single cards combined in a max-lvl common. Key numbers could be:

  • number of single cards (also combined broken down)
  • total XP with all cards (would be also indicator of how many cards someone really holds)

Game Jam looks like building alternative games in the SM universe as i understand right?

Thanks for limiting supply to a definite number of 300k packs or below now and a alpha sign. But i thought the current edition with the individual characters would be not available anymore. What is the reason to distribute them further in beta? I thought of whole new editions and that the alpha cards can be freely traded between collectors and player like now. Is there a certain point when current characters will be stopped completely?

It would be also interesting for collectors to see family tree of combined cards with all buyers, sellers, last ownership for example.. I think this would be a great tool. Maybe there's someone in the community that would be able to create this, and let Steemmonsters focus on making a great game. I would be willing to sponsor someone to create this, donate time, funds, etc..🔥

We're also in the process of updating the design of the entire website to provide a cohesive and fully immersive experience and we're excited to get that rolled out to everyone in the next few weeks.

@steemmonsters, I hope this also includes accessibility improvements. As a visually impaired person and a screen reader user, it's very hard for me to browse the website and know which card is which, because the filter icons and cards are clickable images that can't be interacted from the keyboard and have no text for the screen reader to identify them (at least some alt text with the card's name would be nice). This happens on the "My Collection" page, the "Card Packs" page when opening packs (inability to identify the cards removes most of the excitement of opening a pack and checking what cards are in it), and also the market!

I had suggested a simple fix on this other post's comment, but don't know if it was taken into account or not. This whole struggle even got me into writing a post about how to make clickable objects accessible to screen readers, which might also be useful for understanding the problem and implementing the fixes.

I really hope that the website becomes more accessible, and that battles will be accessible too.

The gameplay mechanics and initial card stats should be available later this month!

I'm looking forward to this!

Oh wow! such a great update , I really love the new logo by @nateaguila ! love the one by @mrgodsby , I actually created a fire logo from that in toolwhiz photos I will show below, I did a post about it a while back 13 days ago. Im having fun right now collecting cards and still looking for my first elusive gold legendaries ! I have never played these games before , I hope they are not to difficult or complicated, I will see when the time arrives in September , what its all about! great post @steemmonsters !upped and resteemed👾👹👿💕👍

Hey guys it's actually @mrgodby not Godsby! Check him out and show him some love.

What I really like about the @steemmonsters project is that it has a very "rich" and professional look to it... which I believe will help it go very very far. There's nothing here that smells of "made in Bob's basement" (no disrespect to Bob!) and that will carry you forward a LONG way.

It's exciting to see these new developments... and the prospect of what will happen when major exposure outside the Steemit community happens; that's also exciting. And it could just help change the future of Steem, when it really takes off!

And yes, I really dig the new logo!

Strongly agree with this!

Sweet can't wait to battle my monsters!

This all sounds AWESOMMME and I love the new logo :D

Wow what a great logo, congratulations.

nice game and nice logo

So no one is going to ask about the new monsters on the logo?

That is not the droid you're looking for.

I need you to know that this comment sent me off into a land of distraction far, far away...

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