Mene Harvest Plan And Steem Monsters 10 Pack Giveaway!

in #steemmonsters7 years ago (edited)

Steem monsters mene investment jewelry.png

If you're stalking me then you know that I won a lot of steem monsters packs because @goldmatters holds crazy contests! So now, I can have some contests of my own!!

I'm giving away 10 of those booster packs to one of you guys!

So how do you get in on this steem monsters action? I'm about to tell you, but let me show you something cool first!

Wellll there's something else I'm a little crazy about lately. And I'm finally taking the plunge!!

There's this website for investment jewelry called Mene. You probably have heard of it because it's gone a little viral on steemit, thanks to some crazy steemians with their weird-tool-unboxings (ahem @goldmatters @goldfashioned @tbnfl4sun @alphasteem @coruscate @ALotOfOtherSteemians).

And the plunge I'm taking is getting in on their harvest plan!!

I keep hearing about it and just had to check it out for myself.

I'm extra excited because the price for gold is still low right now!

So, I got on the site to get a pair of earrings I've been admiring for a while (I'm going to get them for my mom, but that's just because I know she's nice enough to share them with me haha):

I got excited again to see that shipping comes with FREE shipping insurance!!!!

Wow, Mene...can you get any better?! You just keep surprising me with your awesomeness!

I clicked to the next page and my heart started beating even faster as I realized that Mene was scoring even MORE brownie points than they did on the last page.

They accept paypal, bitpay AND funds from coinbase. Or you can use your credit card if you want and rack up some points for buying gold! All of these options got me excited!!!

I decided to stick with fiat because HODLing is what I do in my free time for fun.

Then I saw that I could choose if I want to pay over 3, 6 or 9 months. Wow, thanks for the flexibility! I'm all about that flexible lifestyle (except for the fact that I can't do the splits anymore).

AND I could choose if I wanted to put 10% down, 20, 30, 40 or more!! YAY! They're making it way too easy for me to justify adding this to my shopping cart !

It's totally justifiable because just LOOK at the gold value. My fee to buy 24k investment gold that I can also wear and look awesome in is only $30?!? And gold value is going to go UP while my USD value is going to go DOWN? Just sign me up now. I'm basically preserving the value of my dollar (and maybe I could even make some $$) if I buy this

Worst case scenario, for some reason I need $ again, Mene will buy the jewelry back from me at a fair price! Yay!

So what does this have to do with steem monsters?

Ok, not really anything, other than gold and steem monsters are both awesome.

AND, if you get a RARE steem monsters card, you could sell it for $$$ and then power up your account or buy REAL gold with it!!!

See? This one's worth $970!

Okay, so how can you win these steem monsters cards?


Step 1: Click these green words to sign up with my Mene invite link here and you will get a $5 dollar credit just for signing up. Take a screenshot of your acceptance and I'll enter you to win the 10 packs of cards!** (You have to be a new Mene customer to qualify...sorry if you already are, I'll think of a giveaway for you, too)

Step 2: Re-steem and I'll put your name in the hat twice to increase your chances of winning.

Step 3: Mention something you like about the harvest plan or Mene in the comments and I'll put your name in the hat for 3 times the chance to win.

Step 4: Tag a friend to let them know about this contest and I'll put your name in the hat 4x for 4x the chance to win! Boy, this is getting crazy. I need to lay off the late-night bakery cake.

That's it!

At least one lucky person that signs up will get 10 Steem monsters booster packs!!

There's something in it for everyone

When you sign up, you'll automatically get $5 of Mene credit towards your first purchase.

Then, you can share your OWN invite link with your friends. When they sign up, you'll get another $5. When they purchase, you'll get $50 credit!

These credits will be paid to both you and the person who originally used your invite-link to join Menē!

P.S. I'll fix my grammar errors and typos tomorrow. Or maybe I won't. Great thing about steem is I do what I want (and typically you all are nice enough to not care too much about the typos).


Hey this Menē thing is pretty cool! I am listing what I have completed in this comment.

  • Clicked the link and signed up with your affiliate link...

  • Resteemed this post...

  • The charitable work of Menē is what I like most about this company.

    Menē’s auction lot item raised €50,000 for UNICEF initiatives.
    Quote from Menē’s website

  • Gold is expensive, but maybe my friends @battleaxe and @reverendrum may be interested. Most especially @reverendrum as a gift might keep him from wandering around in his backyard! Just kidding.

Well, completed all four tasks. Good fortune to everyone entering and thank you @nomadicsoul for hosting this contest!

Thanks so much!!!! I'm putting your name in the drawing hat several times as we speak @sgt-dan!

Thank you so much!

What a great contest!

I’m entering !!

1.Well I guess Its too late for me for this one ... but to prove I signed up Ill show you this new ring that just went live:



3.The Mene Harvest plan is great because of the reasons your stated so eloquently and also because what other payment plan lets you shed your worthless fiat for gold charging NO INTEREST

4.@goldfashioned you better resteem this

I <3 Mene 24k

Dude yes NO INTEREST!!!! I love that!!!! haha I love your entry! Yeah, I noticed some new rings tonight. So exciting!

More exciting things to come :)

Did you know Steemmonsters discord has a giveaway postpromotion channel? Just sayin....

I love all of this!!!

  • And even though I've already signed up I'll enter anyways!


  • I think you and @goldmatters took care of the explaining... but I just love how I can utilize the harvest plan to purchase gold or platinum for the GLD- WITHOUT having to worry about the metal price going up!


  • You already tagged him but I have to tag @tbnfl4sun because he is the king of Mene harvest plans :)

Thanks @goldfashioned, I'm watching for that blow off bottom in prices, the one that happens when people need liquidity because they are over-leveraged, and then I'm going in big for the grammage!

hahaha you and @goldmatters crack me up with your contest entrances! Right?! I love not worrying about price going up! Thank you!!! I love your dog! Thank you @goldfashioned!

ah, was I too late to enter? Screenshot (16).png

You're not too late @voltriph thanks for entering!!!

Misspell all you want, don't care :D...Whooo! Finally We are here, been wondering what happened to this contest, I am still very hopeful for the $2k Steem Monster Card, That will go a long way to doing alot I need done here, so you can be sure I have completed my 4 hats on this contest, and yes, you can bag that as well lol

I love mene, I think they have even had enough of me and my wishes on their fine jewelry, I was kind of waiting to have anything to show for before I could sign up with them, but for the love of that $2k card (possibly), I am good to go NOW!

I mostly admire how they have managed to capture everyone's interest with their cool amazing products, it's not an easy thing to promote products on the blockchain, for that hats off @goldmatters.

To Conclude, I would like to invite @prettynicevideo to join in this contest, she's a dear and I feel she deserves some goodness in her life right at this moment, also because, I know if she gets a $2k card she'll be crazy enough to share it, (with me of course) LOL

4hats in :)

Thanks for the kind words :)

;) with pleasure

haha she sounds like a great friend!!! Thanks for participating! Also, I wrote you on discord :)

Damn. Been All over trying to Keep Up with Steemhunt lol, Haven't Been on discord yet, I'll jump right in :)

Thanks for the giveaway !

Signed up for MENE

Something I like about MENE is their designs and the $5 sign up bonus / and the referral credit is nice as well.

@steven-patrick / @mysearchisover / @onefatindian

Sweet! Yeah it's all so nice! Thanks for entering!

I just created an account with your link! 🎉😉



It's a great place to buy gifts and this Hamsa looks preety cool! 🌟😮 @the.foodini I'm just saying.😃
Now I can add more love to this comment because I arrived to Krabi from Langkawi and found a place to stay!
Thanks @nomadicsoul for this contest! It's always good to know some good opportunity from business woman like You!
Now I'm ashamed because I don't have even one Steem Monsters Card. I deffinitely have to give more love for this great project/Monsters!❤️
And I'm glad that you become more and more powerful. All the best Nomad-Business-Woman!

Hi! I am very want to participate in your contest. But unfortunately I am already joined to mene. So I'll be waiting for your next challenge. Resteemed.

thank you!!! I appreciate it so much @travoved!

What a great contest, I love it!

Thank you @oversin! You can still enter if you want!! It would only take maybe 2 minutes!

Here you go!
Upvoted and resteemed <3

Thanks so much!! Entering your name as we speak @frejafri!

I'd participate but there's too many people. Low odds make me depressed, lol.

lol that's why I added the more people you tag, the more odds you get! Like tagging 10 people = 10 entries basically, well actually 11 if you sign up also.

So far I have 14 names, so odds aren't TOO bad. Although some of those people tagged about 5 people so they have their names in 6 times. But still.

I know you also may not want to tag people or resteem. I remember a long time ago, you said you don't like the requirement of resteeming (I think).

But yeah, I feel you.

I don't like low odds either. Unless it's for something I can control. Like "best writer" or "best design."

If I think a ton of people entered but my skill could get me ahead, then I'm more likely to do it.

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