Steemmonsters - Burn your (worthless) cards and get HUGE upvote!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemmonsters6 years ago

As a Steemmonsters Maverick, I am entitled to a 45% upvote by the @steemmonsters account, that is worth around $1.60. But I don't use this service very often. Many people are abusing the free upvote by posting shit post with just a screenshot and a few lines or rubbish. Therefore, I will be starting a new initiative that hopefully brings more value to Steemmonsters and SM Hodlers.

Burn your cards and earn upvote


Players currently can get Steemmonsters Rewards cards by completing daily quests and season ranking. However, as we all know, majority of these Rewards cards are worthless. Some of them are selling for $0.01 on the market.

Instead of trying to sell your worthless Rewards cards, I will encourage you to burn them by sending to the @null account. In return, I will give you my Maverick upvote as a reward.

Here is how it works.

  • Burn at least $1 worth of Rewards cards by sending/gifting to @null
  • The value of cards will be based on the lowest on the market. For example, Rusty Android is currently worth $0.01 on the market. Crystal Werewolf is worth $0.05.
  • To be eligible for the upvote, you will need to burn at least 100 Rusty Android, or 20 Crystal Werewolf, or a combination of them up to a minimum total value of $1
  • Once you had done that, simply create a post will all the screenshot as proof.
  • Drop me a DM on Discord jrvacation#0719 with your post link
  • After verifying, I will give you the Maverick upvote + some other rewards :)

A Maverick upvote is at least $1.20 author payout after curation, so you will gain at least 20% profit after burning $1 worth of cards. If you don't have that many cards, you can even buy those Rusty Android off the market and burn them.

I hope this experiment can help new players to make some money and buy better Beta cards. If any Maverick is interested to join in, do let me know.

To start the ball rolling, I had burned $1 of my worthless rewards cards. Screenshot as proof below.



First this "rant" isn't intended at you... I love what you are trying to do.

I like the idea to get rid of the "worthless cards", but its a shame that there are "worthless cards" in the first place... I place the responsibility directly on the shoulders of SM, who @aggroed said he would make sure to "match the amount of supply to investor demand". Obviously their calculations were "off", but instead of stopping the overproduction by limiting the amount of cards to say 25% of what they optimistically intended, a much simpler solution would be to NOT OVERPRODUCE THEM.

Overproduction leads to loss of faith... And when faith is all you have to value things in the longer run, then wasting it by sticking to a bad forecast is not only stupid but destructive to the long term health of the market.

The thing that gave SM potential was that it could be for players and investors alike. The disregard for overproduction speaks loudly for how they feel about investors.

ps... its not only reward cards. The fact that betas continue even though CLEARLY the demand is satiated, not only hurts betas but alphas too. (since most betas are recycled alphas)

I think that we're looking this from a small prisma of time, that cards are right now worthless but they're actually very useful and valid cards in some cases and formats of the game. It's not therefore imo an overproduction of cards but a lack of players, this could change a lot over the time. I'm almost sure that those cards will get a lot of value in the near future. I mean look at the Sea Genie is a very useful card and a great choice in blue but is valued at 0,02 dollars. I see there an oportunity of bussiness not a waste of cards.

I agree completely with you on the value of the cards in gameplay. I haven't sold one and continue to add on a daily basis. I agree with you about the opportunity and I'm not walking away from the game at all.

My point is directed at the time-tested rollout of anything that starts from scratch and you want it to trade fairly. Matching demand and supply is important. If there was more players, then more numbers of each card would be vital. But there isn't, so keeping the supply and demand in balance is important if you want investors involved. If you don't care about investors buying and holding cards, then overproduction is fine. There are tons of great players in sports that had rookie cards issued 30 years ago that still are essentially worthless because the card companies decided overproduction levels would dry up. (note: they didn't and are still out there today)

The problem with that is it unneccessarily pushes people away that feel "burned". I'm not one of them, but I can tell you of many that have left over this issue. I'm not mad about it, I realize it is what it is; but its a shame that we don't have them around anymore. Its ok though, in the long run it will just mean higher highs and lower lows; as they just have to cycle through more people til they find enough mass for this game to go viral. I do believe it will happen, and frankly it is them suffering the most as they have lost tons of pack buyers that no longer participate anymore because they lost faith. The good thing is those people will be back, it will just take the right corrective measures to be put in place!

My impression is that is the game what should be in discussion, and not the value of the cards. I see a lot of frustration in the leagues although the matching system and the ranking points have been updated with success imo. The bots issue is no longer a major problem right now but I see lower rankings of the highest players, and of course those who are in lower levels also are decreasing their ranks.

This situation makes that people who doesn't invest enough to see their rankings improve loose their interest in the game and the lack of incentives is worrying when all they have to play are the quests and the season's league for them. The tournaments aren't an incentive to the rookies because there is very low chance of winning something.

I think that the proposal of burning cards is a good measure, but not enough to make the game attractive to the new users. I will never be tired of saying that a game that wants to succeed has to be played a lot.

Has to be really addictive and imo, Steem Monsters is failing in this, there are still few game modes, no team play, no arcade game. I don't want to blame of course to Yabapmatt or the team for it, they haven't enought time to develop these things and I'm sure that they have in mind these issues. Maybe it's a matter of time and patience with the game.

Meanwhile we can enjoy with a game that I personally adore, even with those mentioned problems.
Thank you for the well reasoned answer is always a pleasure to discuss these things with you ;).

Thank you as well. And I do think they will find the solutions at some point, and hopefully they take all the feedback as something positive. After all, we all want the same thing: to have fun and have the game be a success. If that eventually happens, then of course we will certainly forget all about this. And your very first point is very relevant, this is a small prism of time! ;)

Take just a second not thinking of price or value in a selfish manner, just do it for others for visible value for people outside. It doesn’t harm you or someone. It’s the opposite. Just do it right now and you’ll see what I mean. I continue my daily proof of burn.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes overproduction is definitely a problem at the moment. I remember the purpose of introducing rewards cards was so that players can sell them and buy the better Beta cards. But looking at the market, these rewards cards are worth close to nothing, and players can't sell them, and so no buying of Beta cards.

My idea is pretty simple. Since players can't sell on the market, sell them to me. By burning. Of course I will not want to pay from my own pocket. So I am using Mavericks entitled votes to buy them, since I am not using it anyway.

This initiative is more towards tackling the abuse of steemmonsters upvote service.

I think you are handling 2 aspects with this solution and I commend you for coming up with a very creative solution to problems you see. Its very clever! :)

Yeah, I bought the cards in hope that they would be worth something someday, but instead they have gone down in value because there so many of them. It would be nice if they would stop saturating the market.

Yes, you are making my point. There are many many people out there that would "collect" the cards thinking the game could take off one day and they could make a profit. But because they are ignoring the "real demand" and instead producing to their "anticipated demand", they are in effect making people that invest bear the brunt of their gamble. If the game takes off quickly then they will make a good bet, but the problem is if it drags on slower than anticipated, then they lose people in the process (its been happening for the last few months).

The good companies will do their best to meet demand with supply. They won't "anticipate" so enthusiastically, and they damn sure won't continue when they see demand doesn't materialize as planned. In the real world people lose their jobs if this happened, and rightly so. Almost all, successful companies that have outside investors (ie stakeholders like our cards) will have to respond to real supply and demand or they will be out of business.

I don't think they are doing anything intentionally wrong, I love the game myself and think they have put a lot of sweat and money in too. But the fact that they didn't listen (and continue to stubbornly cling to their "we will build it and they will come" mentality), just means they are making a serious mistake. It is creating unnecessary churn of investors and players alike, as in the latter's case people quit playing quests to spend 30 min to make 4c.

I am holding my cards and add to them as I get spare change though, the main reason is I think they will eventually get it right. It is a self-inflicted wound that is fixable, and frankly I wonder why it is taking them so long to see it.

Thanks for increasing the value of my reward cards by decreasing the supply! :p

Important to note the Maverick Vote can only be used on posts related to Steem Monsters!

Posted using Partiko Android

This is a really cool idea! I just added a task for myself to update the site to not count any cards send to the "null" account in the counts of cards that are in existence.

Also @jrvacation please DM me on Discord for anyone who does this and I will throw in a vote for them myself to sweeten the deal!

I don't blame you, but @aggroed instead, as he is supposedly the sales guy. But Matt, this isn't a good thing at all. Sure its great that @jrvacation is trying to do something and I definitely commend him, but the fact that he has to is a very NEGATIVE statement on steemmonsters overall. The fact that he (and most everyone I talk to) calls these cards "worthless", is a terrible thing to have in the thought process. I don't agree at all and think the cards are brilliant and also very cool overall. The problem is purely due to the production quantities stated being 4x more than the market can handle. (you simply don't have enough players to have that many cards right now). So continuing to overproduce them is a major problem that puts a negative spin on part of the overall game (because it causes investors to lose faith in our understanding of what you will/won't do in the future). There is no reason to continue forward with the early released versions. If you need to add new ones as the old ones are replaced, that would work just fine. But I suggest 1/4 of what you have stated as the proper production.

Also I still love the game and the project and this isn't me simply bitching. I wasn't even going to comment on this post until I saw your comment. I honestly think you don't know, so I'm explaining to you my point of view. I have 34 years in the financial markets and I have a very good understanding of supply demand mechanics. Of course it is your game, I just hate to see and hear comments that any cards are worthless. Its a self-inflicted wound and not necessary.

I don't blame you, but @aggroed instead

That sounds good to me lol. But in all seriousness, it will never be the case that all cards will be useful to all players, so especially for more top-level players there will be some cards that they never use and therefore are mostly worthless to them. I had boxes of "worthless" MtG cards, and it's not a negative statement about the game at all.

You're definitely right that the supply is greater than the demand right now. We have already reduced the emission rate of the reward cards significantly (to much complaining from the community I might add), and with the exception of the first 10 cards the supply of the rewards cards is not really that high.

In any case, we are building and planning for the future. I fully expect to grow the game by at least 10X over the next year or two. We hear all of the feedback and fully understand all of the issues that exist currently, but we're not going to rush into changes that aren't well thought through.

We have a really full and exciting roadmap which we feel will help take this product to the next level, and also create more uses for extra/unused cards. It will require some patience though. These things will not happen overnight, but instead over the next few months. Many gamers are extremely impatient and may get rid of all their cards for very low prices, only to come back later when things are taking off and prices are much higher.

Obviously nothing is guaranteed and nothing I say should be taken as any type of financial advice, but as for me personally, I'm buying.

Thanks for the reply and for listening... and sure, we can always just blame @aggroed :D

And don't take my reply as being negative overall, I have not sold and still buy when I get some spare change. I will live with the results either way, but wanted to make the point in case you were not aware! I am excited about the other things you have planned, especially the delegations as that will enable us to get many new players without us risking out decks. Plus the addition of new aspects to the game will be a huge thing too imo. :)

Hi @yabapmatt , on another note:
Once a card is maxed out can you possibly make it into a seperate entity on its own where it possibly changes to Platinum or something!? 🙋 I, as some others have accidently put mine up (as in my level 10 Genie) or some how the system put it up for sale along with the 10 single Genies I was selling at 0.02 a piece and a bot ended up buying it! Luckily I was able to get it back but it would be great if the maxed cards could be kept seperate from the others or at least locked or something .
Thanks for all the great work you and @aggroed are doing, keep up the great work! 👍❤👹

Sure! thanks for the support!

If you're altering the cards in existence count, would you mind creating a cards created or percentage of total cards made count so that people can know how many of the cards are still going to be made?

Great initiative but I actually find Sea Genie a great card. Essential to my Water Splinter team. Vampire and Rusty can also be useful at times, especially in high mana battles.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Me too. Mine aren't all maxed out yet, so I'm not burning anything. When they are, I suppose I'd consider it. I like the Vampire a lot in certain matches.

Yup it is. I had already maxed my Sea Genie. So any new ones will be dumped to the market for $0.01. But instead of doing that, I will start to burn them now.

Couldn't agree more with that.

Great Idea!

I actually use a lot of the reward cards in my various decks, but I love this idea so much! And I love that Matt is contributing too. Well done on an absolutely brilliant idea! Burn Rusty Burn!!

Great initiativen @jrvacation. I don't remember who I saw mention 'burning cards' last week. Was it @rentmoney? I really don't remember, but I'm glad the idea got some traction anyway.

As soon as I manage to get through all the comments and replies that have been neglected these last couple of days (Steemmonsters is a terrible addiction and bad for my SteemIt 'career'), I'll go through my collections and take you up on that deal. Multiple times, probably, because I have tons of worthless cards lying around.

Yeah there had been talks about burning cards since the beginning. And I think this approach is a win-win method for everyone.

You can participate multiple times. But I can only upvote once every 36 hours. Will try to garner more Mavs support so we can upvote more posts.

Interesting idea!
But ... wouldn't it be easier to just not create these useless Rusty Androids? :D

We are humans, it's much more fun to create and burn!

(I might have to start buying the popular burns, they could be come rare :D )

Both these sentences are gold (foil)!

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