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RE: SteemMonsters - My own DREAM card ... Meet the Liquid Mirror Monster "GALLIUMATOR"

in #steemmonsters7 years ago

Oh pbock - he's been nice and helpful to me in the past.

Please don't let me saying it's tough to earn and sell a card deter you - it is possible, just something for me anyways that has proved not very worthwhile (e.g. it can take 1 year to earn the 4 legendary cards to fuse and blockchainize, but they sell from $5 - $25 only currently). I play SoG as it helps get my mind away from work and is a ok way to pass 20-30mins.

You're right regards SteemMonsters requiring you to buy the Starter pack. But they will be having daily and weekly tournaments with quite a bit of money and other prizes up for grabs. The community spirit around it is cool as well, with lots of giveaways etc... hopefully it stays that way after the $$ tournaments start lol.

I admire your discipline towards building your VP - it is hard work, too hard for me. The few posts I've made go nowhere without paying bidbots... it's too discouraging seeing $500 posts only to realise 99% of it is from bots. So I can see how every bit is important for you. Have you got your free crypto from byteball? I'm assuming you have. that will be an easy $40-$80 of steem for you.

I hope you enjoyed your dinner.
I really appreciate you taking the time to chat on this 'social platform' :)


Thanks Goose20,

I do enjoy chatting with you. You seem like a real gentleman.

$5 - $25 for a year's work, huh? My Steem account reached $3,000 at one point in about a year. It is down now, but I like it like that because we actually earn MORE when the price of Steem is below $1.00, so I hope it remains low for several months. Then when it shoots up is when we all make the real gains. That would be the time to sell a little bit for some other currency.

If SteemMonsters is done well, it shouldn't matter if I start late or get in as one of the first. That is one of the big complaints about Steem... those who got in early had a huge advantage over anyone coming in a year later. Now with this latest hard fork, the little guys are penalized even more! I wouldn't recommend anyone to start now. How do they expect the platform to grow if they load all the expenses of running the servers on those least able to pay? Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the new voting system, but it sure looks bad for anyone who still has dust votes! Anyway, hopefully the SteemMonsters game isn't like that.

I grew up in a poor immigrant family, so had to inch my way up the ladder all my life. Slow and steady was my modus operendi. I've never paid a bit bot and don't ever intend to. Right from the start I saw them as a rip-off with only the bot owner actually benefiting from its use. I see so many people paying more to the bot than what they get back in votes. I don't know why people don't just use their full vote power to vote on others and get the same in return? That is what the system was designed for! When I vote for you, 100% of my vote goes to you and when you vote for me, 100% goes to me. If I use one of those "services" where I pay a bot to vote for me, I get 50% of my vote and the bot owner gets 50% (at best). Likely the bot owner gets 60% or more! I really don't understand why people are still using them. They have undermined the basic premise that Steem was founded on.

I actually JUST read about Byteball before arriving at this comment. The post was 2 months old. Is the airdrop still on-going? Is it legitimate? Is it safe? Can they steal your keys? The attestation process seems convoluted and overly complicated for a deal where they want to GIVE you money yet you need to PAY first. I got my steem account totally free. What gives here?

My dinner was very good, thank-you. In fact I had 2 helpings and now I feel bloated! LOL. I ate too fast and didn't realize I was full until it was too late!

Yes, this IS a social media platform and chatting is what we are supposed to do (as opposed to buying votes). I have met some really nice people on Steem and that is what keeps me going. I get very discouraged when I think of what Steem was envisioned to be and what it has become. However, as long as there are good people here, I feel there is a niche where I can hang out. Just as in the real world, we form our own little communities and we hang out with those of like mind.

Good night, sleep well, and we will chat again.

It has been 4 to 5 days now and I still have no response to my problem on the SoG forum. I see what you mean by lack of support. I don't see the point in starting over from nothing for one epic card, so until this gets resolved, it would be a waste to take your card. Now if it were 1 or more legendaries, that would probably be worth starting over for. LOL

That leads me to another thought... If the account is tied to a specific device, when that device is replaced, the owner loses his data! The only items saved would be those placed onto the blockchain. The owner would need to start from nothing and link to the BoO to retrieve those cards. All daily login bonuses and mana gains would be lost!

Ouch that's no good. The dev's should make taking care of their player's issues a priority - the game is not bug-free, and after 3 years of development you would think things were a lot less cumbersome too.

(Can finally post again)

I finally had a SoG developer sort me out. He understood what I was trying to do and explained it all to me. When I began using the emulator, SoG automatically starts a new account and puts me into the tutorial. He calls this account a "lazy account". Every time I re-open SoG on the emulator, it remembers me and saves any progress I make on the lazy account. When I attempt to log into my actual account, it warns me that I will lose the progress made on the lazy account and (hopefully) from that point forward, the game will remember my real account and forget about the lazy account. So, I finally ignored the warning and logged in and got my BoO linked. I did NOT lose any of my progress!
Do you need the numbers from my BoO or is a screen shot of the QR code all you need?

I'm actually nervous about getting something in my wallet. I'm excited, and anxious. New territory for me!


Awesome :)
The Ladybug is on its way. Hopefully be in your wallet shortly.

Thank-you so very very much! It was there when I opened the game. I had no idea that the upgrades begin to cost so much more in the 4th merge. I was able to get her up 2 more ranks and have 2 more to go, yet she did help me get farther already! She's awesome! Can't wait to see her perform once she is at maximum power.

You're welcome 😄

Yup, Steem seems to be on a path of destruction as well. This platform is based on VOTES and I can't vote for ANOTHER 4 days it seems. Yesterday it said I would be at full power in another day. Today I'm back down to 13% and 4 days away from being able to vote. Looks like something got re-set AGAIN!!!

As for SoG, I've been tracking the number of cards I buy and the number of rare cards I get. It is nowhere near 1 in 5 as they state. Also, the epics are said to be 1 in 100, but I bought over 200 so far (that I've been keeping track) and not 1. I think I'll make a post about my findings after a month of data collection.

I also put out a Twitter asking if anyone was monitoring the forum these days. Let's see if that gets anyone's attention. Sheesh. Nobody seems to care any more about their products and services.

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