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RE: Season 4 Changes!

in #steemmonsters6 years ago

Is this really needed? Now that people actually have to play to earn rewards, if they want to play on multiple accounts, I say you should let them. Why? Because they actually put in time, so you reward them for that.

Besides, draining the booster pool is not necessarily going to help the game. The game needs the marketplace to constantly get cards for the marketplace to get traction. If people stop selling, and thus people stop buying, the game as a whole will go downward as a result, as a dead marketplace means dead "crypto-cards." Yes, we'll own 'em, but it's the marketplace that gives them value.

Additionally, you're not actually solving the market problem in any way, shape, or form, with this, anyway. You're just moving it from all the cards as a whole, to the new cards. Which will take the brunt, or depending on how many get released, will just penalize the weak players even further. The packs as a whole can take the brunt of this focus better, because there are a lot more cards. Focusing it all on 10? And if these cards, due to everyone having them (the other option, to only the gifted few at the top), then they'll be worthless, and as such, won't make for much of a reward.

Finally, you're going to give more to the players at the top. This whole model, of rewarding the top so much from the players at the bottom, needs rethinking. This keeps the players at the bottom there, as the players above them keep racing farther and farther away. How will the players below them, who are already at a disadvantage, ever catch up?

I'm not saying the top shouldn't be rewarded more, but gently, like how HS does it. Not to a degree like it's been done up to now, where Bronzies get 3 packs to Challenger's 30. That's just a classic case of the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer.


I have to agree about your point of the rich getting richer and poor getting poorer as always seems to be the case. I really hope @yabapmatt will do something to mitigate this issue. otherwise people will stop playing and less people will join. I love Steem Monsters and hope it stays afound for along time! 👍💁

@yabapmatt, @geekorner makes some excellent points here that you should consider for future updates.

You're looking at this as if it were a traditional game where the assets aren't trade-able and don't have value. HS and other traditional games can give out as many rewards as they want to whomever they want, because the rewards are not worth anything.

In a blockchain-based game where players own all of the assets and they are worth money, it adds a money-making aspect that is not present in traditional games, and it's of the utmost importance that the incentives are aligned between acquiring cards and getting to the "top" and making the most money.

If we give out too many rewards to players "at the bottom" (like we were previously) then the best way to make money is to create as many new accounts as possible and automate their play to have them purposely stay "at the bottom" to farm the rewards. In this scenario players "at the top", who made large investments into the game get screwed because they would have been better off financially farming rewards with many low level accounts. This is exactly what was happening and is the main problem the recent changes are meant to address.

Blockchain/crypto games are money games. They are different than traditional games, and yes, people with more money to spend will get much further much quicker. If people "at the bottom" compare themselves to people at the top, that will be discouraging, but if they instead look at it for the opportunities this type of game gives them that traditional games don't - i.e. the ability to earn money while having fun playing a game, then I think it looks much better.

We probably need to do a better job messaging this, but we'll get there.

No your looking at it wrong, people earn money at WoW because of the Huge community, that does not care about earning money! You guys are destroying your game when you focus on Marketplace and assets... What is going to get 100x thev amount of players coming in is definately not telling them to invest in cards! STOP TALKING ABOUT IT ALL TOGETHER IF YOU DESIGNED THE GAME AND RUN IT!!!!

It is absolutely the wrong optics, it makes it sound like an MLM scheme...

Talk to @richatvns he's a Business Operations Consultant, we were having this discussion over poker last night at Rudy's and he pointed this stuff out to me...

From what I can see the only real change is that we get Reward Cards instead of Booster Packs. Everything else is similar. People could still reward farm as usual. the difference would be them getting rewarded out of 10 cards. Alpha and Beta markets will do well. But if reward farming is a widespread thing, you've just kicked the can down the road.

Maybe you should play around with the idea of some tournaments or quest system to reward dedicated players. But I do think things will be fine for a time.

Very interesting statement! I can’t predict the future but I see the same problem incoming... from a only playing standpoint the reward cards are a cool addition to the existing decks but from a reward standpoint I fear that they will drop to bottomless prices and to people who already own them at max they will me worthless...

I think Steemmonsters live because it’s a platform not only for players but also for investors, artists, collectors and also card farmers are a huge part of the community! ...let’s see what future will bring us,


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