Talia Animation Script

in #steemmonsters6 years ago (edited)


fire beetle.png



Working on putting together 1-2 min of animation for the Talia background story. I'm modifying the story I wrote into a animation script! This may be longer than 2 min. Let's see what they say.

Setting: a forest path.
Lyanna is 7 months pregnant and forced to flee her home with her 6 year old Talia and 8 year old Kiara. Talia looks human, and is wearing a tight white choker around her neck with a quartz emblem.
They are headed down the forest path in a fast carriage pulled by two silvershield warriors. Lyanna is pregnant and uncomfortable in the jostling carriage. Two serpentine soldiers and a cerebus which have been chasing them fade into the distance.

A very exhausted and uncomfortable Lyanna lifts the carriage latch and yells at Natalium: “Stop! We’re getting out!"

The carriage halts and Natalium looks back with a worried expression: “M’Lady! Are you mad?!?”

Lyanna says firmly as she steps out “They’re hunting a carriage, not a woman and children on foot. You can’t be more than a day’s ride from East Haven. Take the carriage and race to town.”

Natalium: “What will you do? If you are harmed, Aggroedius will have my head. Peace be damned.”

Lyanna looks to the West and sees the ooze caves in the distance. “We’ll head there.”

“Mom, that seems insane, we know that oozethma lives in there. Those caves haven’t been cleared since Dad lost his Mace of Abundance. He’s said that over and over to people to warn them.” Kiara says.

“The girl is right,” Natalium interjects but Lyanna waves him quiet. “Talia and Kiara you’re coming with me.” She turns her attention to the carriage: ”Go,” she insists, sending the carriage on its way.

Lyanna looks back behind them. "Serpentine Soldiers, Cerberus, or a little ooze. I’ll take the ooze. I doubt they’d go looking in the caves for us.” Lyanna looks her daughter in the eye “Talia, no matter what, you have to keep your cool. Can you do that for me? Whatever happens don’t take off daddy’s calming necklace ok?”

Talia touches her necklace. "Yes mom,” Talia says looking both scared and sheepish.

A rain drop falls between them. They look up at the sky together. Another falls, then rain…


After an arduous hike through the wet woods the family make it to the base of the ooze caves. Lyanna is exhausted. It’s pouring rain.

“We need shelter mom!” Kiara says. Lyanna is shivering.

They enter the cave. Thunder and lightning smash and streak across the sky accentuating the decision.

Once inside it is dark. Kiara casts a quick light cantrip to brighten it a little, and Talia summons a few fire beetles to poke around. “They’ll keep us warm” She says.

Lyanna looks around. “We’re too close to the entrance. They can still find us. Keep moving.”

They walk in a close group deeper into the cave, accompanied by the beetles but quickly find that beneath and around them isn’t just rock and root. Something crunches and cracks under their feet. It is bone. Very brittle bone. “It smells in here Mom” Talia says.

The beetles moved around some more and one encounters a small puddle. There is a hissing noise as it steps in it and the beetle hurriedly retreats. A fine mist hangs in the air, and a light smoke effect can be seen as Lyanna sniffs. “Acid!” she says worriedly. The cave itself seems to let out a slow moan. “This was a mistake and we have to go now!” Lyanna declares, turning towards the exit, but it’s too late. A sudden gushing waterfall appears behind them blocking the way.

A splash hits one of the fire beetles first. There is a drawn out hissing sound and the beetle staggers away. Kiara quickly powers up her light spell from dim glow to maximum strength. The cave lights up. It is filled with bones everywhere, and where there isn’t bone it is like watching a giant moving swirling waterfall. This is no ordinary ooze. It fills the whole cavern, dripping between the bones and moving slickly across the floor and ceiling.

Lyanna instinctually starts summoning. “SWAMP THING!!!” she shouts. She moves as if through the steps of a dance and calls the Earth to open. The very rock opens up underneath her as she summons. The swamp thing emerges from the ground and growls fiercely.

Kiara too is summoning. She darts her hands back and forth. She swirls her fingers through the air and a pulse of light bursts forth in front of her as an air elemental spontaneously appears in the cavern. It screeches and the noise echoes across the vast room.

Talia tries to summon. As she starts her necklace tightens and shines. Only a small fire beetle appears.

There’s a moment of silence between them all and a small lizard scurries into the bedrock.

The swamp thing shouts like a wookie. Lurching forward, it sends tendrils into the ooze and they go straight through it. As it pulls them back they are disfigured and brown, as if withering.

Balls of acid and ooze started whizzing past the group of summoner and creatures. Kiara easily dodges. Lyanna is slower, but does not get hit either.

Kiara conjures up lightning and directs it through her air elemental, thereby powering it up, to also strike the ooze.

The lightning explodes into the beast, amplified by the spirit of the air elemental. It seems to open a gash in the monster and for a flash it looks as though it has a giant tumor inside. Liquid simply rushes back in around the cut and the ooze surrounding the group draws even closer.

The room moans like deep laughter.

Lyanna moves too slowly as more acid blobs come flying and fails to dodge an acid blob which hits her in the leg. Her leg quivers where it is struck. “Run!” She yells, panicked, but there is no visible opening to the room. Only ooze and bone.

“There’s nowhere to go!” Kiara shouts back.

Lyanna gestures and starts speaking “SPIRIT OF THE FOR” but another blob of goo hits her in the face and it turns into a gooey scream.

“Mom!” Kiara shouts. She rips a flask from her hip and slams it on the ground. “Clay to LIFE!” She shouts.

And a Clay Golem starts coming from the rock below.

Kiara screams at her sister Talia, who has been standing watching all this in horror: “RUN! JUST RUN!!!”

Talia moves towards a wall. She sees a beetle step towards a glob and the fire on its back touches some of the slime, causing it to burn off. She puts her arms in front of her and a burst of fire shoots out. It opens a gap through the ooze as that section of slime sizzles out of existence. She runs through it.

She looks back at her mother and sister fighting for their lives as the ooze closes in. Then the ooze fills in the gap she blasted. She blasts another hole in the ooze so she can see, shouting for her mother and sister. It fills in again.

She looked at her hands. She looks at the ooze. She looks at her hands again and then steadies herself. She snarls a little with the exertion and starts glowing red.

“Open Up!” she shouts and fire bursts from her hands opening a new hole in the ooze. Talia runs through the back to her family.

“LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!” She screams at the encroaching ooze. Her hair lifts from her head and a tremor moves under her skin showing scaly flesh beneath .

“I’m FIREBORN! YOU DON’T SCARE ME!” From her hands a jet of fire pulses. The ooze hisses a little, but it seems to never run out of liquid. It barely notices. Now Talia is angry. “I’M WARNING YOU!!!”

A portion of the ooze collapses around the swamp thing enveloping it completely. More ooze splatters on her mother and sister. It is enough that Kiara cannot dodge. Lyanna doesn’t appear to be moving. She is covered up to her neck in a glob of ooze.

“I SAID STOP!” Talia screams at the ooze. Full fire jets pulse from her hands towards the globular mass. This time it presses into the creature slightly. The necklace choker squeezes her neck tighter.

Another part of the ooze collapses and covers the clay golem and air elemental. The elemental gives a muffled shriek as it is practically consumed. The Clay Golem looks confused as it tries to move inside the ooze. It starts to cover over Kiara and Lyanna. Kiara is still standing, but half inside of ooze.

Talia enrages. Fire bursts from all around her. Her hands go invisible inside the raw jet of flames.

An opening pushes towards what looked like a gross and infected tumor on the inside of this gelatinous creature.

She screams. The choker breaks. There’s a boom and a crackle.

Horns grow from her head, wings sprout from her back, fire continues to jet from where her hands were, and a set a talons take shape in their place. A tail sprouts from her backside.

“BUUUUUURRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNN!!!” She screams. The cave ooze moans in pain as fire reaches the tumor inside of it.

A loud “caw caw” cry comes from inside her.

“Come my friend and BURRRRNNNNNNNNN!”

A golden Phoenix shoots forth from her chest and hands. It takes center stage in the room. It screeches and explodes in magnificent light.

edits bt @foxfiction


You know, Aggroed – you really are quite a good writer. When you read this on air, I was so drawn into your story. It was especially awesome to hear your sound-effects and inflections.

Can't wait to see this in animated form. :)

To listen to the audio version of this article click on the play image.

Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

Wow! hat a great story @aggroed ! love the ending part where she transforms and A Golden Phoenix shoots from her chest and hands! That Ooooz was something else! Im going to listen to the audio version here in the comments as well , it must be pretty good! lol! I am more then happy to be supporting Steem Monsters and giving a special mention to you and @yabapmatt to vote as witnesses , in every post I do! You guys truly deserve it ! Keep up the great work, and I will keep on supporting you guys! Upped and resteemed!👹👍✌💕👹👾👿
Heres One of the images i recently created
just joined 8 days ago and totally addicted!

Oh my God you made a gelatinous cube 😍 Love it!

@aggroed there are still quite a few typos and a couple of ambiguous bits in this. I could clean it up for you if you like :)

Yeah, I wrote it a roller drome while my kid was skating. It wasn't the best environment. it's also adapted from a previous thing I wrote. Feel free to drop a revision in the with gratitude given rather than offense taken.

Cool - where should I post it for you @aggroed. Hackmd doc OK?

I've sent you a link to the hackmd on the discord 😉

I love how imaginative this is! I can imagine the whole scene in my head. Let the battle between fire and ooze continue!

Fantastic work!

good and interesting story!

Need to talk fast xD

ahaha Talia?!
Look at my name;)

I'm in love with this creature at first look;)

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