STEEMLORDS - Lord Silvernova and the Rangers dish out violent vengeance and justice on the Orc Horde!

in #steemlords7 years ago

Warning this post is a little violent, but then again middle earth / middle steem is a violent place. Please enjoy the story as we follow the Rangers on their quest towards Excalibur. The numbers in the party are down and fallen hero's will always be remembered. Onwards Rangers

Waking from a deep sleep, Sir Silvernova pulled the furs aside and greeted the day with a smile. It had been a long hard road to get this far, with close friends now gone and a long and dangerous road ahead. The Rangers found themselves looking forward again. With a night spent in the lodgings of King Theoden, they were all feeling rested and ready to press on.

The King had been generous with his help. They were now armed with some better weapons and had some supplies for their travels. Maps had been gifted to them and together they plotted a course to Mirkwood. 

Before they departed on the rest of their journey they gathered at the gates of Endoras and toasted a drink (Sir Pheli opted for the sparkling water instead of Ale and Ambrosia) to the morning sun, saluting their fallen friends The Baroness Bearone and Shadduppaurface. 

The sun arose and the way was lit, time was of the essence and they had none to spare.

They headed East, with Sir Muxxy leading the troop along the winding path weaving down towards the Mering stream. Spirits were mixed in the group, as much as they were down about what had happened on the road so far, experience had taught them all to focus on the present task at hand, these were dangerous paths and ones wit’s must be with them. 

Sir Silvernova noticed his friend Sir Pheli was really feeling the loss, he had just awoken a passion with the Baroness before she was so brutally cut down by an Orc. 

Trying to divert his attention from these memories, Sir Silvernova reminded him of the previous days adventure, when the fearless Princess Loki Mounted the back of a huge ogre, slaying him with a kitchen knife in the neck all the while, wearing absolutely nothing.

This caused a hysteric wave of laughter through the entire group, even the Princess Loki broke a smile, and threatened to cut any of our throats if we dared mention it outside of the group, but deep down she was happy to provide the Rangers with a happy memory to help carry them through the darkness they had yet to face. 

They reached the stream with out any trouble, this was going pretty well so far, it was now time to head North, across a few of the tributaries that meandered down into the Anduin river, they decided. To cross the rivers and keep a North bearing, as the little rivers were still heading East towards their interception with the Anduin river. This meant that some of the terrain was covered with bog and marsh, so they hugged the West side of the marshes untill they could see the Anduin river. 

While they neared the end of the marshland, Sir Silvernova could see a figure in the distance. It was crouched down near one of the waterways, oblivious to the four adventurers heading it’s way. It seemed to be hunting for food, spear in hand and focus aimed deep into the water. 

It thrust it’s spear into the river in an instant, a glint of light shimmered off the tiny splash of water as it plunged in, striking it’s target. The hunter let out a screech of delight and pulled a large trout from the water. It proceeded to knock the fish on the head and pocketed it into his backpack. At this point Sir Pheli yelled out to the hunter, 

“Hello there, are you all right?”

“No, no, no, my precious has been lost to me, destroyed it was, and now I am only living to die………precious”

The rangers looked at each other, eyebrows were raised and little smirks could be seen. This creature, as sad as it seemed did not look like it would help them on their quest.

As they were about to leave, a voice rang through Sir Silvernovas head. It was a memory from the message broadcast straight into his brain, using the eye of merlin by the famous Sir Knight. 

“You will need to find an escort for the North Anduin Road”

He was not sure that this was what Sir Knight had in mind, but time was ticking, and the deadline of Friday drew near. He reached into his purse and pulled out one piece of silver. This silver contained the image of A beautiful maiden and the wore FREEDOM on it. He showed it to the hunter and all it could utter was “My precious ….. my precious”

“Now if you will help us on the trail to Mirkwood my dear friend I will give you this silver piece, you will not have to fight, we just want some knowledge of the terrain and area.”

“Precious” it uttered, turning it’s head and walking towards the group. It looked like they had an escort for the road ahead.

“What shall we call you friend?” Princess Loki asked. 

“Precious” it muttered. And so it was settled. It would now be known to the Rangers as ‘precious’. With this they continued on their way, finally encountering the rapid waters of the River Anduin.

They were nearing the area around Lokein Forrest when they caught a whiff of a foul stench in the air. It was unmistakable, that was the smell of a large Orc raiding party. These could consist of anywhere up to 100 orcs armed for battle and raiding. 

Sir Silvernova was a confident fighter, but he was alive today because he was also not stupid! You have to know when to hold them, know when to fold them. This was definitely one of those fold them moments.

Precious motioned them towards the right, there was some cover to the west by some large trees. They headed into the shelter of the trees, moving quickly and softly the passed around the raiding party but it took them quite a way off course. They ended up in the Lokein Forrest and had to head East (again!!) towards the river to return on course.

There was a stench in the air again. They had been warned that there were orcs and ogres on the trail but this was getting out of control. 

They sneaked forward, being careful to stay down wind. As much as that meant they had to deal with the Orc stench, it also meant that they would be harder to hear or smell. They managed to get close enough to determine what they were facing. It was a scout party, there were 12 orcs, armed but with lighter weapons, which helped enable them to move quicker.

Sir Silvernova assessed the situation, and figured they could do it. He noticed that the Orc party was sitting around a fire, all of them were facing towards the fire. This was a great advantage, as it reduced their night vision dramatically.

Sir Silvernova relayed the plan to the others, Sir Pheli and Sir Muxxy were to make their way around to the back of the group of orcs, prepare, and attack on the signal, they were warned to expect at least to take out two each.

Sir Silvernova saw a quick grin flash over Sir Pheli’s mouth, he had some vengeance to unleash and some gory justice to dish out for the Orc that took the Baroness from him. 

‘I shouldn’t have to worry about Pheli, I think he would almost be happy to take them all on himself’ Sir Silvernova thought to himself. 

He then pointed Princess Loki in the right direction for her to wait in readiness for my signal. She was also a strong character and after seeing her wrestle an ogre to the death, in the nude, he had no worries that she could hold her own as well.

Sir Silvernova then softly crawled closer to the group of Orcs. He had seen where they had been heading to relieve themselves and decided he would try and take a couple out while they headed off from the group to try and lower the number involved when they finally attacked. 

Crouching in the dark, on the side of the path, Sir Silvernova heard the crunch of stones as the first Orc approached. 

Crouched, his muscled tightened in anticipation of springing to life, his vision focused and his hearing tuned in to the sounds of the Orc. The Orcs breathing was ragged, he stepped one foot past the crouched warrior. Then as his rear foot swung past his front foot, his breath just let out as he strode, A gasp passed between his lips his lips. The blade of Silvernova was sharp and swift, piecing the artery in his neck and slicing his windpipe as the blade slashed its way back out. The Orc feel limp to the ground and was immediately dragged to the side and hidden in the bushes, leaving only a pool of blood. 

It was only a short moment later before Sir Silvernova heard the footfalls of another Orc heading his way, running in from the shadows to the side of the path, silvernova leapt at the second Orc, they were far enough away from the group that they did not hear the thud of the Orc hitting the ground, or the crunch as Silvernova loosened the orcs neck with his knife and wrenched it 180 degrees around to the back. 

Two Orcs would have to do, as any more disappearing would raise suspicion and lose the Rangers the element of surprise. 

Sir Silvernova picked up a large stone from the ground in one hand and started to run towards the group of orcs. Landing his feet softly he did not make an ounce of noise and when he was around five meters away he lobbed the large stone into the fire. 

The fire exploded into a shower of embers at the moment Sir Silvernova broke the circle of Orcs, his blades found their way into the rear spinal cords of the two nearest Orcs as he broke the circle, this bought the number of orcs straight down to eight. 

The other ranges saw the signal and about two seconds after Sir Silvernova had recovered his blades from the two orcs spines, they attacked.

Sir Muxxy came in from the rear side, screaming obscenities as he swung his axe, cleaving the first Orc square into two halves, and then he lodged his axe into the skull of the next nearest Orc.

Sir Pheli had sprung into life, a smile on his face he issued justice for the Baroness, piercing the 

heart of the closest Orc with his sword, through the Orcs Armour. It seemed the rage fuelled Sir Pheli's strength, as a second Orc swung an axe towards Sir Pheli's head, he was able to dislodge his sword, while spinning and ducking under the Orc axe, spinning 180 degrees with his sword, Sir Pheli chopped the orcs legs clean off, as he fell to the ground Sir Pheli drew his sword up and drove it through his enemies chest.

Princess Loki was swift in unleashing her fury, A quick slice through the groin of her first Orc dropped him to the floor instantly, the move was so traumatising the Orc next to him stood dumbfounded and shocked as Loki drove her sword straight though his belly and out between his spine vertebrae. She withdrew her sword and drove it through the eye of the first Orc who was writhing around on the ground.

Sir Silvernova had just withdrawn his blades from the necks of the first Orcs when the third Orc charged in swinging a sword wildly. Sir Silvernova was able to evade a wild swing towards his head, as he crouched below the attack he stepped in close, rising alongside the Orc, slicing his blade upwards through the orcs armpit, tendons sliced fell slack down the arm. The orcs sword falling to the ground. A second Orc reached over Sir Silvernova to try and subdue him, but grabbing the Orc hand, Sir Silvernova slipped his head under and around the orcs Arm while holding the hand. This placed Sir Silvernova behind the Orc while maintaining an arm bar on his arm. He lifted his foot and placed it in the orcs side, with that he pulled backwards on the arm while applying pressure to the elbow. He started to hyper extend the arm, sinews started to rip and bones started to crunch.

“CRACK” with a hard yank he broke the arm, the Orc yelling out in pain. With one quick movement Sir Silvernova bought his blade down on the opposite side of the Orc and finished him with his blade. 

This left the one injured Orc alive, with the sliced armpit. After a quick interrogation they discovered the locations of most of the remaining Orc parties they would encounter. The Orcs time was running short as he bled out quickly, and so was the Rangers time. They would need to get straight on the road, no time for recovery as Friday is almost upon us.

With help from ‘Precious’ the Rangers managed to find their way back to the Anduin River and were able to continue on the road north. They were almost there and thoughts of what lies ahead flitted through their minds. The terrain got ‘heavier’ and ‘darker’, it seemed they were approaching Mirkwood.

Note all pictures from under free licence


Catch-up with the rest of the #steemlords , they have been writing some amazing tales!

The Rangers 

@bearone Baroness Bearone The Dazzling

@gmuxx Sir Muxxy The Brave

@silvernova Lord Silvernova Alchemist Warrior

@shellyduncan Princess Loki

@phelimint Sir Pheli The Twin Hunters

Follow the rest of the #steemlords on their adventures.

1 @bmj Lord Bmj The Larrikin

2 @choogirl ChooXena Vegan Warrior Princess

3 @drwom BattleWom The Warrior Wombat

4 @nenad-ristic Lord Nenad The Eternal Nomad

5 @scooter77 Sir Scooterless The Dragonrider

6 @thinknzombie Squire StinknZombalot Brain Eater of Byron Bay

7 @tremendospercy Lord Percival The Magnificent

8 @deveerei Eru, The Iluvatar



Whew what a battle. I see your skills from the East did you well !!!! Great tale Sir Silvernova...keep an eye on that "Precious", I don't think he's to be trusted. Awesome post

Well this was an epic LOTR style battle. I liked it.

Love a good bit of sword action! Epic work! now off to Mirkwood :)

Best battle story thus far Sir Silvernova! (SirKnight as editor of CommunityNews)

Thanks heaps, that means a lot to me asthat one was a late night finish with work looming the next morning, which meant the editing was not the best. I had fun writing it though!

A glorious battle indeed my friend. We really laid done justice on those orcs, and your certainly right, it felt good to see a few more fall.

Yes it was a glorious battle, it was good to water the earth with Orc blood.
It will be interesting to see what Sir Knight has in store for us next!

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