A New Scot Tribe On the Block! | Introducing Steemleo - A Community For Investors

in #steemleo5 years ago (edited)

steemleo.com is live.png


  • Steemleo is a community for investing content
  • We Airdropped over 1.7 Million LEO to PAL stakeholders
  • LEOM and LEOMM virtual miners are available on the Steem Engine DEX in limited quantities
  • Initial Inflation = 2 Million LEO --> 1.7M for PoB and 300,000 for PoM
  • Steemleo.com --> Condenser Instance
  • Tube.Steemleo.com --> ScotTube Instance
  • Use Tag "steemleo" in your posts to earn LEO and STEEM rewards!
  • Payouts may be rather large right off the bat as the network stabilizes and more posts are made
  • To get the ball rolling, the @steem.leo account will be upvoting all (eligible) posts under the steemleo tag with our STEEM POWER. After about 1 week we will integrate the Scot Voting service to introduce a sink for the LEO tokens

Click here to view the official launch page for Steemleo and learn more about our tribe!

We’ve been excited about this for a while now. It’s taken some long hours, but thanks to the Steem Engine team, we are officially launching Steemleo.com — A community for investors to talk about anything and everything related to investing.

The common misconception is that investing is about greedy people buying/selling for profit. In reality, investing is about so much more than that. It’s a game of philosophy, ethics, mathematics, fundamental analysis, technical analysis and more.

We’ve created Steemleo for all of the passionate investors across the globe who want to talk about all things investing. Whether you want to build a personal brand around your investing strategies, discuss your philosophies or even make videos about your journey, Steemleo aims to connect passionate investors through a next-generation social media platform that is powered by the Steem Engine smart contract ecosystem and all of the amazing SCOT tools they have created and will continue to create in the future.

To learn more about Steemleo and what we’re about, head over to this link.

What kind of Content Should Be Posted to Steemleo

Using any interface, you can post using the “steemleo” tag to earn LEO rewards and be seen on Steemleo. Remember that Steemleo is about investing-related content. The types of content that can be posted under the category of investing are very wide, but we’re not looking for pictures of your cat!

Initial Integrations From Steem Engine

We plan on using every tool at our disposal and that’s why we love Steem Engine. There are limitless possibilities to what we can do on the Steem blockchain with their help.

To kick things off, we’ll be launching with the following integrations:

  1. Nitrous a.k.a. Steemleo.com — A fork of the Steemit condenser
  2. ScotTube a.k.a. LeoTube — A fork of DTube that features Steemleo video content
    1. Note that you can also post videos on any Steem video interface (DTube, for example) and use the “steemleo” tag to also be posted on LeoTube!
  3. ScotPeak a.k.a LeoPeak —— Head over to steempeak.com/tribes and you’ll find LEO on the list of tribes. Click open and you’ll be able to view your feed and payouts in LEO & STEEM simultaneously!
    1. Note that LeoPeak may not be live until 1 or 2 days after launch
  4. Digital Miners — Mine LEO With Digital Token Miners. Available in limited quantities on the Steem-Engine DEX (more details on the token miners toward the end of this post)

Future Integrations From Steem Engine

We already have some plans for what we’ll integrate in the future.

To get the ball rolling, the @steem.leo account will be upvoting all eligible posts under the “steemleo” tag. 1 week after launch, the @steem.leo account will integrate the SCOT voter service and turn into a sink for the LEO token. We’ll also be opening up for delegations to that account in exchange for the LEO bids that it earns. More info on how The LEO Bot Sink will work is available toward the end of our explainer page.

In the very near future, we’ll also be integrating the ScotBB service to create a forum for the Steemleo platform.

LEO Virtual Token Miner Details

The LEOM and LEOMM miners are now available on the Steem Engine DEX. The mining pool is 300,000 LEO per year which is 15% of the total inflation pool.

  • There are 30 winning miners each hour
  • LEOMM mines 4x as fast as LEOM, but is only 3x the price. The quantity is also more limited than LEOM
  • LEOM is available at 2 STEEM per LEOM --> view LEOM on the DEX
    • There are 250,000 LEOM miners
  • LEOMM is available at 6 STEEM per LEOMM --> view LEOMM on the DEX
    • There are only 70,000 LEOMM miners

Initial and Ongoing Distribution of the LEO Token:

Initial Supply: 9,739,037 LEO

  • Palnet Stakeholder Airdrop: 1,739,037
  • Team: 2M
  • Mods: 1M
  • Sell Wall: 2M
  • Bounties: 3M

Ongoing Distribution:

  • Initial Inflation: 2M LEO
    • 300,000 LEO to PoM (Proof of Mining) Pool (15%)
    • 1.7M LEO to PoB (Proof of Brain) Rewards Pool (85%)
  • Similar to PAL, the LEO inflation rate drops by 1% every year until it is 4%, then it will remain at 4% per year

We are airdropping to PAL stakeholders for a variety of reasons. The main reason is that Palnet did a claimdrop to the most active Steemians who also weren’t on a particular blacklist. After the claimdrop, the stake of PAL tokens continually spread out as some people dumped their PAL on the market and others bought PAL and decided to stake it.

We feel that the current stake distribution of PAL represents some of the most active/best Steemians on the chain and also represents a group of people who already know how the SCOT ecosystem works and how to use Steem-Engine. If you’re reading this, then the airdrop is live! If you’re a PAL stakeholder, then head over to your Steem-Engine wallet to see (& stake 😉) your LEO tokens!

The Sell Wall will be set at 2 STEEM/LEO and will be for a total 2 million LEO on the Steem-Engine DEX. Ongoing bounties will help to distribute 3 million LEO to active users over the coming years. This LEO will be distributed slowly and carefully to users that we believe will add value to the Steemleo network in the long-term. One of our objectives is to onboard a few mid to high-profile influencers to Steemleo and the Steem blockchain and use bounties to entice their communities as well.

Scotbot Settings (in-depth explanation of these settings will be released in a separate post following this one):

The settings are similar to Palnet:

  1. Voting is slightly superlinear
  2. You get 1 free downvote per day
  3. 50/50 author/curator split
  4. 7 day payout period
  5. Inflation drops by 1% every 10512000 blocks (1 year)

author_curve_exponent: 1.049
author_reward_percentage: 50
beneficiaries_account: null
beneficiaries_reward_percentage: 0
cashout_window_days: 7
curation_curve_exponent: 0.5
downvote_power_consumption: 200
downvote_regeneration_seconds: 432000
enable_account_muting: false
issue_token: true
json_metadata_key: tags
json_metadata_value: steemleo
promoted_post_account: null
reduction_every_n_block: 10512000
reduction_percentage: 1
rewards_token: 14
rewards_token_every_n_block: 100
token: LEO
vote_power_consumption: 200
vote_regeneration_seconds: 432000
vote_window_days: -1

We hope you join the Steemleo community and help us reach out to passionate investors across the globe. Our plan is to focus primarily on outward marketing to users outside of the Steem blockchain. One of the essential aspects to a brighter Steem future is a healthy and growing base of users, we hope to make a big dent in this ambition.. Join us on this journey!

if you have any issues with the site or didn't get your airdrop, please leave a comment down below and we'll help you right away. Thank you for your patience.


Thank you @steem.leo for the airdrop.

Wishing you all the best.


Is there a way for mobile users to access the Steem-Engine wallet?

Just one question:
So if I use the steemleo tag you will upvote me with steem and leo tokens.. so for what is staking the leo tokens good for?

We delegate our PAL to @contestkings and didn't receive the airdrop as of yet.

The site looks great! Good job!

thanks for your special comment

hola amigo, como estas .soy de colombia. me presento, me llamo andres felipe mazo

We feel that the current stake distribution of PAL represents some of the most active/best Steemians on the chain and also represents a group of people who already know how the SCOT ecosystem works and how to use Steem-Engine.

Can you explain why you only rewarded STAKED non-delegated PAL? It seems that a lot of people missed their airdrop and this was a shortfall that I was able to identify quickly.

Hey! The plan was to airdrop based on staked PAL.. which should have included delegated PAL as well. Sorry for the complete oversight on our behalf. A second airdrop round will go out shortly based on delegated PAL stake.

Sorry again for the delay on that. We didn't catch it until after the airdrop went out.

Thanks for the quick follow-up. I've had people delegate PAL to Steem Basic Income at no charge and I'd hate to see them miss out on LEO because of it.

of course! Really sorry again for the bumpy start. The second airdrop just went out, if you know anyone else who's still missing their airdrop, please direct them here and we'll help them out ASAP! Thanks!


1 LEO in second drop for 1000 PAL delegated out...

Is there a third fix? Or is this 1 from something else entirely and the actual fix is still running?

I had Bit coin connect wallet last year.how do I transfer my funds to a different coin?. I'm a sports card collector / blogger I like talking about sports cards #focusboysports

I never used bitconnect; I have no idea how to transfer your funds or whether there is still anyway to recover them at all.

I have neither received an airdrop with the first nor with the second airdrop. I have all my PAL delagted to @Steem.ninja. Would be cool if you could check that, @steem.leo.

me too!

I delegated PAL too, but, since I'm traveling without a PC, using SE on mobile is a very bad experience to me!

I received some LEO and I'm grateful for that! Could you please include me in the second airdrop for the part of PAL I delegated?

Thanks so much! 🤗

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi. I have delegated all my PAL to @steem.ninja too and can't see any airdrop too :(

I came here from @abh12345's post. Wanted to say the same thing @josephsavage said. I have delegated all staked pal to another account. That's why haven't received any LEO.

Hey, sorry about the delay. We've just sent the second airdrop and you've now got your LEO in your wallet. Apologies for that, we had a major oversight when airdropping the original stake! Hope you understand 🧡

Thank for being so responsive. :)

I have PAL staked. I have received no LEO.

Please advise.


So why in the hell would anyone stake their own pal if there is a chance to pawn it off to the highest bidder getting both the benefits the air drop as well as the benefits of having their pal vote in a massive conglomeration of voters that will outright suck the curation value of every post voted on due to the new HF based setup of @steemleo and the other altchains that are coming out? Was the purpose of this stuff to fish out the multiple account farming and several other factors that has outright nuked the value and perception of steem and steemit? Is that not why there is staking and delegation in the first place so people do not double dip like this? I am certainly up for debate and curious what I am missing or misinterpreting.

It sounds like you are confusing several different things that have nothing to do with each other, but your comment is a mad scramble of words so I really couldn't say for sure.

So why would everyone not just delegate their pal tokens to their biggest favorite glut of voters that is an upvote service say for example and essentially get an inflated vote with one a steem-engine coin (that enables delegation, pal being the only one at the moment) then have that voting service I use vote my post in a non-linear curation/vote value inflating my payout and pretty much walking away with all significant curation and growing like mad in all of these areas? The air dropper I would assume sorts out for people who delegated their pal to their main account, or other places that can bid for their coins now or in the future. What an airdrop does is up to them, I just get annoyed with people that want things both ways on here. I am guessing to avoid I am just saying hypothetically of course if someone were going to do that of course.

Couldn't you make that same argument about SP? Or are you making some assumption about non-linear curation?

Sure to a point. I am just mentioning that because if the group that air drops the tokens would have the non-delegated PAL tokens vs the delegated they did that likely for a reason. The point is moot anyways I am not going to tell one of these groups who they can and cannot support, that is of course their call. As an independent member on steemit (and now the rest of this sidechain network) to a point I think people will not be happy with the exact same people being the massive holders of this string of tokens, which is fine everyone has their option of which to support and which not--basically the best of both worlds having options so I suppose no harm done. Many people are likely not as fickle with this stuff as I am which is something I definitely have to admit.

Fantastic..!!! It sounds like a good project..!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I will explode with all those tokens x.x
But really good one! Love the design and the introduction to Leo. I will follow more close this project.

I had Bit coin connect wallet last year.how do I transfer my funds to a different coin?. I'm a sports card collector / blogger I like talking about sports cards #focusboysports

You can use steem engine for exchange coins or any crypto exchange like bittrex

Hey thank you! Hope to see you around here more often!

Good thing i staked my palcoin now. Thanks for the airdrop but I do not understand why my post on your platform have been experiencing fluctuations in post payouts.

I had Bit coin connect wallet last year.how do I transfer my funds to a different coin?. I'm a sports card collector / blogger I like talking about sports cards #focusboysports

I do not know but you could redirect this question to the right persons or just make a research on exchange platforms where you can trade one coin for another

Thanks for the airdrop, I feel super powerful now after staking all my LEO.

My airdrop was still not fixed for my 1000 PAL delegated to @sbi3. When the 'fix' was run, I received only 1 more LEO instead of 1000.


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