How to use creative commons?

in #steemleo5 years ago

Today I am going to show you some tips how to comply with copyright laws when creating content.

“Whenever you select an image or photograph (or any online content, for that matter), there’s a good chance that it either:

has a license which forbids you to use it
has no license at all
Assuming that you didn’t ask for prior permission to use the content, it’s illegal to use it if either of these two cases applies. Copyright laws tend to favor the content creator, so they can place action against you if you use it without their permission, even though they put the content online where it’s rather easy to copy and paste.

Now, copy and pasting for little hobbies or personal projects probably won’t get you into any actual trouble (although it’s still illegal), but using it for anything major such as online publications or academic papers could be enough for the offended party to act. It doesn’t matter if you gave the party credit for their work — they could have easily asked for monetary compensation instead of just credit for the work.” (

There is one solution for it, and that solution is called Creative Commons.

You will find out in their website that Creative Commons is a set of licenses which automatically give you permission to do various things, such as reuse and distribute the content. It's then up to the specific Creative Commons (CC) license whether derivatives of the work are allowed, and whether the content can be used for commercial purposes.

Creative Commons (CC) is an American non-profit organization devoted to expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share. The organization has released several copyright-licenses, known as Creative Commons licenses, free of charge to the public.

For example you see a great picture of certain crypto logo on Google Images and you download it, and add it to your content. Most of the time, 99% of it, absolutely nothing will happen to you. But guess what, there is still 1% chance of the opposite action. So if you are publishing over 500 articles you have to be definitely aware of it.

Some companies count on Legal Department which is in charge of their brand protection. They somehow may locate your content on Google and they may ask Youtube/Uptrennd/Publish0x or any other site to eliminate your content. The administrators of the site are supposed to do some action against it, perhaps to warn you, deactivate the post or if it happens in repeated occasion – they even may eliminate the account. Therefore it’s highly advisable to read Terms and Conditions of each site, even if we don’t like it that much.

For example on Publish0x before you publish your post, you must check 4 boxes where you acknowledge basically that the article you created is of your domain and you are its creator. This is the way how this crypto social media avoids their responsibility by publishing the user content. The responsibility for publishing such a content is now in user’s hands.

Here surges one recent problem not only on Uptrennd but on other crypto social media, some users mark OC – original content for a content that wasn’t their creation. We call it plagiarism, in some universities it’s a serious problems. When I was studying my Master Degree, there was one policy, if you breached the plagiarism policy twice – they might have the right to suspend you from the career even if you paid 80% of your carreer. As you read before, all of this can create the aforementioned problems. I know that some of you, may think of me, what a picky dude but you will see below why I mention it because I had a certain experience.

I will confess to all of you, an absolutely no glamorous experience of mine, where I published on ecommerce site a post where I used unauthorized image of one article. I used it because I wasn’t aware of it. Here comes my story: I bought set of matress and pillows but I absolutely hated the pillows. They weren’t what I expected, the customer service didn’t help me at all to give them back. So I decided to sell them online and posted them online. One day I received a mail where I was told that my post was eliminated because I breached the terms and conditions of that site. I contacted the person who reported me, who was BTW a very freaky lawyer. And he shouted at me in the email, you breached law #, paragraph 1, etc. of the Law of Industrial Property and he even threatened me with a lawsuit. So even if I was a very unhappy customer, I preferred to tell him: no hard feelings because unfortunately the law favoured their company.

For that matter you have to check the copyright laws and institutes of a country you live in. I am totally sure you will find them on Google.

On Youtube you can redistribute videos for monetization if you want, there was one famous story about it how a guy made 2,000 dollars per month but the key thing here is to reuse videos with a creative common license. If there isn’t such a licence you can’t do it because there may be very unfavourable consequences for a user.

Therefore I recommend you to visit the site where you will be absolutely safe of any problems regarding to the use of image, photographs, etc.

creative commons.jpg
Another way how you can use a certain photograph would be to alter it into a smaller version and use completely different graphic design. For example I totally love Scott Cunningham’s idea how he handles his images on posts – he appears there in different photographs, on the same image appear titles of his posts and below small logos related to cryptos discussed by this successful crypto marketer. That is allowed because the graphic design format has been completely changed and now it became his creative idea.

So now you can become aware why it is important to avoid plagiarism or unauthorized reuse of any unauthorized content (image, text or tweet) on any crypto social media in order to prevent any problems. I want to state that you can share the links on Uptrennd but if they aren’t yours, no OC (original content), please. If any member of Uptrenndian team lets you know about it, please only be thankful to him/her because he/she is protecting you.


Creative commons is one way to get content. Another way is by using public domain stuff. William Shakespeare's works is one example of public domain. It is best to change the story to fit an entirely different setting though. Even names can be changed.

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