Steemit Engagement Challenge S6-W4, Kids Funny, Excited And Annoying Moments (tantrum)



  • Alot of factors are concerned when it Comes to the states of kids. So for me I think there are lots of things that are happening around the kids which in turn affects them.. these things could be abstract and also in objects..
    One of those things that triggers their state if being could either be their love ones or their guardians. Two there objects around them.

As we all know these kids can as well express the way they feel when they are funny, excited and annoying (tantrum)

most kids terns to exhibit these attribute themselves, either through their facial expressions..

must kids feel excited due to the things or activities happening around them. Most times, these is due to the way they feel, and mostly from their love ones who are around them.

Annoyed or annoying
These type of feeling which they kids express are mostly in two forms. Sometimes their actions might warrant these feeling in which their guardians can get angry over these kids behavior or they kids themselves gets annoyed over reactions of their guardians.

They Are factors responsible for the states of the kid's excited, funny and annoying feelings or nature. These things are mostly the things around them (pets, or non living things) and most times their parents too...
These aspect of the kid's manifest, when their guardians or parents surprises them with their favorite toys or snacks or even games, it could trigger their happiness, causing to smile for the moment..

Another example is their funny aspect..
These funny part of these kids could be instristic or Entristic. At these point it's either triggered by their parents or guardians trying to make some actions that makes them smile or the kids trying to put up some funny actions to put smiles on people's faces...

Annoying Moments
Most kids terns to put up some characters that ends up getting their parents or guardians angry over them. For example they kids sometimes like doing some nasty things which could be provoking to their guardians or parents....

*In all of this States or stages of a child's feelings either excited, funny or annoying I pronouncely don't like the kids annoying Moments. Why I don't like these aspect of the kid is because some kids might end up doing things that could make their parents Cain them leading to their weeping.

*My advice to these kids is that the should try as much as they can to stay happy, smiling and also make they people around them smile as well...

Thank you for your time.....

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