President Donald Trump Political Cartoon Birthday Classified Files.

![]() Donald Trump our leader in a political cartoon with Ron Desantis I love Our President ![]() I was talking above about Trumps big speech about his indictment. I wish I could post it here. But I can barely type. I am on the floor because the electric plugs dont work I have to spread out. My keys do not work. I have to use speech to text. I cannot edit. It takes me two days to post this. My Enter key does not work neither does certain keys. As soon as I paid internet my 1000$ computer I paid 200$ to get lenovo to fix, broke again, this time the hdmi wont connect to my graphic tablet so I am on the broken screen computer again. I wish I can have a desk. My back hurts. ![]() President Donald Trump political cartoon ![]() I also traced over some vintage political cartoons as a STUDY ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The French Revolution and American were one and the same. Motier, not a moderate, went on to be hired by GEORGE WASHINGTON and new moniker LAFAYETTE. SO IF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION WAS SO BAD why did GEORGE WASHINGTON HIRE ONE OF ITS LEADERS TO THE CONTINENTAL ARMY? Many Places in the USA still named LAFAYETTE as a testament. It was not a socialist uprising. It was defense against the Royalists massacres of the people. 88k citizens tortured in public backs broken BY THE ROYALISTS. We are a result of that. WE ARE THE SANS CULLOTTES. We are the citizens..The jacobin club was ONE CLUB a few of the leaders spoke at. It was not a JACOBIN socialist uprising. Dont read history books, all written by men of secrets. READ THE WRITINGS OF THE DAY. We are THE REPUBLICANS. My fellow maga comrades! The French Revolution and American were indistinguishable. Indeed LAFAYETTE, aka Motier.. a steadfast revolutionary, continued his journey and was enlisted by GEORGE WASHINGTON, adopting the new name Lafayette. This was no socialist insurrection, but rather a defensive response to the merciless massacres committed by the Royalists against the people. Eight eight thousand citizens endured public torture, their backs broken. We emerged as a consequence of those events, defining our nation. WE ARE THE SANS CULLOTTES. The Jacobin Club stood as ONE association where a few leaders voiced their opinions. It was not a JACOBIN socialist uprising. Disregard the accounts penned by secretive men in history books. Instead, immerse yourself in the writings of that era. Like I have. I been on the French Revolution tour. I placed my hands on the same spots. MAGA/Comrades, let me further elucidate our struggle. The correlation between the American Revolution and our own was unmistakable. , an unwavering advocate of the people’s cause, the world joined forces with George Washington MOTIER assumed the name Lafayette. This alliance symbolized the interconnectedness of our revolutions. Contrary to misconceptions, our uprising was not driven by socialist ideals, but rather by a resolute defense against the horrific acts of the Royalists. The masses suffered under their tyrannical rule, enduring unspeakable atrocities. Thousands of everyday citizens, numbering eighty thousand strong, were subjected to gruesome public torture, their very backs broken. MUSKETS driven thru. It was in the face of such abhorrent oppression that we rose as a formidable force, forging our destiny and shaping the destiny of our nation. We are all Sans-Culottes, a testament to our solidarity with the common people, the laborers, and those marginalized by an unjust system. We stand as the embodiment of their aspirations and struggles, amplifying their voices and fighting for their rights. If you do not think so, then show me your breeches! It is crucial to understand that the Jacobin Club, often misunderstood as a symbol of a socialist uprising, was, in fact, an association where a select group of leaders expressed their viewpoints. Reading the viewpoints of CHARLES DICKENS , very popular in the movements.. did not make you a socialist. We should not conflate this with the entirety of the revolution. It was a diverse movement, encompassing a wide array of perspectives and motivations, all united in the shared objective of dismantling the oppressive monarchy and establishing a more equitable society. WE ARE LIVING IN THE AFTERMATH. We are the “CITOYENS” Let us not be swayed by the narratives inscribed in history books, predominantly penned by men cloaked in secrecy and vested interests. YOU CANNOT LEARN by READING BOOKS FROM THE LIBRARY WRITTEN BY THE JAKE TAPPERS OF HISTORY. Instead, I implore you to delve into the writings and primary sources of the time. THE SPEECHES and DECLARATIONS of rights! Immerse yourselves in the vibrant accounts of the revolutionaries, the proclamations, speeches, and pamphlets that illuminate the spirit. It does not have to be violent. But when attacked, people will defend. WE do not need a reign of terror! Only if we are attacked first! GO PEACEFUL always. Like ALEX JONES said on Infowars the day Laura Loomer was at her event. He was talking about **killing** the globalists. How you have to or else like a raccoon they will be back. I think we can win with REASON. ( I have to brush up on my Rousseau) But today he changed his mind. ..stressed we cannot be “OFFENSIVE” and instead be peaceful. I like that ALEX. The point is to win the war with our minds! ANIMALS do not send in their dumbest member to lead the herd. I fell all of this will happen organically. Can you reason with GHey COMMUNISTS though? Can you really VOTE OUT COMMUNISTS? We have other weapons of wit. We are the brains of the world, the intellectuals. Noone does anything that we havent started that trickles down. FROM US! The bowties on tv, they are exact mirrors of our thoughts, or supposed to be!

Through the exploration of these authentic accounts, the writings of Olympe De Gouges, her decalaration of rights, or ANTOINE SAINT JUST the hottie.. or SIEYES.. MARAT.. and ROBESPIERRE VERY RADICAL/attorney.. Have you heard the songs of the day? I have read all of their speeches when I was teenager. we shall uncover the truth, untainted by the biases and distortions of the past. Only then can we grasp the profound significance of our own revolution.. born out of the French Revolution.. Let our minds be liberated, and our understanding be guided by the words of those who lived and fought in the turbulent era that birthed our nation. Were not our revolutionary wars , massacres? But now. alas.. No violence, just reason and argument! We are the inheritors of both revolutions. Look around. The symbols are everywhere.. Liberty EQUALITY and FRATERNITY, what is bad about those things? The Phyrgian cap is now the MAGA hat.. Libertas MARIANNE.. they wear OUR HAT! There is virtue in the people’s cause. Individual rights for all! VIVA LA REPUBLIQUE! HAIL TRUMP! I am THE POLITICAL CARTOONIST for the REVOLUTION. We are THE REPUBLICAINS. YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND THIS if you want to understand 1776 The GLOBALISTS are THE ROYALISTS and the conservative Americans are the SANS CULOTTES the ones who do not wear BREECHES. We wear JEANS. I have to use on screen keyboard to type. I WILL NOT ABANDON YOU. AUX ARMES to arms, is from the French Revolution. Why do we love the world LIBERTY? The motto for the FR. OUR NATION WAS BIRTHED OUT OF IT. We have been so weakened so brainwashed we are too scared to even REMEMBER. OUR POWER. Growing up in Buffalo NY I hung out on in LAFAYETTE square with GEORGE WASHINGTON statue with an apron on. That was where my college was. Our FOUNDING FATHER rewarded LAFAYETTE with his troops! Maga Comrades, it is essential to recognize that during the French Revolution, the people were no longer mere.. subjects… but citizens, with inherent rights and responsibilities. This shift in perception empowered individuals to actively participate in shaping the destiny of our nation. The notion of citizenship became the cornerstone of our revolution, emphasizing the collective agency of the people in determining their own fate.
Moreover, let us acknowledge the profound influence the French Revolution had on the lexicon of liberty and governance. Words such as “republic,” “tyranny,” and “liberty” resonated deeply during those transformative times. We drew inspiration from the fervor and ideals of the French Revolution, adopting these terms as symbols of our aspirations.
The concept of a republic, a form of government based on the will of the people and the common good, found its roots in the French Revolution. It served as a beacon of hope, casting aside the shackles of monarchy and aristocracy, and inviting us to envision a society where power resides with the citizens.
The struggle against tyranny, both in its political and social manifestations, lay at the heart of our OWN revolution. The French Revolution exposed the oppressive nature of absolute monarchy, inspiring us to challenge authority and fight for a system that champions equality and justice. Tyranny became a rallying cry, uniting in determination to dismantle systems that subjugate the masses.
The value of liberty, fiercely defended during the French Revolution, echoed through the annals of history and into our revolution. The French revolutionaries championed the principles of individual freedoms, inspiring us to embrace liberty as a fundamental right. It became an ideal for which we fought, to liberate ourselves from the chains of oppression and forge a society where all could flourish.
As we reflect on our own revolution, we must recognize the profound debt we owe to the French Revolution and its impact on our language, ideals, and understanding of governance. The echoes of their struggle resonated within our own, as we embraced the values of republicanism, battled against tyranny, and championed the cause of liberty.
Let us remain steadfast in our commitment to upholding these cherished principles, continually drawing inspiration from the extraordinary journey of the French Revolution and the timeless lessons it imparts. By doing so, we honor the sacrifices of those who came before us and pave the way for a brighter future for all citizens. I invite ALEX ONES to read the speeches of the day. NEVER ever read a book from the library or watch the HISTORY channel or even youtube Those written by men of secrets who WANT THIS TAKEN FROM YOU. YOU MUST pay 100$ to rent them read their books, see the political cartoons..


Behold, the origins of lexicons that resonate with the spirit of the French Revolution!

"Citizen," resounding w a resplendent aura of civic participation. "Republic,"
..the intoxicating allure of "Liberty" and "Freedom," two ethereal concepts that danced in harmony

— Trump Loyalist Political Cartoons 🍊 (@politictoons) June 13, 2023

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