Spreading the Gospel of SteemJET/ Steemit.

in #steemjet6 years ago


All aboard SteemJET,

I am Lucent Britex, @lucentbritex, an SF4 member. I'm a graphic artist, a writer, a Blogger, I'm into the arts and Photography, and a founding member of @kabolo, whom I work as a group with. Like many of us, the SteemJET community has become a home to me, and doing what I can through my arts and community service, to keep this Jet afloat, is one of my priorities.

Steemjet is a community where superstars are made, and I believe that everyone here has something to offer. Not everyone here can be crypto analysts, not everyone can be graphic designers/artists, not everyone here can be writers, neither can everyone here be a musician, but we're all here to compliment each other, and in that, lies our strength and beauty. I urge every one to find that area which they're best grounded at (as specified in the departments listed by @empato365) and make something out of it, whilst remembering that, it's not about what you get out of it , but about what you put in.


I believe strongly in giving back to the community, and with that being my drive, I and some other of the delegates here ( @tudors, @chukwunalu, @udembahenry, @annyvery1, @shartzy) created the @kabolo community with the aim of developing our communities with steemit, creating an online community to bring new people on board steemit, and developing our offline community with our earnings. SteemJet and steemit at large has been a turning point for me, and empowering other youths, just as I've been empowered, is a present goal. Thanks to the delegation from @dimimp, that mission can be carried out more efficiently and effectively, one step at a time.

Most of the time, I'm writing and blogging more than I'm designing graphics, and I'd like to connect with the other writers here on steemJet. In the coming weeks, I plan to stage a little contest for writers here, and in the course of that, we can get to familiarize with ourselves. The prize for the winners (which will be in sbd) might not be as much as you'd expect, as I'm into other projects and I do not have a lot of steem power, but I look forward to it, as it is a step towards achieving something bigger in the near future (with support of course).


Being a member of the NEWBIE DIRECTORS AND STEEMJET REPRESENTATIVES department, I plan to represent steemjet in the best way possible and help all steemjet newbies in the best way I can. Spreading the gospel of steemit, and now steemjet, is the big plan, and things just got kicked up a notch. Making the T-shirts, is a beautiful and subtle way to campaign and create awareness. The more people who get on board steemjet, the more good heads we'll have, and the more good heads there are, the better ideas there will be to spiral us forward.

I believe in STEEMIT.
I believe in SteemJET.
I believe in YOU.

Lucent Britex.


I didn't know much about steemijet before, but thanks to the way you presented and analysing there aim and objective.

For the contest you are planning to do, I'm also looking forward to it. Thanks @lucentbritex

I'm glad I could be of enlightenment.

Yes you are bro.

Yes,you are bro.

I plan to stage a little contest for writers here, and in the course of that, we can get to familiarize with ourselves.

I look forward to that as a writer because the steemjet projects or contest so far has really being favoring artists and designers while the writers seem to be left out.

I got some ideas to help newbies by way of running a contest and integrating them into the steemjet but in need of sponsors to carry out that idea.

I got some ideas to help newbies by way of running a contest and integrating them into the steemjet

Good! I'd like to know what ideas you have.


A very strong message there....finding where we function most is the beginning of being valuable. Shout out to the newbies department. I rep the #sfmedics

Definitely. Finding your place, in a community is essential.

Nice combination of words.

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