STEEM is the top proof of stake asset that is legally identical to a bitcoin token

in #steemjet7 years ago (edited)

Discord server:

Or maybe this is thdiscord link?

Your personal bitcoin and steem tax accounting methods should be equal because both coins were POW mined into existance without any premine or specific percentage of coins set aside for development funding. Steem is a true blockchain that empowers active users to obtain some ROI, and allows you to delegate this "Steem Power" to your employees as compensation for a job well done.

Steemjet employees are Super Bowl commercials that teach the world that steem is a true blockchain just like bitcoin.

There are only 4 types of initial distribution methods for blockchain tokens.

#1 - ICO (initial coin offering) - Identical in capital distribution structure to an IPO (initial public offering)

#2 - Zero-premine POW launched blockchain distribution to miners - the highest market cap tokens are the bitcoin chains, Litecoin, Monero, and steem.

#3 - POW mined into existance with a certain percentage allocated to the developers (DASH/ZEC) so they can focus their efforts on developing instead of mining.

#4 - Airdrop - keep a few and give the rest away to anybody. Or give them to a particular group of people where no money changes hands, before trading begins and money starts to change hands 5 minutes later. This is basically an IPO with a very large group of initial share owners.

Olivia can recognise the difference between fair launch POW (like her superstar), and ICO (which is why she shows her mom Ned's SMT whitepaper, to teach her parents that steem is not an ICO like her mom's stocks that are crashing).

The Steemjet Space Force should only speak of true blockchains, unless asked to clarify the difference. Our audience is ELI-5, and they only care that steem is legally equal to BTC and that steem pays interest to those who show interest.

Legal Fine Print (feel free to skip the next section or you may listen to this other old man explain the reason why we are legally forced to do this)

Steemjet currently has one vision - global steem adoption of true blockchains BTC and STEEM.

A secondary vision of teaching the fundamental differences among blockchains has been prepared for future use.

Steemjet has one method of achieving our current vision - physically send steem to everyone in the world both directly and indirectly (by supporting steemians who are also onboarding newbies) while teaching the benefits of steem and BTC.

Steemjet is finishing up its quarter million USD equivalent signing bonus to some of the most highly compensated blockchain community developers in the world while utilizing the chain to track hiring, firing, performance management, accounting, payroll, talent sourcing, and employment contracting to track these metrics immutably.

After the signing bonuses, we are not currently able to target potential investors for our crypto/steem educational class, nor are we offering anymore art competitions to the general public unless your aim is to land a job or some upvotes. Now that we have contracted an entire marketing wing of talent in-house, we will no longer to need to waste time soliciting the general public. From now on, our only dealings with the public will be pure teaching, and no soliciting (after these last 3 competitions). Our unified message will be much easier absorbed.

No currency is ever adopted globally without a high effort fight, and Steemjet is preparing for this inevitabiltiy. Since Steemjet has never received funding from steem whales or anybody with any money, our business model remains self-funded. So now, any external financial support that we receive, is explicitly funding a company with a business model that does not offer any financial advice by definition of our vision statement. Any member of the Space Force who talks about crypto to anybody with money is assuming all legal liability for both acting as a fiduciary, and slander/libel/character defamation, etc. I do not own steemjet. Steemjet is a community of friends whom I fund, therefore I assume no liability for their actions or words. When we teach the advanced topics in Lessons 2,3, and 4, we will have adequate legal representation ability for the inevitable contentious issues that will arise as steem global distribution proceeds according to plan. What is the significance of being the top non-ico crypto with a fully-functional business accounting department for every user? This is just the tip of our fundamental analysis iceberg. Not only that, but our lesson "Who owns your crypto?" has the potential to land us in court for slander/libel/character defamation/etc. One of the fundamental reasons why crypto is not more widely adopted now is due to the legal issues surrounding the making of claims concerning not only technical specs but "who owns the coins" as well.

End of Legal Fine Print

by @sweetim

Launch Codes (Steemjet Space Force Code of Conduct). For employees who want to get an employment contract extension, pay raise, or just keep their job, then do your job. These Launch Codes should provide a basic guide to attaining and retaining employment as a paid member of the Steemjet Space Force:

Launch Code 1

When in doubt, spread it out.

I try to upvote everyone, even when I don't like what they post (like spam). This way I can logically assume that they read my reply, and therefore I then have the right to downvote/flag them if they persist with the spam. Some people who post spam are spammers. Others are just dim like myself but they will only spam once (initially) and will follow the rules after the first warning.

You must first upvote them to see if they are sincere (their second post will show you if they are learning or if they have negative intentions of a smart spammer. This way, we are bringing talented people into our community who have a proven ability to learn, and this is the logic behind our feasible plan on achieving mass adoption through global distribution to every person on the planet who is sincere and capable of learning. And in achieving this more targeted goal, we will be assured to upvote everyone on the planet guaranteed thanks to this well defined launch code.

For Steemjet to reach its ultimate goal of global adoption, there will need to be a Space Force 8 and it will consist of 100 members at least. SF9 (1000 people). Because if you think that this world has a lot of people to teach, then just imagine how many people in the cosmos there are!

I have upvoted thousands of different people, but now I need to spend my time on other initiatives that are lagging. So it is logical to assume that our 70 member Space Force will be able to utilize our SP more effectively for this objective, than undistributed SP in a single account can.

This is the main reason behind this Steem Power delegation initiative. But some people will never be happy, and it is a waste of time to try to make everyone happy (that kind of stress will kill you). Now I can sleep at night knowing that Steemjet will still fly true even if I never wake again. And with this new piece of mind comes more room for creativity and creation because less brain time is spent worrying.

Launch Code 2. Upvote those who are onboarding new steemians and steemjet riders.

Launch Code 3. Show that you are onboarding new members.

Launch Code 4. Help bring the cream of the conversation to the top of my posts

Launch Code 5. Show us something impressive - prove your superstardom

Launch Code 6. Effectively evaluate the performance (or lack of) of other Space Force members. Whistle-blowers will be rewarded. This is the fastest path to promotion, but is also the most difficult task to perform effectively. Self auditing is a necessary requirement of all successful adventures.

Space Force Rule 1

When at the party, only discuss true blockchains but be well prepared to explain the legal difference if necessary.

ELI-5 : bitcoin is just a unit of time which is money

If you think that you can do a better job than a Space Force member, then show us your results, and you will find yourself aboard Steemjet heading into space!

The art you see beneath a Space Force member's name was created by them becasue everyone knows that the most talented superstar creators on earth work for steemjet!

Space Force 1 (6000 SP)

@deandaniel - BOSS/Jan 2019/A+

@lordjames - pilot/Jan 2020/A+

@m(b)j - Michelangelo Jackson/Jan 2019/A+

@empato365 - Jan 2019/A+

Space Force 2 (3000 SP)

@mhizsophie - Jan 2019/A+

@ubongj - Picasso - Jan 2019/A+

Leonardo Di @shartzy - Jan 2019/A+

@geyzee - Donatello - Jan 2019/A+

Space Force 3 (2000 SP)

@peterakpan - Raphael - Aug 2018/A+

@joshuaedoja - Salvadore Dali - Aug 2018/A+

@lifeofdarlington - Jan 2019/A+

@gutzygwin - Jan 2020 - Grade A+

@penking - Aug 2018/A+

Space Force 4 (1500 SP)

@kristenantai01 - the voice of steemjet - Jan 2019/A+

@lucentbritex - Vincent Van Gogh - Jan 2019/A+

@shuta – continuous inspiration - Jan 2019/A+

@longmining – Aug 2018/A+
@rextyge - Aug 2018/A+

Space Force 5 (1250 SP)

@dromzz - Banksy - Jan 2019/A+

@omowumi - the queen of bling - Jan 2019/A+

@joshuaetim - HR lead- Jan 2019/A+

@afolwalex – Aug 2018/A+

SF6 (1000SP)

@mrprecious - steemjet house band - Jan 2019/A+
@etemi - steemjet house band - Jan 2019/A+

@profchydon - kristenantai01's band - Jan 2019/A+

@jogreh - the legend - Jan 2029/A+

@jbee007 - emotional powerhouse - Aug 2018 /A+

@chukwunalu - deep guru - Jan 2019/A+

@udembahenry - prolific maniac: - Jan 2019/A+

@kabolo - the original - Jan 2019/A+
@vheobong - kristenantai01's band - Jan 2019/A+
@mathemandy - kristenantai01's band - Jan 2019/A+

@essiential Aug 2018/A+
@tudors Aug 2018/A+

@obaidb2 - sketch artist - Jan 2019/A+

@sweetim -Jan 2019/A+
@machnbirdsparo -Jan 2019/A+
@mydivathings - Aug 2018/A+
@davidsiedoma - Aug 2018/A+
@jlordc - Jan 2019/A+
@yhaulez - Jan 2019/A+

Space Force 7 (600SP)

@mdnazmulhasan Aug 2018/A+

@kilatunzii -Jan 2019/A+

@izuchukwu1506 - Aug 2018/A+

@mrrpiusz – photography - Jan 2019/A+

@gmarlyanimations Jan 2019/A+

@samuel9135 Jan 2019/A+

@jesse12 - Aug 2018/A+

@anikearn - Jan 2019/A+

@sirdeza - Jan 2019/A+

@inieson - Aug 2018/A+

@owaniofficial - Aug 2018/A+

@matytan -Aug 2018/A+

@sancti - Aug 2018/A+

@soufiani - Aug 2018/A+

@dannytroniz - Jan 2019/A+

@aideedavies - Aug 2018/A+

@abdulmanan 2022/A+

@muhasib - Aug 2018/A+

@rjunaid12 - Aug 2018/A+

@mrhimo - Aug 2018/A+

@dimix3 - Aug 2018/A+

@bomaprecious - Aug 2018/A+

@ungest HR - Aug 2018/A+

@faith49 - Aug 2018/A+

@aaniejack - Aug 2018/A+

@lovelymkylie - Aug 2018/A+
@mariapatrick - Aug 2018/A+
@josemiguel - Aug 2018/A+
@sheriffakin - Aug 2018/A+
@ninoh22 - HR - Aug 2018/A+
@fidelmboro - Aug 2018/A+
@gacorniel - Aug 2018/A+
@moeenali - Aug 2018/A+
@sistem - Aug 2018/A+
@mimun007 - Aug 2018/A+
@enolife - Aug 2018/A+
@applo - Aug 2018/A+
@mindtrap - Jan 2019/A+
@annyvery1 - Jan 2019/A+
@jacobite - Jan 2019/A+
@youngchief - Jan 2019/A+
@mistakili - Aug 2018/A+
@wa2qr - Aug 2018/A+
@yourmercury - Aug 2018/A+

Effective workers get contract extensions, bonuses, pay raises, and helpers. Ineffective workers get replaced.

Steemjet - Where the most impressive work their way up the ladder of global currency adoption

And for those artists wondering how to get up on this list,

The current theme is STEEM HIGH:

Why does Steemjet pay its employees so much?Why did Henry Ford pay its employees so much? It was a requirement in order to build the biggest factory chain in the world first. Which cryptocurrency will get globally distributed first? Maybe the one that pays it's employees the most? The study of mass adoption is not new science. The template for global adoption is old, tried, and true. For the creative among us, here is your muse:

STEEM HIGH - free crypto classes for kids

How do we plan to teach crypto to kids? What kind of teaching tools can be forged from the mighty steem talent pool? Please allow me to introduce some more members of the Space Force:

@olivia-xo What if one man could do the job of an ENTIRE Space Force?!!!! How cool would THAT BE?!!!
(awaiting contracted work)

and @shrazi as our superstar illustrator - under contract until 2019

The steem blockchain allows you to realize your creative dreams, even without steem-whale upvotes. Steem is a blockchain for your business solutions. What is your preferred value storage asset of choice doing for you, besides retaining value over time?

yhaulez just won a contract extension with this, and a promise of a promotion to SF5 once completed

If you were hired late, find a place where you can make the biggest impact and introduce yourself to your new team!



There it is, is smaller now. @dimimp



Hello sir @dimimp. I earlier made my wish to be part of the steemJet space force know to you but you possibly did not see the application

I would one to be listed among one of those that
Helped in aiding the adoption of crytocurrencies as the green evolution minning
I humbly ask for an employment into the force
(Raising my hat) aye aye captain!

And sir non of my logos were listed on your comment section. In case you still love to shortlist them, the link is below

cool design good

Do you want me to shrink this? :D


1. A design showing a meter for STEEM at a HIGH point/reading. (STEEM HIGH)

DONE 1.png

2. A design showing a school bus with students/spaceforce members on it going high up on steem

DONE 2.png

3. A GIF for steemjet/medical team showing a steem doctor testing how high a member is on steam 😁


well that's all for now more are yet to come and a quick reminder @dimimp hope you still remember the promotion to sf5 you promised for the complete video I made for Olivia and the Super Star unless the story is not yet completed tho.
But I would love your remarks on this contributions I just made.


yhaulez - steem high - 8

You are a true master!

Thanks alot boss

Thank for you sir


pls stop this spamming shit you are doing

Here's my entry @dimimp
Steem high.... More like Steem High-Five


shuta - steem high


I love this! How did you do it?

So many elements, the colors, concept ("hello = hi =(almost)hello")

This is right up there with the best steem high images, if not the very best currently.

I am learning how to more effectively evaluate the art contests, and consequently I am finished with the time contest and will be compiling the gold entries next, and since the number of gold and bird entries are tiny compared to the time entries, it will be no time before I am showcasing this image in a STEEM HIGH contest compilation!

And FINALLY, I will be all caught up with the latest current events!

thank you so much for inventing this. How did you come up with the concept, the colors, and those steem sunglasses?

Thank you.. I'm DELIGHTED you like my work.
Actually i wanted to do something totally different...
About the concept, well... It's a "Steem High-five"
A Steem high-five to everyone for a job well done.
"Steem Hi/Hello" like you said is also a perfect interpretation too.

I worked with solid gradient colors from pixlr editor on web, very easy to use.
I used the sunglasses to add style to it, making it more appealing.
I did this for fun actually ..I'm flattered and happy you rate it as one of the best already.

Yes... Hopefully you'll be able to catch up with the latest event sooner as the running competitions gradually come to an end.

The concept looks so dope.....
@shuta you've always made us proud with your designs and logos too
High-five ✋.

Sir @dimimp,
I hope you're doing great?
please do well to check it out.
Kindly click on the link below

I hope you enjoy it....


ZomboMeme 19052018162922.jpg

Hi @dimimp, so prior to the video done by the development, courtesy of @yhaulez, I came up with an audio and narration for the story. I narrated the story using my smartphone and I compiled it by merging it with the video using my smartphone. There are two audios in this video. One is the background music and the other is my audio narration of the story olivia and the superstar.

here's a link to the post

This is simply a masterpiece for you @dimimp. Judgemental criticism is allowed and I will be willing to make edits where necessary. This is the first narration ever to be made for olivia and the superstar and I would like to open the floor with these. I hope i managed to touch your heart with this brilliant piece @dimimp.

Olivia and the superstar is written and designed by @sharzi, a lover of cartoons and a good innovator. I also can't wait for @dimimp to finally draft out the full story on his blog, would love to see that but meanwhile I've designed this classic design.

Don't also forget the name we're giving to our token on steemjet - stars which would really be a wonderful idea and a great innovation.

What do you think about stars and the audio narration @dimimp. Hope I did touch your heart.

ZomboMeme 20052018190749.jpg

Awesome Sir Really Touched to my Heart Of Course Sir @dimimp Love It.

Hello, sir.
I've been working with your community for more than 2 weeks. I've added this community to 30 more people in the village to log in to your blog. I continue to promote STEEM to people in the village. While I'm doing the installation of wi-fi setup. I say this is a gift of the person named @dimimp.
They often ask me.
Who exactly are you.
They have never met such a nice person as you who help people unconditionally.
How you can earn that much money.
I was very happy to see the smiles on their faces.
Thank you very much. The people in my village are greeting you.

here is a link to my blog post containing some cool steemjet logos

joshuaedoja - time - valid

After the signing bonuses, we are not currently able to target potential investors for our crypto/steem educational class, nor are we offering anymore art competitions to the general public unless your aim is to land a job or some upvotes. Now that we have contracted an entire marketing wing of talent in-house, we will no longer to need to waste time soliciting the general public

Sir @dimimp, since the plan is to make contest for only SF members, I request to be one, as I'll be pleased to give my all to the community.
Thank you sir for granting my request.

The public is always encouraged to enter but no prize is guaranteed. If someone from the public can do a better job, then they win a prize and maybe a job. But we will not be publicly recognizing the top 100 contestants like we have done in the past. This is just a pivot, not a U-turn.

I would love to join also... I read through some post on steemit and i noticed something similar to steemit is on its way named the test net is running so i made this for you.

Its a good thing you found your way here. Your #high interpretation isnt that bad you know,but you might consider making something more decent.
Much love from

Pls, i'll like to know if there's still plan for new SP members. I read in your previous post that you may likely increase the SP to SP10.

welcome on board, i will like you to understand something that, @dimimp is not just giving appointment as SF, your contribution to the community will prompt him to give you the appointment, i will like to huge you to work for the community with full loyalty , and with time he will recognize you and give you the appointment.

welcome to steem family, just earn it

Show us your worth and so shall you pass,will be waiting for curating..
SF6,greetings from @obaidb2

My suggestion about how to end art-contest.

Lets make this sunday ,A work day and each Space Force member will help to bring the best art work to you and who does will get upvotes...this will make it easy ,fast and efficently bring an end to the art contest.

Each member should be only given one oppurtunity like comment or post once. In which he summons up the best artwork he thinks has been created.But yes only one comment or post which will get curated later on....

How do you think @dimimp is this idea gonna work .....i guess this is the best possible way to bring best results in less period of time...

Afterall this is what we were hired for to male STEEMJET work efficently and we work together.

hope you find this @dimimp

SF6 reporting

I appreciate your idea, but i will like you to know something that, if any member's art work is not been chosen by any spaceforce member, the member wont be happy, and he will think he have already fail the contest even when the result is yet to be announce. @dimimp already have all art work recorded .

i will like @dimimp the boss, should bring out the result for the contest at once so as nt to make others that their work is not be nominated by the SF look inferior .


@dimimp will be there to judge everything we will just act as catalyst ,maybe we could keep one team of four or five SF members who will check and represent those entries that are skipped.... There are many ways we can male this process to speed up...
Afterall Space Force was meant to make STEEMJET work efficently....


Steemjet time contest as started over 3 month ago, and it will be difficult for sf to go back from the first page of the contest and will bring out all the contest entry, this will not make every graphic well represented. AM very sure that @dimimp have been take note of the design right from the beginning of the content , so it will be very easy for him to update it anytime he his comfortable.

I will be very grateful to be part of this amazing team.... Please I want to work with you. I was almost discouraged when my system was stolen by criminals who invaded my little apartment in my absence and took away all my gargets and left me empty. I now have only phone that I use to blog. I will now do more writing than designing. This is my only hope!!!! Sir @dimimp please I want your help to work with you to aid my studies and my survival.. Please don't ignore me.

You are welcome to SteemJet

When @dimimp does the curation and comment part it becomes awesome ...
Coz the way you talk is something to get honoured with....
Thanks Boss for everything .

I really appreciate the effort you are putting in ensuring that steemians who are blessed in design ability get rewarded. thank you. My suggestion is if a new project name STEEMJET PLUS could be lunch in other to incorporate those who are blessed in other ability like comedy, shot films, cooking, writers, news etc with that steemjet will not only be a name but also a division on steemit. @dimimp

Hi people!
Hello @dimimp
These are the first 4 pages of the longer version of Olivia and the Superstar

I would love to hear your opinion on that!

great fleshing out of the general idea! I have pretty much completed the time contest, I just want to catch up on the pposts to make sure I did not miss anybody. After the art contests, the focus will be ALL on Olivia!

Thank you @dimimp !!
I assume that means I proceed as I do so far?

absolutely, we will probably eventually ask for more input to help you and I flesh ideas out. The initial book is is nearly finished, but the franchise will continue for sure because it is community powered!

Impressive... The book I know would be power packed. It's obvious alot is been put into it...


As you wish. But with all due respect @dimimp I would like to finish this alone. As I mentioned when I first met you I am a writer. I could have produced a lot more until now but I proceeded slowly because I didn’t know if you liked it. You asked for a longer version. And that is what I do! My version is based on the existing images, and I didn’t want to change the scenario. Now that I know that you like it I will produce faster. I feel like it is my duty. Just like shrazi who did all the work alone, this is my task.
This is me giving back to You and the community.

PS: Let me know what you think about what I just said.

PS 1: Will you at some point evaluate my effort? it is not an easy "job" to write 3 paragraphs on an existing image that has already a line or two already written

PS 2: Give me power to be a full time blogger so that my job will be Steemjet and steem. I have a lot to offer and to be honest I want to quit my shitty job and earn through my writings and my devotion to YOU.And if there is anyone who can understand me and help is only you @dimimp since I believe in your vision as much as you do.( I speak from my heart)

PS 3: I want to speak directly with you and just to let you know, all necessary corrections will be made if anything should be changed

I think he also gave you the hotline email for some good reasons.
Which other direct means of communication are you referring to?

I have the email but @dimimp is a busy man with lots of obligations.
I've tried a couple of times and sent a few mails but there was no response, which I totally understand since he has so many obligations.
I was referring maybe (discord - etc)

Good words sir

fidelmboro - good job

pizzyebong - steem high

Hi boss @dimimp!

Please take a look at my designs for steemjet. Including the artwork for the Steem High Contest.

Thank you!

Hello boss, it's amazing how you still dig up comments. I've been pretty busy tryna get as many friends as possible to join our great community. It seems like I'm away but believe me, I'm putting my very best despite my very busy schedule and device challenges to make sure I promote #steemit and #steemjet simultaneously. Last night I got informed by two newbies whom I introduced into this great community that they have been verified and they now have full control over their accounts. I will be dropping a report soon which will comprise of all my contributions to this community.
I still remain your humble worker

Hello @dimimp
It's been a while Sir

I'm loving this @steemjet initiative
Great job Sir

Do we have a discord channel? For steemjet..

Yes we do

Thank for you sir

Thank for you

Can you please carry me along...?

Message @deandaniel

This is a nice design for medical department.

Excellent work! I'm a med student and I wanna know more about this department. @dimimp

we are apparently waiting for the Olivia.

I went to put this up on the home page, but I took too long and it passed the deadline for me to be able to edit it and I forgot to copy the most recent edition of it, so it will be a few days before I can upload this image. Great job.

I pray you don't forget it again. Thanks sir

Alright @dimimp
I will appreciate if you upload it in your next post or after a few days as you said.

Look into it sir because he will be expecting bigger thing

this will also comes inform of competition, because steemjet is full of different talent


Nice designs

Very good design

STEEM HIGH (4).png


Boss @dimimp I made an entry for Happie the Bird.
Here's the link



They're two different designs. Change the color of the bird to make it more visible.
I hope you love it Sir and Steembath me cos its been really Long you last steem bathed me and now I'm looking dirty and broke cos I've not bath with steem. 😀😁
Thanks for the delegated steempower . Please do acknowledge this post if you see it cos I'm trying to avoid spamming you cos I know it's too much stress for you as you are getting old.

great work bro <3 keep it up

thank you sir for your support <3

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