Witchcraft Wednesdays - Black Hole Jars
Now I can't take all the credit for this idea, there's stuff floating around tumblr to this effect in many places. A lot of blogs have their own variation on this, and mine is heavily inspired from those but done in my own way.
The idea behind this jar is that it acts as a black hole for negativity - sucks it in and destroys it, or at least spits it out far away from you. We had a slightly bigger one on my old altar space, but since I haven't been able to set that up again the jar is currently packed away so I went ahead and made a new one for my roommate to put on his desk to suck up all the negative energy from all the online games he plays and interactions he has.
Thankfully, making one of these guys is easy. Just some water, black dye, glitter and wax.
I used liquid Rit dye for the black dye, but powdered is fine and if you can't afford that/don't have access then just regular food coloring works as long as it looks pretty black. The glitter in this is white as a general color of twinkling stars to help represent the universe, and the wax is to seal the jar so it doesn't spill and I put a specific little bead decoration in the top that can't be seen under the wax as a sort of beacon for negative energy to help draw it in.
And when it feels like it's not working as it should or wearing out a bit, just give it a shake and it works just fine so it doesn't need sunlight or whatever else to charge itself back up.
Other great things to add are charcoal, cat litter, baking soda, and basically anything else that's absorbent. Just make sure it's in small amounts so as not to gunk up the water too much :)
Banner was made by me in Photoshop. All other pictures here were taken by me specifically for this post.
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I see, works similar to orgonites.
In a sense, yes. Though rather than cleaning stagnant/negative energies and bringing them back to a good state it just destroys them so they don't have to be dealt with. And since black holes are, in theory, infinite, it never needs to be cleansed or recharged from the build up of negative energy.