Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks ( Prize Fund 2000 SBD ) Week #7 - Registration is in Progress - Last Week #Education communications #dobartim

hai @dobartim I am @zulfajri here I will participate in your contest in this week here I will use the education of primary school children neighbor education history of course about the history of aero hero education in the country of indonesia certainly we start the story of her hero education figure

Aceh is the name of a Nation that inhabits the northernmost tip of the island
Sumatra which lies between the Indian Ocean and the Malacca Strait. Aceh
is a name with various legends and myths, a nation that is
has been internationally known since the establishment of the poly kingdom in Aceh Pidie and
reached the peak of glory and the golden age in the era of the Kingdom of Aceh
Darussalam during the reign of Sulthan Iskandar Muda until the end
kesulthanan Aceh in 1903 in the time of Sultan Muhammad Daud Shah.
Aceh has a huge stake in maintaining the archipelago
this is by the sacrifice of the people and the treasured possessions
until Aceh joined Indonesia from requests and requests
Soekarno to Daud Beureueh who was consumed by his sweet promise.
And although in the 42 years since 1903 - 1945 Aceh without leader, Aceh
stood and kept fighting for independence from the hands
Dutch and Japanese led by nobles, hulubalang and para
Aceh hero. But the biography of the heroes of Aceh in
defend the territory and fight for its independence from the hands
foreign colonization is as follows:

Muhammad Saman, later known as Teungku Chik Di
Tiro, is the son of Teungku Sjech Abdullah, son of Teungku Sjech
Ubaidillah from the village of Garain Samaindra, Sigli. Her mother was named Siti
Aisha, daughter of Teungku Sjech Abdussalam Young Tiro child Leube Polem
Tjut Rheum, brother of Tgk Chik Muhammad Amin Dajah Tjut. He was born on
1836 AD, coinciding with 1251 Hijri in Dayah Krueng
kenegerian Tjombok Lamlo, now famous for the city of Bakti.
Teungku Chik Di Tiro has five sons, Teungku Mat Amin,
Teungku Mahidin, Teungku in Tungkob, Teungku in Buket (Teungku
Muhammad Ali Zainulabidin), and Teungku Lambada.
Teungku Chik Di Tiro during his childhood lived in a people's society
religion and associate with his father who teaches the various sciences at
Garot. He studied Qur'an and religious science on his mother at home and writing
Arabs to his father. (Agus Budi Wibowo, 1996: 42)

When the first time Tgk Chik Di Tiro fought, he did not have
nothing, he only has 80 ringgit of Aceh which is the result of
mortgaging some rice fields, some rencong and prize swords
from Tgk Dayah Tjut, as well as a fervent fighting spirit. Response
against the struggle there is also a cynical attitude to him.

Teungku Chik di tiro is not a descendant of the commander, he is only a pilgrim and a cleric. Even if
he is good at leading war, is there any weapons and money for the cost of war.
Enemies use guns and cannons, while Tgk Chik Di Tiro only
wearing rencong and pendang, it's the same as suicide alone.
Faced with the cynical attitude of some people, Tgk Chik Di Tiro
accept patiently.

It even makes a challenge
must be conquered. Teungku Chik Di Tiro is confident that he will be able
face all the obstacles that exist. The first attempt he did
is to arouse the spirit of the fighters and gather the people
fighters in a solid unity that can not be divided.
In this way Tgk Chik Tiro's way is quite unique as well. On
every chance he stops somewhere, he holds a lecture on
mosque or throng. On that occasion he used to
spreading his teachings about the Sabil war, awaken the people
to fight the infidels, to fight in the way that Allah approves, and for
obtain information from those present. On that occasion, too
use to distribute the azimat for his followers. (Agus Budi
Wibowo, 1996: 44)

In addition, he also sent letters to uleebalangs and keuchik
who can not be contacted verbally containing a sacred call to
they are to strive in the way of Allah, both to those who have
recognizing sovereignty and favoring the Dutch as well as to them
who for some reason returned to the village. Task
delivering the letters by Habib Samalanga and
Habib Lamnyong with the help of religious leaders such as Tgk Polem in
Njong. Tgk Aweh Geutah in Peusangan, Tgk in Blang Bagoh, and followers followers
Tgk Chik Di Tiro others (Agus Budi Wibowo, 1996: 45)

The call of sabil war invitations is reinforced by the saga
war sabil, the element of war sabil used as the basis of ideology
and be one of the decisive factors in the fight against
Netherlands. It appears that the beliefs instilled in the war
Dutch colonial in Aceh by Tgk Chik Di Tiro into his followers
is the belief of the mundane and the afterlife. From an earthly angle
embedded belief that they will be able to win the battle
and drive out the enemy while from the angels of the hereafter is considered that this war
is a holy war.

The sabil army movement Tgk Chik Di Tiro started to show
influence. The Dutch East Indies government in Aceh began to hear
this war movement. But they have not been who exactly Tgk Chik Di
Tiro, Governor Van Der Heyden called the state of Aceh in a
the report is as follows:

The atmosphere of Aceh is now like a fire in chaff. After preparation is felt
enough, then immediately taken the first step is to break the relationship
between Dutch fortresses. Sabil war troops cut off inter telephone wires

fortress so they can not connect. As a headquarters,
Tgk Chik Di Tiro built a strong fort at Mureu. Location
this fort has a very strategic location that is located on the edge of Krueng

During the period 1882-1883 there was a great battle between
both parties. Tgk Chik Di Tiro's troops are progressing a lot.
Some of the fortress can be captured from the Netherlands like a fortress in Krueng
King and Kadju. Due to the strong pressure of Tgk Chik Di Tiro's troops, then
ultimately the Dutch had withdrawn from one of the strongest fortress during this time
in Aneuk Galong and back to Lambaro and Keutapang Dua. Before
leaving the Dutch Aneuk Galong to perform a scorched earth strategy
so the Acehnese troops did not get much results from there. For
Dutch self-defense creates a line of concentration stretching from
Kuta Pohama to Keutapang Dua. Tgk Chik Di Tiro is trying to snatch him off
direction of the sea, but has not succeeded. (Agus Budi Wibowo, 1996: 47)

On 5 March 1883 Gov. Van Der Hoeven informed him
the central government in Java on the condition of Aceh. But then
this governor was instead replaced by P.F Laging Tobias on 16 March 11883, on
his Dutch rule faced a tough problem
he issued a report which said that the Dutch in Aceh almost
Tgk Chik Di Tiro had also attacked Kutaraja, though not
managed to seize it, a Dutch Controler J.P. Van Lith meet
his death while from the Acehnese Pang Nyak Hasan Aceh was killed.
Seeing the Dutch almost falling, Tgk Chik Di Tiro gave the ultimatum
to the Netherlands by sending a letter to Assistant Resident Van Langen
in 1885 to hold peace. Tgk Chik Di Tiro is willing
made peace with the Dutch if the Dutch were willing to convert
Islam. (Agus Budi Wibowo, 1996: 48)

Tgk Chik Di Tiro's effort invites the Netherlands to make peace with
inviting them to Islam does not work. Similarly the Dutch business
invite this cleric to reconcile and willing to dwell in Kuta King did not succeed.
Finally Tgk Chik Di Tiro was after that never again invite
make peace with the Dutch. He will continue to follow the slogan of war
sabil "Seeking martyrs and refusing to see pagan faces".

In 1887 Habib Abdurrahman came from Turkey, then he
held talks with Tgk Chik Di Tiro and Imam Leung Bata at
Pidie to discuss matters relating to war strategy.
The attack of Habib Abdurrahman primarily aims to disrupt and
weakening the Dutch posts which are the deflection lines (afsluiting
linie) that rattles between Krueng Raba, Lambaro, and Klieng. The fighters
also sought to impede progress and limit troop space
Netherlands by way of preventing Dutch troops, burning barn in
Pendeti, as well as damage the bridge connecting Krueng Tjut and
Silang (Agus Budi Wibowo, 1996: 50)

Teungku Chik Di Tiro continues to fight against the Dutch no less
awesome compared to previous years. The spirit of the troops
never to loose against the Dutch. During 1890 Tgk
Muhammad Amin, the eldest son of Tgk Chik Di Tiro, has taken the lead
troops. Several times he got injured and had to be transported to Aneuk

Knowing that the soul of war sabil is in Tgk Chik Di Tiro,
then the Dutch tried to kill this scholar. The Netherlands is back
using a sheep fight where one of the nobles is
ambition to become commander of the sagi used to kill the cleric.
Tgk Chik Di Tiro is invited to Tui Seilemeung and inside the castle is a cleric
it is fed toxic. Tgk Chik Di Tiro then fell ill. On
dated January 25, 1891 this cleric died in Aneuk Galong.

After Tgk Chik Di Tiro died, the group led the troops
war sabil submitted to his son, Tgk Mat Amin as Tgk Chik. He
better known to experts in terms of war rather than religious law. After Tgk
Mat Amin Syahid in defending Aneuk Galong fortress in the year
1896, he was replaced by his sister Tgk Di Tungkob aka Tgk Beb.

Despite his death, Tgk Chik Di Tiro's influence remains large, because
his struggle reached Lhoksukon Aceh Utara. In a copy
The sabilistic saga made by Controuler Lhoksukon on the 25th
October 1924 it was stated that Tgk Chik Di Tiro was the one who represented the trail
steps of the Prophet in continuing the war sabil while other scholars have that
silent self. When the Dutch troops in 1908 sought out the offspring of Tgk
Chik Di Tiro is alive, the people are not willing to tell the place
they are. (Agus Budi Wibowo, 1996: 52)

then there is the hero of education auku teuku nyari arief
Teuku Nyak Arif is the son of a Uleebalang Panglima Sagi 26
mukim, who was born on 17 July 1899 at Ulee Lheue 5 km from Banda
Aceh. His father was Teuku Sri Imaeum Young Nyak Banta, often
called by Teuku Nyak Banta. While his mother named Cut Nyak
Reyeuk. Teuku Nyak Arif siblings as numerous as father and mother
5 people, two men and three women. They are Cut
Nyak Asmah, Cut Nyak Mariah, Teuku Nyak Arif, Cut Nyak Samsiah, and
Teuku Muhammad Yusuf.

In 1908 Teuku Nyak Arif attended King's school in Bukit Tinggi
West Sumatera with majoring in the science of pamong raja (government).
Selection of this department is based on the consideration that he is a candidate
Commander Sagi 26 mukim who will replace his father's position. Teuku
Nyak Arif is a clever man so it is not surprising at
his school if he every year goes to class with satisfying values.

Teuku Nyak Arif is fond of reading, art, and sports, as well as

admired the writings of Haji Agus Salim, very hate to the Dutch. Because
that he never wanted to receive a monthly allowance of 10 Golden
which the Netherlands Indies government gave to the noble children who
go to Bukit Tinggi. This King's School he lived until 1913.

Then Teuku Nyak Arif continued in the field of pamong science
praja (government) at OSVIA (Oplaiding School Voor Inlandsche
Ambtenaren) in Sarang, Banten, West Java. (Djuniat, 1996: 79)

The further Teuku Nyak Arif from his hometown, then
the more knowledge, experience, and friends are at
acquisition. This makes Teuku Nyak Arif more mature in the field
politics, so the higher the spirit of nationalism. Not all
Dutch school rules were filled with him, let alone who
offensive to his nationalism spirit.

Teuku Nyak Arif's hatred for the Dutch never faded
so it is not uncommon for conflict with teachers and directors
school. As usual he was never willing to wipe the board

Once upon a time the same thing again told the teacher to him, but
reject. The incident this time really made his teacher very angry and
not willing to give a lesson on that day. Even so
against his friends indigenous son Teuku Nyak Arif very good, intimate,
and friendly and never looked from one's home area.

During his education in the Nest he and his colleagues
never let time pass you by. If there are
their spare time is always using it to discuss problem issues
national politics. Thanks to such activity is Teuku Nyak's knowledge
Arif in politics is getting wider and deeper. His nationalism spirit
getting steadily and finding a way out of increasing problems
perfect. According to him in achieving the ideals of Indonesian independence, wrong
one way to go is to remain united. (Djuniat 1996: 80)

Teuku Nyak Arif is not an arrogant leader, with
the wisdom he possessed, he was able to settle the dispute
occurs between the old and the young and between the nobility and the people
scholars. In 1920 Teuku Nyak Arif was appointed Commander of Sagi 26
mukim to replace the position of his father Teuku Nyak Banta.

When one day Teuku Nyak Arif and his friends in
Volksraad trial talks. Teuku Nyak Arif strongly denies
the opinion of the Dutch who refused to approve the addition of members of the nation
Indonesia in the Volksraad, according to the Dutch side that needs to be fostered is
cooperation between Dutch members, Tiong Hoa, and Indonesia with
form a peace and cooperation commission that can be fun
all parties. Teuku Nyak Arif addressed his words as follows:

"It will not increase the honor of the gentlemen in the eyes of the people
Indonesia with the gentlemen being so cute. Act as
men for the benefit of Indonesia ".
When the Japanese know that Teuku Nyak Arif is

a leading leader in Aceh. Therefore he was appointed as an advisor
military for the Aceh region. Then Teuku Nyak Arif was appointed as
Gunco in Kutaraja, Teuku Panglima Polem Gunco in Seulimeun, and Teuku
Hasan Dik became Gunco in Sigli. Teuku Nyak Arif sees no symptoms
harm will arise from this Japanese occupation. Japan too
running a politics of sheep in which competence as if pro Uleebalang
and Satotai (Japanese Secret Service) as if in favor of PUSA (Unity
Ulama All Aceh). Seeing such a situation, Teuku Nyak Arif
concluded there was no other way to destroy this Japan, except
pretend to work together. The Japanese really expect help from
Teuku Nyak Arif.

As a form of displeasure Teuku Nyak Arif to Japan looks
from the word he often says "We throw the dog, come the pig".
Japan is more evil than the Netherlands. Teuku Nyak Arif's analysis was correct, no
long after the Japanese came in 1942 there was a revolt in Cot
Pling under the leadership of Teuku Adul Jalil. At first attack and
both Japan lost and the third Japanese attack was successful
burning the mosque. Learning from the event, the Japanese began to be more cautious
in acting against Aceh, Aceh is treated more privately than the regions
others in Indonesia. And some of the demands of the people of Aceh were granted,
after which the Japanese government perfected it
again the apparatus in Aceh, then formed Aceh Syiu Sangikai (Dewan
Representative of the Aceh People) and chose Teuku Nyak Arif as chair of
1943 to 1945

Together with Teuku Hasan Dik and several other leaders from the island
Sumatra, they were invited to Tokyo in July 1943 for members
belief in them to actually support Japan in the war
East Asia. During the trip, they are always indoctrinated
about the prosperity of East Asia. The entourage is guided by a Japanese
named Mr. Sato. In addition Mr. Sato acts as chairman,
while the deputy chairman is Teuku Hasan Dik and Teuku Nyak Arif.
Arriving in Japan after being greeted by military officers, the entourage
taken to the Emperor's Palace of Tennoheika and ordered Seekere (giving
respect with the head of the bow. But Teuku Nyak Arif and Teuku Hasan Dik
reject this command and they say that only God is
willing us to worship. Finally there arises tension between the entourage
with the Japanese authorities. Next the entourage is hosted by
The then Prime Minister of Japan, General Tozio. (Djuniat, 1996:

In a welcome speech at the banquet, Tozio
describes the Great East Asian war and Teuku Hasan Dik
describes Indonesia by expecting after the war
Indonesia should be released by Japan, then he hopes also
the Japanese soldiers stationed in Indonesia must be morals
good. Japan wants to separate between Java and Sumatra. Entourage
Sumatra and Java are always heavily guarded not to meet. In every
speeches, the Japanese never mention Indonesia except Sumatra or

Java only. However Teuku Nyak Arif and Teuku Hasan are always
emphasize on Indonesia.

By the time the party was in Tokyo the situation there was not safe because
the city is often attacked by American warplanes. As a result, the entourage
had to go home with a small boat with a journey takes 42 days
arrived in Singapore. After a week in Singapore they did
go home to their respective areas. Teuku Nyak Arif came back on track
New feed, Bukit Tinggi, Tapanuli, and Jump to Aceh.

After in Aceh they were ordered by Japan to make a speech
convey a good impression during his stay in Japan. Both
forced to meet this demand with a heavy heart so that their speech
taunted to Japan. Among one of Teuku Hasan Dik's speeches
says that the Japanese in his country have traits
which is good while the Japanese in Indonesia have properties
evil and ugly. As a result of his speech, Teuku Hasan Dik was arrested
and killed by the Japanese. This is what makes Teuku Nyak Arif increasingly
hate Japan.

On a trip to West Aceh Jeuram, Teuku Nyak Arif meets
with Teuku Ismail Yacob and then he said, "we have to use what
course from Japan to achieve Indonesian independence. We must
encourage people to learn to wage war and instill anti
colonialism. Japan must have lost in this pacific war, and the Netherlands certainly
back to Indonesia. At that time we use the knowledge we have learned
about war and others. Now here's the most chance
good, and other opportunities no longer exist. Wear the science already
we learn against the Dutch who want to return. the unity of Indonesia
must be strengthened, Java can not fight its own as well as the islands
others in Indonesia ".

At that time the living conditions of the people have been very severe. Treasure
objects are forcibly taken and when purchased are valued at a price
which is very cheap. In such circumstances,

Teuku Nyak Arif is a noble who always cares about the interests of the people, coming forward to defend him. Entering the year 1944 in the pacific war of Japan has felt that his power will soon collapse and they imagine will accept defeat from the allies. As a result,
they tried to involve the Indonesian people in the political field and
military. In the field of politics one of them formed Sumatra Cuo
Sangi based in Bukit Tinggi with chairman Moh. Syatei and Teuku
Nyak Arif as his representative. With experience in Board
People (Volksraad) during the Dutch colonial period and the deposition of the nation.
Teuku Nyak Arif is able to utilize cooperation with Japan through
this body to promote unity and unity in order to fight for it
Indonesian independence. (Djuniat, 1996: 87)

On August 15, 1945 the Japanese surrender unconditionally to
ally. This news can not be known in Aceh except one

the confidence of the Japanese police chief in Langsa named Abdullah who
acting as a Japanese spy. Then with Abdullah's objections
delivered this news to Teuku Nyak Arif whom he knew as
leader of the people who have long been famous since the colonial era
Dutch (Djuniat, 1996: 88)

Teuku Nyak Arif, before he passed away, he gave a message
to his family not to put a sense of resentment and laid
the interests of the people above all else. After he delivered some
messages deemed important to his family, on May 4, 1946
Teuku Nyak Arif died peacefully, and was buried in the tomb
family in Lam Reung Village, Aceh Besar. (Djuniat, 1996: 95)

then there is the story pocut baren

Pocut Baren has carved his name with gold ink as
the powerful female warrior of Aceh, he waged war from the year
1903 to 1910. Meskin was a woman, but did not stop her
to lead troops to invade Dutch marsose. Pocut Baren is
a nobleman. His father was named Teuku Cut Amat, a Uleebalang
in Tungkop, Aceh Barat.

His childhood, he went through as other Aceh residents are learning
science of religion. Pocut Baren grew up in a moderate Aceh environment
raging war. This situation shaped her into a woman
a tough, courageous, and militant personality. His youth churned
with a fervent spirit to drive out Kaphee (the Gentile) Belnda. He
was determined to merge himself with the fighters of Aceh.
As an adult Pocut married a Uleebalang in Gume.
Her husband is a formidable fighter who leads the resistance
the people of the Woyla region. Together they shoulder hand in hand
The Netherlands, and out of the forest for fighting. Pocut is not
a spoiled woman, she was aware of the risk of her chosen life path
namely as a fighter.

He is willing to leave worldly luxury, willing to ride
down the mountain or out of the forest to fight braga.
Experience and suffering of his life like that began he lived during the time
struggling together with Cut NyakDhien in his girlhood.
The simplicity and firmness of the principle colored his life after
married, and Pocut never complained over the harshness of life
lived. He is happy and proud to dedicate his life for his sake
the glory of religion and its people. the character of his personality makes capital
which is valuable in the struggle, he is highly respected and respected by friends
seperjuanannya. Even he is feared by his enemies. This matter
admittedly by Doup, one of the former marsose Commanders in Aceh.
The Doup perpetuates the Pocut Baren struggle in the book Gedenk Book Van
Het Corps Marechaussee. Pocut has succeeded in making troops
Dutch fog and swallow big losses.

Pocut lives his contemporaries with Cut Nyak Dhien, he fights together
Cut Nyak Dhien in West Aceh. When Cut Nyak Dhien was caught on
November 4, 1905, Pocut continues to struggle
in 1910. Even when her husband was martyred in one of his combat troops
firmly fighting against the Dutch. He leads his troops to remain
brave and struggling until the martyr's approach. Live a noble life or die a martyr
is the principle of his life.

When the Dutch thought with the death of her husband and caught him
Cut Nyak Dhien. Pocut will give up because it is considered weak and
easy to conquer. But apparently the Dutch estimates miss far, Pocut
remain resolute to continue the struggle even though one self leads the troops.
He mobilized the people of West Aceh to join the jihad fisabilillah
uphold the religion of God and defend the nation.

Residents also welcomed with enthusiasm Pocut Baren invitation
even Pocut Baren with the boys built the fort on
Gunong Mancang as its base of defense. From this fort is everything
tactics and tactics are arranged. Pocut coordinates with his men for
carry out attacks on Dutch military and patrol forces, at
It was this strong fortress that Pocut had led the war for years.
After a time of war he could not live again, because
with the state of his leg being amputated due to being infected from
gunshot wounds.

Pocut Baren devoted himself in Tungkop to the end
his life. He died in 1933, and all his people felt very much
losing Uleebalang is so authoritative. They thank you
Pocut Baren that has brought a wind of change in Tungkop. Although
has died but the name Pocut Baren remains immortal and is a role model for
all the people of Aceh.

then pocut meurah diamond

Pocut Meurah Intan was born in 1873, the village community often
called him Pocut Biheue, because he was born and where his father lived
Biheue. He was a son to Uleebalang Biheue, in the colonial period of this region
enter the 22 mukim regiment of Polem Commander, Aceh Besar. But in the end of the century
19 because of war, the country was taken by Teuku Raja Pakeh Pidie over
Tgk support in Buloh.

Pocut Meurah Intan is the first wife of Tuanku Abdul Majid, or
stepmother of Teungku Putroe, Empress Sultan Alaiddin Muhammad Daud
Shah and my Lord Mahmmad Daah Shah and Tuanku Mahmud. Pocut Meurah
Intan has three sons with Tuanku Abdul Majid, a son
first named Tuanku Muhammad, both Tuanku Budiman and the third
Tuanku Nurdin. In the Dutch aggression Pocut Meurah Intan and his son

lived in Batee near Grong-grong participated guerrilla together figures
another war. Pocut Meurah Intan and his son have followers
and powerful figures who always bergerliya in the surrounding forest
area VII mukim Pidie (Padang Tiji) and Laweueng.

In the middle of the Dutch colonial period against Aceh, Pocut
Meurah Intan who is in the spirit of fighting for independence
nation, when hearing the news of her husband, Tuanku Abdul
Majid had surrendered to the Dutch. Knowing that Pocut Meurah
Diamond is very angry to her husband and increasingly hates him to
Netherlands. This makes him remind and hold fast from the mandate
his father before he died so that in any case do not once again
subject to "Dutch Company". Amanah his father is who
making him hold fast by Pocut Meurah Diamond always. (78)

The spirit of resistance is never extinguished, even the struggle
Pocut Meurah Intan was admired by the Dutch, in the beginning of 1902
shahid is his first son, Tuanku Muhammad. On August 1, 1902
Pocut Meurah Intan and his son Tuanku Nurdin are besieged in a dormitory at
forest Laweueng. Pocut Meurah Intan or Pocut Biheue which at that time,
The Dutch attacked him until Pocut Meurah Intan was hit by a bullet
until he was tithed and he was abandoned. Because of the Dutch response
at that moment assumes it is gone, but even so severe
the wound. God protected him until the wound healed well. My lord
Nurdin's son at the time also had the same combat injuries as
her mother.

After the event and the wound healed well Pocut Meurah
Diamond and his son Tuanku Nurdin were arrested by Dutch soldiers on
in January 1904 and taken to Kutaraja. Then he and his son
dumped into the island of Java placed in Blora within the area of ​​Central Java.
In an advanced age and with severe scars
in his body, September 20, 1937 Pocut Meurah Intan died and


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