Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks - Week # 2


First, I thank @dobartim for the contest and be the sponsor next to @aidasfg7 @flysky

Part of my last experiences before and after Steemit...

I am an inhabitant of this world, my name is José, with many goals, dreams and others. Although caught literally, in this crisis that tortures my country. I am 20 years old and I am a high school graduate, I studied civil construction, but only to say that I was doing something, since I did not like it, then I switched to industrial maintenance, maybe a waste of time for the same reasons, that I did not It was what my heart dictated, it went against my dreams, one of the reasons was that I did not want my parents to continue sacrificing so much for my studies. There came a moment where, after so much reflection, I said: I will not study anymore, none of these careers inspire me and I really feel that I have not achieved anything in my life, I feel empty and useless in some way. Studying what I want (music production, design and this kind of thing) in these times may sound impossible from my position, but I know it is not, because the one who does not risk does not win, although it is clear that it is super difficult to advance here, get out of the monotony and that routine that consumes you, it is not easy, here the day day damages your mind, affects you physically and spiritually, you must learn to survive as a warrior. All this experience happened in the final stretch of last year, it was a very hard year and I finish as I wanted, closing cycles and starting a new life or totally improving the road I had been building.


It was in the month of December of last year, when I decided to travel, from my village Caripito (Monagas-Venezuela), where I have lived my whole life literally, to the City of Maracaibo (Zulia-Venezuela), the land where I was born. I visited only for a couple of weeks, taking advantage of the date, holidays and money saved with a lot of sacrifice. While there I visited my relatives, a week went by, a day came when I did not find what to do, I did not have much money and what little I had was not enough to go out to eat, not even ice cream, really for any kind of activities that it would involve money, since it was reserved for anything else more important and not for a whim of a moment like that.

That day finally, I decided together with my sister @gabrielaa to visit even uncle @williamjose and his wife @norkamoran. We arrived at his house knowing that there was something to distract us, because there they have a very comfortable room to watch movies, their children, video games, internet, etc. Once inside the house we started talking about a little bit, they told us about something called Steemit, which generated income for their neighbors, just creating a post about anything, but good content so that readers could vote for your publication and generate even more.

I totally ignored this topic, the only familiar thing is that they paid with cryptocurrencies and it was on the internet. I had already read a lot about bitcoin and this type of money, too, that on the internet you could generate income in thousands of ways, including cutters and games like RuneScape. @norkamoran was the person who knew a little more, was registered a few months ago, but only published once a week, he really did not believe what his neighbors told him of the great profits, and this based on his reality because he did not get upvotes and did not generate money.

Several months passed and in December she had about 14 SBD, they told her to change the currency and she agreed, after a few hours they call her and tell her, you have a good amount of money in your account, the emotion was very great, an immense happiness, that money at that moment and for the date, was a kind of indescribable blessing. It was there, on that boring afternoon, when we all saw each other's faces and amazed by that fact, we decided to take seriously this great community. I ran to register immediately, like @gabrielaa, my uncle @williamjose

2 days passed and the email arrived with the password, a great adventure began, I could feel that vibra full of success. I had prepared my presentation and also another post to start with everything, and so it was, my first post did not have much gain, but just seeing comments and votes excited me, I was active and thinking about my next publication. I went to bed late thinking, analyzing and writing, trying to organize, because something I have learned in this life very well, is that discipline is everything, when you do not focus on that something, you do not organize your ideas, you end up doing nothing.
Step that last week (very good the truth for everything learned in that short time) and it was time to return to my village Caripito, travel and arrive with more life than ever, new goals and a source of income (which I did not have) in which to work and also highlighting that I like to write songs, design, draw, etc. This makes things a bit easier for me, so I enjoy this platform 100% for 100%.

Some designs:




I started to investigate the whole world related to steemit, I learned how many things work, I participated in every contest I saw, I invested my time and knowledge from the beginning, it has been days and nights trying to create something really good and that brings good things for any user. One day I start section and the first thing I see is a contest where I had to draw sheep, well I had to relate to these 3 words: town, star and sheep.


Seeing this initiative of @opheliafu I encouraged myself to draw, I clearly remember that while I started making the sketch, the princess of the house was restless and I took off their colors, pencils and materials to draw since these were hers. So I opted to let him help me draw and color, so we finished the drawing and then published it.


It had no impact at the moment, after an hour he called me @williamjose excited, and I without knowledge of what he was going to talk to me, until he asks me: - Did you see the publication for how much it goes? Me: - Which publication do you speak of? The ones I have are the same and hours ago I went up one but only had our votes. @williamjose - Check the new one! where the girl appears with the drawing of the sheep. I went running to check because with the energy of their words, they transmitted to me adrenaline and a strange feeling for wanting to know what was happening. I enter the page and the post went from 0.04 $ to 30.00 $ in a magical way. I understood much better when they said: - I wish a whale were to vote for you. Honestly I did not know what to do, I was trying to assimilate such a thing (for me it meant too much), by mistake I closed the page, I went back in and it was not $ 30.00 had increased to $ 35.00 and so until the day of payment of that publication, which ended at $ 129.68.


A madness, something little credible for anyone who is not living something as special as that. And I say special because even though we are in a crisis and go hungry sometimes (in my case sometimes, there are others who go hungry daily unfortunately), it was the most beautiful date of the year "DECEMBER" and we did not have to comply with the traditions of always, as it is the gastronomy (hallacas, bread of ham) Or the new clothes that are customary to buy, plus the gifts of Santa Claus for the children, among others. I remember that my sister and I had something in accumulated SBD and we opted to change them to help at home with the expenses, it was already December 27th or so and I counted that I would open the year with a good amount of SBD so spend what I already had for our consumption if it was profitable. We took the children to eat ice cream (they had months without eating one) and we contributed the rest to buy meat and make hallacas the last day of the year.




We finish the year happy, we invite other people to register in this world @zuleef @jesuscarrasquero @artelis @francismg @josegc
Then came the payment of the post (most expected by my haha) once in my purse I began to think well what I would do with it, the first was invertilos, but ... in what? It was the question. I thought about a camera, a laptop or a tabletop PC, maybe a good investment because they would be my work team. Another idea multiply that profit with any business. And finally I remembered that my mother needed surgery, (I remembered and it was not that I was not paying attention to her, but here, it is almost impossible to make different types of expenses, for example: if you want to eat well, you do not have enough to pay any debt, if you leave far away it is more likely that you will be left without the return ticket and that's all, the money comes and goes in an incredible way and almost not the time) and that was the opportunity to do it. Thank God it came out of that and is recovering.

For me, the only opportunity that comes to us is to live. And this is granted by God. After that, they no longer arrive, we create them directly or indirectly, I mean. You maybe fight and fight daily for a goal and the opportunity comes (as we say every day, because society has created this phrase and has always used it to the point of becoming a trend in our vocabulary, so to speak), really the opportunity it did not arrive, the opportunity is there because you have created it with your effort, it has been the result of your constant struggle, it did not come by magic.

Returning to the subject of my mother and her operation, I must say that this is an opportunity created by me, by her, stemit, life, the universe and God. We all play an important role so that everything conspire. My mother gave me life and seeing it from another point of view, she created the opportunity for someone to watch over her, when she needed it most in the future. Maybe she says or thinks (I do not really know why I did not ask her) that this is an opportunity that came to her and it is not like that, she created it 20 years ago, and now she is opting to use it. We must be responsible for our actions, our decisions and, above all, be proud of the good things we do. Search, create, bring consequences, everything we create we attract, create love and you will have love, create peace and you will have peace, attraction force they tell you.


I was looking for a source of income where I felt comfortable and the only thing I could get was working in a canchera in Caracas the Capital of Venezuela and the fact of looking for money, but doing something that I liked brought with it the discovery of this great platform. Thanks to Steemit I feel proud of myself, something I had not managed to feel, studying at the university. I think everything happens "for something" and not "for something". I remember that before traveling to Maracaibo I told my sister @gabrielaa - I'm hoping that something good will flow, something positive there. To my surprise, that was the experience, I went for something, I met Steemit, I kept up for something and I achieved these rewards to the point of paying for my mother's operation. That with no work we were going to be able to pay it since they are 40 million Bolivares Venezuelan, and without medicines. Then my best investment was: ** Invest in my mom's life **


Thanks Steemit, thanks to all the users who make it wonderful.
Thanks to all the healing projects and to each one of you who make this world a better place. - @ josecarrasquero

Participate in the contest in the following link


This is one of the best post I found today. Best of luck for challenge :)

Thanks for your time and for reading me. I won this week, I was very lucky because there were many good stories.

Your story is a very touching one and I'm really happy for you. Congratulations on winning this week. You deserve it.

With love from Nigeria, @datibomchic

Thank you very much really. All the participations were incredible hopefully you have the opportunity to win very soon, participate in this week # 3.
I wish you many successes from Venezuela.
A hug and blessings.

Congratulations dear

Thanks, I was reading your participation and I loved it. Let the successes follow!
From Venezuela a hug.

Your story is very emotional, it was live in me as i read through every bit of the lines.... The pictures were there, i could relate to them.
I imagine the joy you must have felt, on seeing the payout of that post, it was really a game changer...
Congratulations in winning this week...

Thanks to you for your time and reading. And good if it has been an indescribable joy something without comparison.

I’m very touched and emailed the story to 4 contacts. One of which is from your country. Thanks and I’m following you as @zahabu from Rwanda - East Africa

Thanks for everything. Greetings.

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