Steemit my passion,my courrage..Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks - Week #5

in #steemitultimatechallenge7 years ago (edited)


Hello my dear steemians..

I am back after a long time.. I missed my community and my friends here.. I read in many posts that people love this community and few days separation from steemit make them sad..

In my case after two months this separation made me sad, upset and even made me weep one day.. I missed you all my steem fellows, your good articles and communication with you too.

I was not fully cut from you.. I answered your replies and communicated with some good steemians and made some new friends here too... But it was limited..

@dobartim i wanna share my story through your challenge with my steem fellows..
And hope you ll promote this story as this has my research and some important message about steemit for muslim community..

Here is my story..

My introduction..

I am @biyanoor from Pakistan.. I am a proud muslim lady.. If i have some ethics and moral values are all taught by my religion.. I am not so good but tried my best to follow all good teachings of islam like honesty, ethics, sincerity, help needy people, speak truth, believe in god, hard work and many more..

Still i need to improve myself and need to learn good things as being a human no one is spare from sins and mistakes..

This introduction was necessary so now you can understand easily what i went through in last few days..

I think positive about people and consider them like me.. Don't like lie and cant bear frauds of people in community.. Since my college life i always try to make a change in my community and try to deliver and teach my friends good moral values..

I always try to learn that how can i benefit my people and community in a positive way and help them in removing there difficulties.. And also try to teach others what i learnt.. So with this cause to make a positive change in community i joined a big platform of students, an organisation of students during college days..

This organization is still working in Pakistan delivering positive values to students and helping them financially by supporting them via scholarships and contests.. This organization trained me and many others and taught us how to stand in front of all illegal and low moral values..

With this background i joined online community and then steemit..

How steemit change my life..

Steemit is magical platform.. It changed our life entirely.. Steemit produced courage, confidence and good communication skills.. But how….i explain it for you..

After my wedding i spent 8 years in peace and silence at home with my kids and family.. This made me somehow separate from my community.. Those days i avoided any festival or ceremony.. I did not like meeting people.. I remained silent during any discussion..

I did not like social media and even neva replied any facebook comment of my family members..

Then we were in financial crises and debt..I joined a school as vice principal and fought with crises.. But it was very hard to live with 3 school going kids with income roundabout 160 us dollars monthly..

I worked hard at school but earned only 80$ monthly.. Even i worked from 7am to 8pm daily for some extra income.. After 1 year i was tired.. Here private schools are paying low salaries to teachers.. My art work at school...

So i left the school as now financial issues were sorted out somehow..
I thought i ll not do a job again.. Either i ll do Mphil education or i'll start my own business..
But business needed investment and i had nothing… even mphil required fees..

So i joined different online groups and pages of bloggers.. I searched some famous pakistani bloggers and approached them on facebook.. I started online learning..

I joined a Pakistani Bloggers group on facebook..

Paid group for steemit on facebook is a fraud..

I had positive views about this bloggers group till few days ago.. I recommended many people this group..But now i'll recommend all pakistani people to stay away from their group and specially their steemit payed group.. They are fooling people and taking money for teaching steemit.. Also they insult their members and teaching them only basics of steemit.. Don't pay them even single penny..

First they started free steemit group... I joined it they start sharing screenshots of high earning.. They started teaching people freely.. They took few basic classes on zoom and then announced a paid group.. 45 people included me joined this paid group.. They claimed to continue free group but they did not.. After starting paid they stopped teaching in free group..

In this paid group they shared some shortcuts like uploading of youtube videos of others on dtube and tried to pressurise us to make lists of 50 steemians who are rewarding their followers high sbd.. Even they abused a sick member for not making list.. I can't bear any wrong thing so i stood in front of them i protested and left that paid group..

They deleted my posts and blocked me from other groups like free steemit group and bloggers group...

Steemit gave me courage to fight with evil...

I already told you that i was cut from community after wedding and did not like to talk or discussed with people.. After knowing about steemit i made an account on it in december and started blogging on it.. I joined that steemit group in december and paid group in january 2018..

Steemit is an amazing community.. I communicated a lot of people.. And Steemit awaked my sleeping skills of communication..

I am a teacher and researcher by birth.. i come to know about my these qualities after joining steemit.. I researched a lot about steemit and learnt about steemit deeply..

Communication on steemit gave me a courage to talk to others and protest against their wrong deeds..

So i did in payed group and told them their insulting and abusing behaviour..

I remember i never talked to a stranger in my previous life.. But now i can communicate to anyone and even teaching people about steemit confidently.. My communication skills in daily life are much better now.. Thanks to steemit community for supporting me and giving me a chance to show my skills..

Now i know my passion…

This thing i searched many years that what is my passion but i failed to conclude any result.. After joining steemit and communicating with people i come to know about it finally that teaching others is my passion... A hearty thanks to steemit for this..

As i can teach anyone for hours without tiredness.... So i come to know that i am a teacher by birth.. Now steemit is also my passion.. I am ready to jump in this amazing community with my passion and energy..

Steemit is my energy and power..

Steemit filled a new energy in me.. It boosted my powers.. I did not earn much in two months on steemit but it was pretty good.. When i started to receive my rewards it filled a new confidence in me.. Even people felt it in my walk and communication..

I always thought that i am bad at english communication.. Yes i am.. But not too bad to communicate anyone.. My communication on steemit filled a new confidence in me.. Now in last few days i communicated a lot of people on facebook and routine life without any hesitation.. I am hopeful i'll be better someday in english as i am learning everyday new things here..

Our payed group admin taught us to take news from internet and publish them on our blog with source link or spin the articles or wrote from youtube videos.. He is here on steemit and using all these shortcuts.. I hate all these stuff.. In start according to his instructions i uploaded few news then i stopped and started my own articles..

People discouraged me even my brother said to me that he ll post and mention my grammatical mistakes in comments but i did not care.. I am quite satisfied with who am i... At least i am doing something and not doing any spamming like others.. This thing i learnt from unsuccessful people on steemit and many successful too..

Learning from others mistakes is ladder of success.. And i request all people reading my post that always do original work and don't worry about other comments.. You ll grow soon..

Steemit taught me patience..

One thing i learned that success on steemit is not as easy as people told us before joining.. Our admins showed us big sbds and earning of others.. This thing disheartened me in 1st month but then i learnt that those trainers and people did not tell us about hard work required here on steemit..

So i learnt patience here..

I learnt value of original work and hard work.. I started to learn from other good steemians here.. I worked hard here daily for hours.. I wrote my posts in 6 or 7 hours.. I read hundreds of articles about steemit and how to work on steemit.. I am still a kid here and learning here..

But i was and still i am passionate about steemit..

Steemit gave me purpose of life..

Is it interesting? The most important part that steemit gave me a purpose a vision.. When i searched and analysed online groups working in pakistan and teaching people online earning methods i come to know two important things that they are taking high fees and these highly paid courses are beyond reach of many talented people..

Second mostly trainers are teaching shortcuts and wrong ways.. Like i saw a video in which a trainer was teaching people to pick amazon products and sell them on ebay without permission from amazon.. When someone buy this on ebay and you receive payment then fill the buyers data in amazon and amazon will deliver to buyer..

And the profit ll be yours.. I also commented there and mention trade rule that the thing not in your possession is illegal to sell as its only amazon right to do this or allow its affiliates about it.. but they denied and said its legal..

Our religion is so pure and care about others rights but muslims are spoiling image of islam..

So after that i decided to dive in this world of online business.. Steemit helped me to choose my vision and i decided to teach people about steemit freely.. I also started learning seo and some other online tools and when i ll be good at them, my doors will open for others..

i'll build a new image of online earning without shortcut and abusing students..

Thanks to that bloggers group as they gave me new courage by kicking me out and abusing me..

I promise myself that i ll stand always in front of all such trainers.. Actually we need good trainers.. Not mean and greedy.. In pakistan online business are going famous day by day.

People come to learn from these trainers online and due to their rude behaviour they left this field.. Some good trainers are working here and teaching freely but they are few.. So need good people who teach others legal ways of earning and deliver them good skills..

An important message for muslim steemians..

Being a muslim we all have duties towards our religion.. Cryptocurrencies are banned in muslim countries and pakistan also.. When i searched it i was worried about steemit earnings.. My husband said to me leave steemit as it is doubted.. I thought that it's not clearly banned..

I searched and read many muslim authors on steemit and they were not clear about steemit..

So i decided to take responsibility to clear doubts about steemit.. I started it as a project and sent questions about steemit position to many muslim ulama in pakistan and turkey.. Also posted them on different panels like islamic university islamabad.. I thought it ll be a great help for all pakistani steemians..

All panels and ulama said that steemit blogging and earning is halal and allowed in Islam..

Then i posted below message on that bloggers group... First admin approved it but when people started good commenting about it then in half hour they deleted it and blocked me from group..

I am posting it here can anyone tell me what is wrong in it that they abused me..
Post was…

“Assalam o alaikum..
Hope you all are good..
I have some research work for all of you.. Hope it ll be helpful.. I joined steemit 2 months ago and started blogging there.. It was hard task no doubt.. Not an easy work.. I continuously work for 7 to 8 hrs daily for 35 days then i got fever for 2 weeks... After that time my story was ranked in jerry's contest and he resteemed it on his page.. It was honour for me coz he did not resteem all stories.. Only quality content was approved..
You can visit my blog.. Its mentioned on my facebook id.. After few days i heard a fatwa about bitcoin and cryptocurrency bann.. I was upset and i stopped blog posting as i thought that it ll be a great work for all pakistani community to confirm the sharae situation of steemit..
So i started a new project.. I approached different panels like islami university economics dean and professors, turkish ulama, and pakistani ulama.. I searched, read articles and saw almost 100 videos about cryptocurrency.. It was full hectic and stressful time for me.. But finally my efforts got paid.. And the fatwa from turkey is given below..
"Merhaba... İ asked about your question.. he just replied me and said >> "if the nature of job is halal then payment in either shape is halal. if nature of jab is not halal then payment will b automatically haaram"
and said "she must have to confirm the nature of job if nature of job is not prohibited then payment will be is clear maxim..."
it is halal for blogging and articles not be haram..articles must not confront with shariat..."Above words are from turkish aalim..
Almost same reply was from islamic uni islamabad dean and other professors with changing of words.. Special thanks to my sincere turkish friend Tuba and my brother salman for helping me in this difficult task.. I am obliged to both of you..
Finally today i approached Molana Abdul Malik and personally asked about it.. He said blogging on steemit also teach others about steemit is allowed..
So i decided to write about this research as there ll be persons of same thinking like me.. halal and haram is as important for me as life and death.. Hope it ll open a new era for steemians in pakistan..
I am sorry to some other steemians like Afzal, Awais and others in steemit success for neglecting their questions in last few days regarding steemit as i want to confirm about it before moving on..
My doors are open for all of you.. If Anyone want to learn anything about steemit i ll teach him/her..
Also requesting Admin to activate free steemit success group as it is dead after starting paid group..
Need to teach people for ajar from allah almighty..
At the end i wanna say special thanks to my teacher and admin for continuously giving me courage and guiding me to right decision.
God bless you a successful life.. Ameen”

Can anyone tell me what was wrong in it.. @dobartim can you please tell me..?

this incident shocked me.. As i really respect the admin.. He is one of the famous bloggers of Pakistan.. He took me in the group..

This was the most bad thing i faced in my life.. Two times they added me and two times they kicked me out only due to i stood against their abuse and wrong deeds..

Dear @steemians this incident discouraged me and broke my heart.. But the courage i got from steemit came to help me and showed me a way to share all this with you..

My friends try to stop me from writing this post as they are afraid from those people who are here on steemit.. They can flag me or harm me but i am not afraid.. I am feeling steemians @dobartim, @damarth, @jerrybanfield and all steemit community on my back to support me...

I ll post this blog in all steemit groups on facebook..

Abuse and bad trainers should be replaced..
Fraud should be stop..

I need my steemians community help..

We should need to build a good heaven of steemians here..

I love this community not due to money but good friends and articles, the charity efforts of people and caring hearts of steemians..

My life after two months on steemit..

Now i am a happy steemian.. Last 2 weeks were very hectic and depressed.. I wept sometimes badly.. I was passionate about steemit but unable to post as i was busy in proving steemit legal and sharae..

Now i have many plans.. I'll participate in growth of steemit and will start with new energy..

I am also happy that my post cannot be deleted here nor they can kick me out..

Thank you @dobartim as you provide me a chance to share what i went through..

Here is the link of @dobartim contest.. Hope you ll join this..
Here are few links of my previous posts.. Hope you ll enjoy them to..


Your Story is really great ; im happy for You !
Sad to read about "paid groups" tho, please feel free to join the "We Love Steemit" Group on Facebook > Its build by very nice and good Poeples who only interested in helping Poeple getting everyone on the same Level so to say.

Thank you dj.. It was infrmative.. I joined the group.. I know lichtblick before.. He is good man

Welcome back @biyanoor - I'm glad you are feeling better - don't let anyone tell you that you aren't doing things right - just be you and you will be great :)

Thanx andy for visiting and support..
You are right.. Actually its an amazing life now

very inspiratiOnal story @biyanoor, It's right Steemit is ultimate change our life, here we enough do hard work, surely we get pays its all depends on you.
I appericiate your kind word's ..

Thank you for feedback sana.. You are right..
Have a nice journey ahead

Welcome back @biya hope you will give proper time this community as before.
Indeed Islam is the most wide spred religion in the world. And our society needs people like you who are trying to make this communuty better.
In Pakistan few organizations are giving their best to change people's life while most of them are no more than scam.
Allah never change life of those who never tries to change their life. But you worked hard and gets the fruit. Doing job from 7:00 a.m to 8:00 p.m is not easy for single ladies and you did for your children. May ALLAH give them more success and hapoiness. AMEEN.
Even i disliked doing job and working under someone else i prefered to start my own onlinebusiness but how will i start? Don't know.
So i started joining facebook groups so that this could give me some idea to start my own business. But i was WRONG.
Because i found so many so many so called mentors (scammers) who were looting in the same of earning money in online field. Many Pakistani mentors who don't even knows the meaning of affiliate marketing, FIVERR, Blogging, seo but looting orhers and earning HARAM.
Those who earns HARAM never grows. All of us have to be united to secure of society from these scammers.
If anyone of you have been scammed in your life please let me know.

Thanx for your kind words madiha..
You are right.. We all need to united to show them their right place.. They are spoiling the beauty of this wide field having multiple opportunities for talented people..

Welcome back! Once again, you are showing what a strong, principled and caring person you are. The road might not always be easy but I know you can do it.

Thank you kiwi for this trust..
Hope i ll do it as per my plans..
You are my courage..

Long story huh! I am a slow reader haha :-D
I am not active on Facebook because there are many scammers there and Facebook is banning some sites. I am more of a Twitter fan. :)

There are lots of Pakistanis on bitLanders and most of them cannot speak/understand English :) Urdubit was active there when bitLanders was still paying us Bitcoin.

Thank you for collaborating with me to promote this post as explained at

Thank you jerry.. Hope you ll enjoy it..
I ll wait for you suggestions..

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