Steemit Treasure Quest #11 Winner Announcement!

Steemit Treasure Quest 11
Guessing for this week's game is closed!
The SPOT on the map is: Fortuuna 33
as selected by @thomasthewolf
I went there and took 10 images of things within a 50m radius or visible from the spot(like a distant tower or similar).
Everyone had 2 guesses :)
Everyone's guesses
@alpha77 - The big " FORTUUNA 32" mark on the side of the building - The fence/grill on the bank of river
@sinlg - a boat in the river - this house
@leetahsar - rear of building - 2 steps and seats
@vtravels - The number 29 on the building - Short red pillar shaped thing on grass
The pictures
The number to guess was 4.
A chimney. No one guessed correct, but the chimney is on Fortuuna 29.
The win goes to the closest guess: Fortuuna 29 sign.
Steemit Treasure Quest Explained
This is how it goes:
1 - This is Tartu, my hometown.
2 - Each week there's a new point(last week's winner selects the point).
3 - I will scout that point and photograph 10 things I see. You will have to guess what I photographed. You have 2 guesses.
4 - On Friday I will publish my 10 images and reveal the winner (s).
5 - Whoever gets closest will win 5SBD and can select the next location and a random number!!!
If 2 or more people guessed correct, the one who guessed first will win. Others might receive a small reward too :)
The random number determines which photo to guess out of the 10.
I will hide various treasures on the map. If your selected point gets into 100m where my treasure lies you will get rewarded!! Arrgh!!
Places scouted so far:
- 11 places scouted. (red dots)
- 2 out of 12 treasures found. (green circles)
If you have additional questions about this game, let me know in the comments!
I suggest using google maps and street view.
Anyone can participate!
If you wish to help this game grow: upvote, resteem, donate!
Wow I can't believe I won!! I never thought I would win this game but always enjoy playing, thank you!! How do I select a point for the next round?
Just head over to Google maps, search for Tartu and select a spot that you find interesting. It should be a place where Street view is available.
Post it here on the comments and the next round begins.
Any point inside Tartu (Inside the red/purple line on the map) that's accessible by foot atleast :P You can use streetview to better understand the area, but there's no rule the point has to be visible on streetview. For example, you can pick a random field or forest patch - streetview won't cover these areas.
Also give me a random number from 1 to 10.
This is the picture nr that's to be guessed out of the 10 images I'll take.
Awesome thank you ! I have chosen my area :,26.7418713,3a,75y,141.13h,88.74t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sL3Eez7k4aR8zSLy-cUDahA!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656
And I choose the number 7 !
So the winning picture is #4, the chimney ? I assume that chimney is on house 29 ;)
thanks for conducting such a fun treasure hunt.
Congratulations to the winner :)