Announcing: Steemit Sandwich Contest Week 1 - OFFICIAL CONTEST NOW OPEN! (Prize Pool = 40SBD & Growing)
Steemit Sandwich Contest
Get Hungry, Get Creative!
Submit any Kind of Sandwich Whether It's a Classic or Original Creation!
Submit it before the 11:59PM Deadline of the 7th day (ie: Tues -> 11:59PM Mon).
- Title Must First Say: "Steemit Sandwich Contest Week #" (whatever the week # is)
- First Tag Must Be: #steemitsandwichcontest
- Must List Ingredients: Mention only the ingredients used in your photographed sandwich
- Must Validate Your Entry: Photograph your sandwich along with a sign that corresponds with the week # of that particular week's contest entry (in the same photo).
- 1-3 Photos Max: 1 photo minimum (must have validating sign) and 3 photos maximum!
- Must Put A Link To Your Post In The Comments: Pasting a glamour shot of your entry in the comment may also help distinguish your post
- Sandwich Name & Additional Info: are Optional
- Entries which do not follow the rules outlined will be considered null.
E-mail Notifications Sign Up!
The e-mails will be sent courtesy of @novaatebatman on behalf of myself @jaybird and, the Steemit Sandwich Contest in order to notify participants when the new contest post is up each week!
If you would like to receive e-mail updates about our weekly Contest, please feel free to sign up by clicking the link below and filling out the form (Sign up is for your convenience and not mandatory!):
A very special thanks to our two generous sponsors for this week @papa-pepper & @bleedpoet who are responsible for upping the prize pool to 40SBD. We are still looking for more Sponsons!
I will be selecting the winner based on a variety of parameters. Just do your thing and have fun with it. I'm considering many factors such as presentation, ingredients & originality, creativity, community opinion & artistic ability just to name a few.
To start, there will be 2 prizes. First Prize = 70% of the SBD pool collected
Second Prize dubbed the "Veto Vote" = 30% of the SBD pool collected + the honour of selecting the following weeks second prize winner. This prize is ideally given to an entry that although it did not win the contest, showed distinction among all the other entries. This could be a feature such as it was the community favourite, it used the most bazaar ingredients, or, it was just the best looking sandiwch etc. IMPORTANT! The "Veto Vote" holder may not vote on his or her own sandwich to be selected as the second prize.
This weeks "Veto Vote" holder is @bleedpoet.
As the first official sponsor of this competition he has been allotted the honour of selecting the "Veto Vote," second prize winner for "Steemit Sandwich Contest Week 1."
IMPORTANT! "Veto Vote" holders must always present their selection to @jaybird in confidence and allow the news to be revealed in an "officially Steemit Sandwich Contest blog post." Deviation from this method will result in a forfeit of the "Veto Vote" and thus, the selection will be consider null and a new winner will be chosen by @jaybird.
"Veto Voters" can contact @jaybird through discord jaybird#4732 or, an e-mail address will be provided to communicate. If for whatever reasons, the "Veto Vote" winner does not select an entry in the following weeks contest, I will be the default second prize selector for that week.
@bleedpoet @progressivechef @sevinwilson @jessamynorchard @ivanic @jaymorebeet @starttoday @mtgmisfit @lumlum85 @thedamus @ikaputri3 @cecirod1218 @buster544 @allfabeta @truconspiracy @artwatch @intelliguy @steemit-foodie @dollardoll @tbnfl4sun @steemitqa @clove71 @shalala @quinneaker @gardenofeden @papa-pepper @luzcypher @dan-atstarlite @verbal-d @brimax @trillex @htooms @pfunk @teamsteem @someguy123 @steemcenterwiki @jabra @steemit-life @trogdor @drpuffnsnuff @themonetaryfew @brian-rhodes @speda @hethur240
Here is my 3rd Entry. Check it out and also let me know what do you think of the sandwich court case?
Here is my 2nd entry. Come on ladies and gentlemen, it's time to join in the fun!
Yes Yes, I love your enthusiasm! looks fantastic. Mama Mia !

Very noice! Love the glamour shot ;)
My entry for the #steemitsandwichcontest. Hope you like it!
Thank you
So glad to hear that this is your first steemit contest. Welcome and thanks so much for your entry! This is my first hosting of a steemit contest and of course the first week it's running. Extra awesome that you were able to participate.
Love the sandwiches! Going to have to go eat a classic jaybird manwich now lol...
My Example Entry Comment:
Is 3 pictures max too little for this Contest?
Limitations, meh, I want sandwiches that tell a story, take me on an adventure, a sandwich to take me out for lunch, to a casino, bet it all on red,loose it all, end up in an alley at gunpoint where I'm forced to eat my new found friend in a terrifying yet sumptuous experience.... Sandwiches are just stuff that's in bread, I want to hear the banjo duel that goes with it 🐷🙈
rules and such are for first place winners... I'm looking for that definite 2nd place feel. Perfection is an over rated commodity, bars and scales are for musicians, prisoners and judges, I'm a Rebel Wilson without a cause. I guess this is a forewarning the veto vote may not constrain itself to formula.
The Brunch Burner
Thanks for entering brotha!
Of course!!
Here's my entry - Coypu BBQ: A Wild Homestead Sandwich from the Garden
Thanks for your entry! Beautifully made meal and as I said before, interesting ingredients choice!
You're welcome. Your contest has some great sandwiches in it!
Here is my 4th Entry:
You crazy sandwich addict ;) I love it!
Woohoo! First off, mad props to @jaybird for this awesome, drool-inducing contest. Had a lot of fun doing this, so thank you!

Alright, here's my entry:
So glad you could sneak in an entry! I would have loved to eat that sausage sandwich! Reminds me of my time in Germany!
Thank you @jaybird for hosting this event. Here is my entry:
Thx for your prompt entry! What a sandwich and I love the sign!
BTW you are the first valid submission. Congratulations!
Thank you so much!!