#steemitriddlechallenge EDITION 1 - RIDDLE #2 - solution
Hello again,
2nd Round of #steemitriddlechallenge is already closed. Below Mr.Riddle will show you the solution of Riddle #2:
In total 8 people answered the puzzle, below Mr.Riddle is presenting results:
person | answer | points |
@lukmarcus | honeyu | 5 |
@archerbest | honeyf | 5 |
@mys | honeyu | 5 |
@healthiswealth | honeyu | wrong answer = 0 points |
@jamzed | honeym | 4 |
@bsameep | honeyU | wrong answer = 0 points |
@photon-pl | honeya | wrong answer = 0 points |
@claucoliision | honeyf | wrong answer = 0 points |
The winner of 2nd Round is @lukmarcus!!! Congrats!
To others - please do not discourage, you will have a chance to win in next rounds and remember - the final winner will be announced after all 10 rounds!
Next round will start on Thursday 15/06 at 12:00 UTC. Stay tuned!
Remember 30 Steems are in the pool for winners!!
Follow the Riddle!!! @Mr-Riddle
1. Steemitriddlechallenge announcement and rules
2. Steemitriddlechallenge - Riddle #1
3. Steemitriddlechallenge - Riddle #1 solution
4. Steemitriddlechallenge - Riddle #2
Ohh I thought Nick name of Honey Bee is 'Bee' and hence 3 characters ... Neways - Looking forward to tomorrows riddle...
And what if nickname of honey bee was like... Diana or Frank? :)
Ohh I get it... Do not get discouraged. Next time will be better :)