SteemitPhotoChallenge Entry: Children's Garden NeststeemCreated with Sketch.

We love sharing our life through photos!

Photography is one of the best ways to connect with people. So much can be conveyed in a single image - each picture is worth way more than a thousand words!

We're inspired to make an entry to the Steemit Photo Challenge #53 for the theme Human Body with a snapshot of some of our favorite human beings:

These darling, innocent, joyful little girls are the daughters of @gardenofeden founder @quinneaker & his mate @truelovelives, and they are the motivation behind so much of what we do in our ecovillage. 

It is a dream to see all children grow up as free, healthy, and happy as QiQi and Noki are. This planet would be an entirely different place if children were honored as the competent, capable, responsible divine beings they are, and we have no doubt that these amazing girls can dazzle the world with the true potential children hold.  

We hold a space to protect and nurture them. Their days are filled with love, friends, family, play, passion, and adventure, as they follow their hearts to live life of their own design - no alarm clocks, no schedules, no obligations or burdens, no supposed-tos/have-tos/or shoulds. In fact, even something as standard as a bed time is such a foreign concept to these girls (they sleep when they are tired and they wake when they have rested), that lately QiQi has been having great fun playing a game in which she actually requests one! 

We are creating a better world for them. May all children be so free and ALIVE! 

As Quinn is fond of saying, "Parenting is the foundation of all of our lives, for better or for worse". It is one of the most--if not the most--important facets of life, which is why he invests a lot of time and energy in sharing a new paradigm perspective in which the child is truly respected as a sovereign being unto themselves. 

The old model of parenting has yielded a society of broken citizens, and it's time to question that model. It doesn't work, and it's time for a shift into a better, more powerful way. Quinn offers real solutions, and we hope all will tune into the insights he shares! We invite you to follow his account as well as to sign up for our newsletter, where new paradigm parenting is just one of the valuable topics we cover each week.

BE the change! Let's build a better world for the sake of ALL children, ALL beings, and our living planet!


I love these girls so much!
What a beautiful photo!
Thanks for sharing!

The way you honor these divine beings is beyond incredible @quinneaker. There is no one I know who has had a parent who holds such grand space for them, who loves them truly unconditionally, and who is in fact creating a whole new paradigm to be certain of their infinite potential future. These girls truly bring life to life. Thank you for showing what is possible!!

Thanks you for acknowledging that and expressing it here on the blockchain. I don't need it but I do appreciate it.

∞§∞Bless it be∞§∞

OH yes, I know you don't need it, you're going to do it anyway because that's who you are. I am truly honored and grateful to experience the amazingness unfolding here, and find it a blessing that you are sharing it with the world. ...god knows we need it!!

∞§∞Bless it be∞§∞

What beautiful girls!! They are such pure, vibrant lights!!
Thank YOU for sharing your revolutionary parenting insights - may it lead to life better than we can even imagine!

∞§∞Bless it be∞§∞

I love the fact that these children are raised complete opposite of the rest. However, i have so many questions though! Not out of judgement, but simply curiosity. It's super interesting to watch these kids grow up in a different way because you can actually compare and find the hard pro's (and I am sure there are cons to everything aswell?)

They look happy for sure! And I think that is one of the most important things :)

I have never known any children, anywhere, that are sooooo ALIVE!!! It is incredible to witness and be a part of such a grand awakening of the human race. Oh thank god for the children---there is hope!!! Great comment @sjennon.

Feel free to ask anything! We're here to share inspiration for the possibilities that could be!

It is absolutely fascinating to watch children raised in a free, safe, nonjudgmental environment, where they are actually "allowed" to make their own decisions and to engage their own will & passions. They are the happiest, healthiest, smartest, most responsible & capable children any of us have ever seen, so this approach is obviously working so far.

I like your way of living! I like how you respect the freedom of your kids, really is the first time i see someone who lives in nature without rule, like you are breaking something call it the modernity.

Thank you, @creativwoman! It is so interesting that respecting a child's freedom is actually a revolutionary approach in this day and age. But as we say, the "normal" model of parenting isn't working - children are sadder and potentially more broken than ever, and they grow up to be sad, weak, broken adults.

@quinneaker shares another way, and his approach to parenting guides children to be happy, healthy, inspired, empowered, and responsible. It is AMAZING to see this!! It would be so awesome to have a whole generation of thriving children grow up to be thriving adults!

Life as we know it will significantly shift if it becomes the norm to truly honor and respect children.

Really nice photo with loads of innocence in it. voted!!

Thank you, @panknil!

inspiring bro thanks for sharing, i want to join too

I don't blame you for wanting that @malos10. Life in this new paradigm is truly a blessing.

beautiful nest of happy children!

Aaaaahhhh, what a blessing!

Beautiful post and lovely photo! :)

Thank you!

Very good post @gardenofeden . I have followed you . I like your post. . 👏👏👏

Inspiring photo... thanks ur post

Well said, nice post and nice photo too

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