Moth - is it a Hummingbird Hawk Moth?

Saw this handsome specimin in my laundry room today, I think it is a Hummingbird Hawk-moth but am not sure. say this about it

Hummingbird Hawk-moth Macroglossum stellatarum

(Linnaeus, 1758)

Wingspan 40-50 mm.An immigrant species which sometimes occurs in large numbers, especially if there's an extended period of warm weather or southerly airflow.It flies in the sunshine and hovers in front of flowers, sipping the nectar with its long proboscis, very much like the hummingbird which gives it its name.The larvae feed on bedstraw (Galium), and some of these may hatch and give rise to autumn adults in an influx year. 

Are there any moth experts out there, I'd love confirmation of my visitor variety!


I'm no expert, but I saw a hummingbird moth flying around one time and that one had more color and looked very much like a real hummingbird.

Thanks Rebecca, back to the internet ...

Although I didn't see it fly, it is the hummingbird hawkmoth. Found some great pics online ... the ukmoths site is brilliant!

What a research! Is this creature alive yet?

Yes still alive :)

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