I Finally Got Better Video Of Zeph Being Conceptually Brilliant
While I may be roughing it (on the inside), my little man's life does not stop -- and I am the type of mom that won't let my issues effect my child's world.
Add to this, Zeph is a brilliant little two year old. But so rarely do I get a chance to capture it. The other day, he walks up to me with his monster truck and a frying pan while chanting "Digger Truck".
He actually let me record him while I asked him some mommy questions. That is what he calls it when I ask for mor details :)
Parenting is never easy, but it is hella fun with a beautiful, brilliant child.
so glad to see an update from you. Miss you @clevercreator while you have been gone I got my slider.. I hope all is well with you.
Sliders 4 Life!!!!
Oh the stories....
You are alive!
I am trying. I said this aloud and Zeph said that Chienchien and I are trying to!!
Miss ya much.
This is amazing!?
He is a trip.
I'm glad to hear from you again. Take care! We were miss you
Di, you mentioned that you rarely capture Zeph. Is that because he just runs out of frame (or more like impromptu hide-and-seek)?
I get plenty of photos. But his brilliant words go away when I bust out the video mode.
I do need to post some more stories about him. He is a hoot.