The Steemit Name Challenge - @reggaemuffin

So @suesa nominated me for the steemit name challenge and since I get asked about where my name comes from a lot, here it is.

But first, here we go with the rules:

  1. Tell us in a post how you chose the current Steemit username you have. The story behind it.
  2. Tell us your real name!
  3. If you could change your current username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it!
  4. Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that the creator of the challenge can track all the posts and check them out
  5. Nominate 5 people for this challenge

So, let's do this!

  1. My current name comes from a Magic: The Gathering card:

Which itself is a play on words with ragamuffin:

I really liked the name and the darkness associated with it, but changed it to reggaemuffin because everyone knows reggae but no one knows the word rag

So then I used that name as my backup username for a few years. It became my steem name, because the one I signed up with took a few days to be confirmed by steemit and I was not feeling up to waiting a week, so I created this acc with anonsteem. And when my other account got approved, I already had a brand on this one and liked the name.

I initially used a panther as a profile picture, as it had a very calm expression, being at peace with everything, while at the same time being extremely dangerous to those disturbing the peace.

I got some fan art and I commissioned them to create my current profile, as the panther was a black blob in small spaces and not really recognizeable.

My current logo is a play on the history of the name, being a muffin with reggae style and a panther face:

  1. I won't be telling you my real name. It has no connection to my user name.

  2. I build a brand with my name, I would not change it. I like how you can shorten it to RM, reggae or muffin and it is unique enough so I know I am meant by it.

  3. Adds the tag

  4. There are too many to keep it to 5 people:

  5. I nominate @bulleth, @furious-one, @themarkymark, @nolnocluap, @fraenk, @marty-art, @inquiringtimes, @buzzbeergeek, @orcheva, @velimir, @andybets, @howo, @upheaver, @pawos, @andyluy, @ilyastarar, @lemouth, @mobbs and @drwom!

The steemstem-resteem tag is not a tag that the SteemSTEM project uses, just a small joke (:


I totally did not see that raga-connection there! Thanks for the nomination, I'll make a post!

Hehe, really looking forward to your post. Please tag me in it :)

My name is Junaid and my username is rjunaid12 so I havent been creative with it lol.
Your name is so cool btw

hehe, thanks! But why did you pick the 12?

Because just rjunaid was not available. Then I just added the first two numbers. Told you I'm not very creative .

Haha .. true

pffffffffffftttttttttttttttttt lolololololol

Since I've been successfully avoiding a proper #introduceyourself post all along the way... and I am always hiding my face behind this emoji-thing... maybe a name-reveal is the right thing to do ?! :P

Do it!

I did it! You are responsible!

I am responsible for art. Yes!

I've come across word ragamuffin and thought there might be a connection. But I was afraid to ask as the word has somewhat demeaning feeling. Now that you've shown the card I see what you mean and what steem means to you. You're sacrificing yourself to it.

Well, I can't deny that :) steem does take a big chunk of my time ^^

Oh, that's really cool. Didn't know there's so much meaning behind your username, haha.
I created my username when I saw the trending page... I was like, "Hm, trending... Can I make a username out of that? Trendo!".

Trendo – child of the trending page, born with the upvote, forged in the fires of flag wars and survived the bandwidth dry period.

Haha, that's golden!

I'm gonna add this to my "about", if you don't mind, LOL

Definitely! I would have it rewritten by a native speaker because my word plays probably suck, but the general direction is awesome, own that name :)

Nah, the word play doesn't suck. It's quite awesome actually!

Haha this comment 😂 you're creative indeed

Magic - what a game


My account is @fararizky it comes from my name Farhani Rizky. Fara is my nick name, its collaborated between my father and mother nick name. And Rizky, its about money in and wealth. But for me Rizky = Risk. Ya life have many Risk that you have being stronger to face it.

nice one :) Maybe make a post about it :)

I will 😊

Waoh, I really like the concept behind your name. Always wondered where it came from. Reggae + Muffin.

Cool. I think I will join the challenge

Das ist eine ziemlich coole Geschichte. Hätte nicht gedacht, dass so viel dahintersteckt. Hab zwar auch Magic gespielt, aber diese Karte kannte ich bisher gar nicht :)

Ist ne relativ alte von 2006:
Aus dem Dissension pack, das kam raus, als ich in meiner MTG Hochphase war. Hab viel Schwarz-Weiß Kleriker-Resurection gespielt und alle anderen genervt weil mein Deck einfach nicht gestorben ist.

Wo kommt eigentlich dein Name her, mach da doch auch mal nen post drüber :)

Hey @hatoto, mich würde auch die Herkunft Deines Namens interessieren. Bin gespannt, wie @reggaemuffin

hahah well I though you were only a fan of reggae and muffins :P

Didn't think there was a gaming card involved lol

In my case my username and the reason behind it are pretty self explanatory.

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