Steemit Name Challenge: mountain.phil28

in #steemitnamechallenge6 years ago (edited)

Shoutout and thanks for the nomination to @derbesserwisser. I'm not really that much into such stuff, but I also don't want to dissapoint, hence let's go!

As a short reminder, here are the rules:

  1. Explain how you choose your Username on Steemit.

  2. If you want, state your true name.

  3. If you could change your Username, which one would you choose now?

  4. Use the #steemitnamechallenge Tag to mark your post.

  5. Nominate five other users of your choice to join in on this fun.

Source: pixabay

Point 1) Username: mountain.phil28

I was made aware of the STEEMIT platform by my friend @geggi632.
He is a hobby photographer producing really awesome stuff. After he told me everything that one has to know about STEEMIT I joined in.

All this happened at the beginning of last summer and since I'm from Austria I was going to spend a few weeks in the atmospheric mountains surrounding me. Therefore, I thought I'll share the wonderful impressions in the mountains on this platform and I included them in the name.

And also the number 28 is not chosen by chance. This is my favorite number! There is a whole range of mathematical-logical and emotional-irrational reasons. For those who like to juggle numbers in their heads: If you want you can try to find some of the mathematical-logical inherent beauty of this number! Just state your findings in the comments and I will answer if that's one of the reasons why I like 28 best.

Point 2) Statement on the real name

In fact, it takes a genius to derive my first name from my username, but to avoid an unbearable tension, here is the solution to this riddle: 'Philipp'

However, I won't shout my last name from the rooftops. So I want to stick to my first name and just say a few words about it: 'Philipp' is derived from the greek Philippos which in principle consists of two parts:

a. philos, meaning love, dear, loved, admired a.s.o.
b. hippos, meaning horse

It follows that I should totally be into horses. Well, I kind of get that they are admirable and beautiful animals, but I'm also amazed by a lot of other animals and wonders that nature provides us, so I can't conclude a really pronounced affection towars horses. :)

Source: pixabay

Point 3) Changing Username

To be honest, I've really gotten used to my STEEMIT username!
So even if could, I would not want to change it. Spontaneously, I also don't have a really crisp idea for a suitable and cool alternative name.

Point 4) #steemitnamechallenge tag is USED!

Source: pixabay

Point 5) Five more happy nominees!

My nominees are:
@swedishdragon (Yeah, I know your story but the world is waiting too!)

I'm looking forward to your posts! - Hopefully there will be some. :)



Auch ich liebe die Berge. Sie sind genau so vollkommen wie manche Zahlen:
Die 28 ist eine davon, aber sie sind sehr selten!

WTF, davon wusste ich nichts! xD

Du hast es mit einem Mathematiker zu tun.
Ach, und hier kannst du ein bisschen Bergluft schnuppern:

Ja, du offensichtlich nicht. xD Ich hab da nur selbst bisschen in meinen Gedanken mit der Zahl herumgespielt!

PS: Echt schöne Tour!

Hey Phil,

jetzt werde ich zum dritten Mal nominiert und ich werde versuchen mich auch davor zu drücken... Ich habe da einfach nicht wirklich was dazu zu sagen ;) - und meinen echten Namen kennen eh schon alle!
Trotzdem schön, dass du an mich gedacht hast!
LG Mo*

Ehrlichkeit ist auch was wert. xD

PS: Obwohl, alle guten Dinge wären ja drei. :P

Ich bleib lieber bei der Ehrlichkeit. ;)
Ausserdem hab ich seit 10 Tagen nichts mehr geschrieben (Urlaub) und habe jetzt schon eine laaaaangeeee Liste.. Lach...
Auf bald! 😉

Auch gut. Ich freue mich auf das was von dir nach deinem Urlaub so kommen wird! :)

Keine Angst, da verpasst du nicht wirklich was!! Es gibt da wirklich keine spannende Geschichte dahinter! :)

wow that photo of the horses is simply incredible.

The wonder of pixabay! :)

Bist Du vielleicht Synästhetiker?

Ich nehme an, du fragst wegen meiner Vorliebe für die Zahl 28? :)
Mhmm,... Das ist in der Tat eine gute Frage. Wenn, dann aber sicherlich kein Ausgeprägter. xD

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