De-Cluttering Challenge Day 1

in #steemitmamas7 years ago (edited)


Hello @steemitmamas and supporters!

Today's post is based on a conversation that started on our discord server where some of the mamas stated that they are ready to start a de-cluttering process, but need a little more support.

We are too far apart to show up at each other's houses with lemonade and some work-out clothes to finally get that (garage, closet, kitchen cabinet, outgrown baby clothes, etc) stuff out of your home, but we are close enough to offer the: "You can do it!" Encouragement that is sometimes all we need.

The Challenge will be for seven days. There will be support on the comment section of each post, and of course, in our discord channel.

After this challenge, you will have gotten rid of (at least) 28 items you don't need AND have gotten some ideas on how to start getting rid of your digital clutter.

Day 1

We are starting slow. Remember, just like weight loss, clutter didn't creep up on you in 7 days, so don't expect it to be fully cleaned out in 7 days. Its not just about cleaning up and getting rid of stuff you don't need. Its about changing the mentality that made you end up with this useless-to-you-at-this-moment-in-your-life possessions.

So for DAY 1 grab just ONE THING from your home that you know you don't longer need. Maybe you outgrew it, maybe it brings bad memories, maybe you never wanted it in the first place.

Whatever it is, get rid of just ONE thing.

This really is the best way to start. With just one thing.

Be mindful to actually get rid of it. Putting it in the garage so that you can later donate it just means that a husband (or other roommate) might just see it later and bring it back up into your living space. Get it in the trash, in the donation center or anywhere that is NOT YOUR HOME.

Digital Challenge

Go ahead and delete 10 (or 1000) emails. We will NOT be re-visiting emails this week so make sure to give that delete button some exercise.

Clutter is not just in our home, its in our emails too. Attacking clutter from more than one angle makes it easier for your mind to start letting go of what it must let go of.

That's the challenge for today Mamas! Get rid of one THING and remove it fully from your home and get rid of 10 (or 1000) emails.

Since this is a challenge, here are the rules.

  1. Follow the Specific Challenge for the day
  2. Post about it in the comments so we can all cheer for you. Pictures welcome.
  3. Win by having less stuff in your home.
  4. Ok. If you really want to, upvote each others comments, but really, it's not a Steem-earning challenge, its a "Get Help From Your Friends" Challenge.

Thank you for taking the time to visit with us today. We will be back tomorrow with Day 2 challenge.



Alright Mamas. I didn't get rid of ONE thing, I got rid of a bunch of random nothings that were cluttering up my mantle. Its still cluttered but looks better.

I also deleted a bunch of emails. There's more, but there are a lot less.

How are the rest of you doing?

I'm in the middle of moving and clearing out EVERYTHING!! Less is so much more me time :) My new motto!!

Yes! Less stuff makes more time. Thanks for commenting :)

Yay! Thanks you for joining us on this challenge!

Done! Well, halfway. I went through one homeschooling cabinet and got rid of a bag of old magazines I was saving just in case we needed to make collages. They were several years old and just taking up space. I'll try to tackle the inbox tonight!

Congratulations on getting rid of those old magazines!

I suggested the emails because a few years back, I took an abundance course (positive thinking, the power of words, recognizing cross purposes that hold us back, etc) and one of their suggestions was to clean out our emails. Because of google and our "unlimited" use of email space, many people hold on to junk that they no longer need.

I had THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS of emails that went back a decade. Once I cleaned that inbox out, I had an easier time getting rid of physical stuff I no longer needed. But it took some WORK! lol. This challenge is just a taste.

This is @metzli BTW...

Thanks for the reminder, @crowbarmama! I think I still have some homeschooling books. My son graduated 11 years ago!!! 😅

Okie Dokie! I managed to take out one cardboard box. It is a special cardboard box. It has been on reserve for making ground coverings around the plants. So, now it is sitting out under one of my shade trees waiting for me to chop it up to go around some very important plants, which I will show you laters.

You might be asking why I get to count this box since it was obviously on reserve. I get to count it because it has sat around in the wrong space for the last six months (easy). It has companions who were well behaved and went to the correct "on reserve for the garden" space and they get to live longer! Ha!

As to the emails. #sorrynotsorry. I don't spend time deleting emails on someone else's server. However, I do periodically go through and cancel subscriptions but right now they are in pretty good shape.

BUT AND HOWEVER AND FURTHERMORE ! What you have done is raise my concerns because there is an email server that I do need to connect to and move emails off of their server to my PC (old school style). I want to change web hosts and get my own web site up and running (again) in a location I prefer over one that's become ... less than desirable.

So. Thanks for setting that priority flag!

Ok ... off to see what's next ! over in the Day 2 Challenge.

I see what you are saying. However, that’s the mentality that makes you feel like a bigger home means you can store away more stuff.

Digital trash is still trash, and you carry it around if you have it.

Let’s not be digital hoarders!

No. I literally don't ever look at it again. If I want to find / know something I use search. I don't even look at emails when they come in. I know what should be in the email based on who it is from. If something is urgent import, no one I know uses an email to communicate it.

Oh and don't think your email is ever deleted, deleted. It's not. Trust me.

Ah, I finally found this. Coincidently I had spent the latter part of Day 1 going through the kids' toys - disposed of some small items but well that's a start. I do delete my emails from time to time but they are just way too many!

The emails can be hard to get a handle on. I know it’s all in my mind but they make me feel like my phone is heavier.


Did some of my babies outgrown clothes. Yay!

Good job mama!

This is a really great challenge you’ve cooked up for the community @metzli! I hope it encourages many to start the decluttering process! I’ll have to look back on these posts and participate later for myself...I’ve got lots to get rid of.

Not to overwhelm myself I’m going to take it slow and easy by following the challenge accordingly. So today I got rid of a keychain someone gave me many moons ago which I didn’t like but kept anyway (to be polite). And I’ve deleted a bunch of emails. Thanks!

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