Did Steemit Make A Mistake By Changing Their Well Established Logo? Will It Negatively Effect Steemit?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemitlogo7 years ago (edited)

Not often do you see any sort of well established company or altcoin make the very risky choice of changing their already well know and well established Logo/Color Palettes , why is that? Well there are a few very good reasons why most choose to stick with their original logo designs or other branding symbols/color palettes etc. In this article I will list a few of the more important reasons why a company wouldn't want to change their original logos and color palettes and I will also list reasons why a company or altcoin WOULD want to change their original logo to something new and different. You can leave your opinions about which you prefer and why in the comments below, but make sure to first read this whole article so you can gain new viewpoints on the issue, even if you do not think anything could change your opinion on the matter at hand.

A logo is more than just a random picture... And usually a logo's importance is not noticed by most people who use that product or service... Not noticed until...THAT COMPANY DECIDES TO CHANGE THEIR LOGO! Once this happens, oh man....Sh*t hits the fan and everyone goes all haywire! There are good reasons for this sort of reaction though, and if a company receives A LOT of this sort of reaction from a LOT of its customers/users the company or in this case the altcoin/blog platform should take notice and think very hard about whether to stick with their new decision to change their logo or if they should go back to the original...Cause it could really mean life or death for the company depending on which route they choose to take..

A logo is not just a mere simple mixture of colors and patterns(picture) It isn't even just a normal symbol...A logo is an important and special sort of symbol that should be considered as a priceless and unchanging part of a well established business or altcoin and should be considered as being the most important representative OF said business or altcoin because a logo is a promise...A promise of a particular brand or product, a promise of this brand or product TO it's loyal and well established customers/clients and/or users saying that their product is exactly that, their product, not a wannabe, not a copycat or forgery of that product, it IS the product/service which they created and it can be trusted, it is familiar. When you see a mcdonalds logo you don't think to yourself, "oh that is a business where I can obtain a new skateboard" & you don't question to yourself whether it really is the REAL mcdonalds or if it is a copycat or a fake mcdonalds, you just automatically know once your eyes gaze upon the ingenious & one of the most widely recognized logos ever, the Mcdonalds logo, that it is Mcdonalds - The fast food restaurant where you can purchase burgers and amazing good and in my opinion the BEST french fries EVER (at least the best that I have tasted thus far)

In other words - A logo is a special and invaluable symbol which represents the relationship between the company and the customer, it makes its customers and users feel more comfortable when using the platform cause they know and trust the company which that logo represents.

Human beings have always been more comfortable with that which is familiar to them. Most are afraid of change. There are good reasons for this though, but that is a topic for a different article. Scientists have done experiments where volunteers were placed in an MRI machine so that their brain activity could be watched as they drank samples of Cola, first the gave them cola which was not labeled. Then they gave them Coca Cola which had the logo of Coca Cola on it. By doing these experiments they noticed that when drinking the unlabeled cola their brains didn't show much activity and didn't seem to have much preference between the different unlabeled cola's. BUT when they were shown the logo of coca cola their brains immediately become active and showed preferences between which cola that they preferred.

What these experiments have taught us is that the brain likes to take the easy route, take short cuts when processing information, which isn't a surprise cause the brain is the organ which requires the largest amount of energy to function, so conserving that energy makes perfect sense. The more your brain recognizes a certain symbol with which it has become accustomed to and considers as familiar, such as the Steemit logo, the quicker it makes decisions with less anxiety. Changes only disrupt that comfort zone.

Now with all of that out of the way, I will now list a few reasons why a company/altcoin might decide to change their logo.

  1. The company has changed completely and should want to get a new image for themselves, for example: Let's say Company A started off selling apples so their logo was an apple, they had a lot of customers who trust their company and image and trust that they will be selling apples when they see their APPLE logo (doesnt have to be an apple can be anything as long as people know that company by said logo and it makes them think of buying apples) now lets say that Company A after 50 years is now selling laptop instead of apples, they would definitely want to change their logo so that their old customers dont expect them to be selling apples when they see their logo, they will want people to think of buying laptops when they see their logo, so the only wise thing to do would be to change their logo. Would be dumb not to.

  2. The company image is damaged in some way or another and makes people think about bad things when they see their logo, here is an example of how this could come about: Company B is a chainsaw company and recently their chainsaw has been all over the news because someone tripped while using the chainsaw and landed on it which did not end very pretty.. also another news story has also been released and is now in the spotlight at the same exact time that the first story was being talked about, the second news story is saying there was a chainsaw massacre in Texas and they are showing pictures of the bloody chainsaw on the news and it just so happens to be the same brand of chainsaw as the chainsaw that the guy who tripped and fell on his chainsaw was using, now whenever someone see their logo these are the images an thoughts that pop into their mind, they will most certainly be wanted to change their logo so that they can go on with business, it is only their logo which has a bad image, their chainsaws work perfectly fine, so they change it and everyone is happy again. Besides the people in the news stories.. But sh*t happens. lol.

  3. Logo is difficult to reproduce/print or w.e

  4. The company gets a new executive who wants to leave his mark on the company, kind of like how dogs like to leave their mark on everything, kind proves we are all just animals, no matter what we like to think. LOL.

  5. Their Logo somehow breaks the law or offends people (though if this were the case they prob wouldn't have it in the first place) BUT it could be breaking the law by looking to much like a different companies logo which has been established and has been sporting that logo for longer than them. I dont think steemit's logo looked like someone elses logo but who knows, I could be wrong.

If a company is just wanted to change their logo for the hell of it, just because they are tired of the old one or just want to change it for personal reasons, what they should do before they go about the whole process of changing their logo, now that social media exists, would be to ask their loyal customers what they think they should do, possibly show them some new logos and get them involved and let them possibly vote on which new logo they should choose, if they should choose it at all. Also have a vote where they can choose whether to change it or not.

If steemit changed their logo because of reason #4 then that would be pretty dumb of them...so I really hope they have a better reason for changing it.

Leave your vote in the comments below saying whether you like their new logo or the old one better.

Thanks for reading and have a good night/day



I could be happy with the new logo if the colors would be not made as it is now - ugly and disgusting

ya i also appreciate this..ugly and disgusting too!!!@kayaman