Steemit Iron Chef 2018 Act 01 Round 06: Wintertime Wild Mushroom Faux Sweet Corn and BBQ

Fresh sweet corn and BBQ! Both of them made from wild mushrooms foraged in my yard! Come into my post for a favorite summertime meal - in the winter, thanks to wild mushrooms!

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Finding My Favorites

For this week's Steemit Iron Chef contest, we are supposed to highlight our favorite local fruits and vegetables. What are my favorites? As a forager, my favorites are whatever is growing outdoors, ready to pick, right now!

I was tempted to make a great wild weed salad, like I made for @lenasveganliving's FruitandVeggiesMonday recently. But nearly every plant I would include is not local! They were all introduced into North America during the European settlement or later. Miner's Lettuce (Claytonia perfoliata) is the only native local salad green ready to pick this time of year. I foraged some behind a neighborhood church. But what else did I find to eat? Wild Mushrooms! :D

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Top: I was so happy to see this mushroom growing right in my yard, at the drip line of a big sequoia tree. It's the Shaggy Stalk, Floccularia albolanaripes. Bottom left: I have an abundance of these Split Gill mushrooms, Schizophyllum commune, growing from White Poplar logs. Bottom right: The winter needles of the Grand Fir tree in my yard still taste great -- so fresh, with a light orange-minty flavor, not at all resinous or bitter.

In the Kitchen

The Split Gill mushrooms have a little woody knob where they attach to a log. So I cut that off each one. I took the needles off the Grand Fir twigs - and pulverized them in my coffee grinder. Otherwise, there's not much processing to do with the ingredients.

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Clockwise, from top: Shaggy Stalk mushroom, Grand Fir twigs, Miner's Lettuce leaves, Split Gill mushrooms.

The challenge in cooking with Split Gill mushrooms is that they are tough. I slow roasted the Split Gills with the onion, dried tomatoes and dried peppers, for hours, until the Split Gills were soft enough to eat. Then I added a little BBQ sauce. I simply grilled the Shaggy Stalk mushroom cap. And then topped it with the Grand Fir salt mix.

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I cooked an onion, dehydrated cherry tomatoes, and dehydrated Sweet Banana peppers with the Split Gill mushrooms. I mixed the pulverized Grand Fir dust with salt.

Serving It Up!

This little plate of food was absolutely amazing! It's a hyper-local Pacific Northwest Winter version of a summertime BBQ -- with pulled pork, sweet corn, and a salad. But the BBQ and sweet corn are made from wild mushrooms!

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A local dish like this needs a locally brewed beer! I chose Ninkasi's Pacific Rain Pale Ale, because the rain is what makes all the mushrooms possible!

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The Split Gill mushrooms are so perfect this way! They have the taste and texture of pulled pork BBQ. It's really amazing!

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The Shaggy Stalk mushroom is vastly under-appreciated, in my view. It tastes like a mild sweet corn! It's incredible. The Grand Fir Salt is a perfect addition, just like salt on sweet corn. Except the taste of the Grand Fir needles is even better!

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Here's my proof -- a summertime BBQ in the wintertime, courtesy of wild mushrooms! Just try to find this dish at a restaurant, lol!

What Do You Think?

  • Have you ever seen Split Gill or Shaggy Stalk mushrooms?
  • Have you ever eaten either of them?
  • Have you ever eaten conifer needles?
  • Do you forage for any wild food?
  • Would you eat my Wintertime Wild Mushroom Summer BBQ?

I eat a lot of wild plants and show you how, because I believe that we can all have lives that are richer, more secure, more grounded, and more interesting by getting to know the plants and the land around us – in our yards, our parks, and our wild places.

Thanks @progressivechef for creating the Steemit Iron Chef contest series!

I try to make content that's interesting! If you found this informative and helpful, please give it an upvote and a resteem.

Plant List

  • Shaggy Stalk mushroom - Floccularia albolanaripes
  • Split Gill mushrooms - Schizophyllum commune
  • Miner's Lettuce - Claytonia perfoliata
  • Grand Fir - Abies grandis
  • White Poplar - Populus alba
  • Sequoia - Sequoiadendron giganteum

Haphazard Homestead

foraging, gardening, nature, simple living close to the land

All content is 100% Haphazard Homestead!
My YouTube channel: Haphazard Homestead


Of course I would eat your Wintertime Wild Mushroom Summer BBQ.
Actually I'm a Big fan of picking Wild mushrooms...
Great Dish!!

Thanks, @jorgegp! I'm glad to know that you enjoy some wild mushrooms yourself! There are some surprising flavors out there. Happy mushroom hunting! : )

I admire how you are looking for edible products in the wild and prepare such great dishes from it. Looks very tasty!

Thanks, @yetaras! It's amazing how many plants and mushrooms are good to eat. I always feel lucky when I find an edible mushroom. I hope you are enjoying your mushrooms that you found in the autumn! :D

Oh yes, I'm already waiting for it! :)

Just a rookie at mushroom gathering. I have harvested oyster and also Fly agaric for ritual purposes.

Oyster mushrooms are one of my favorites. I need to make my post on eating the Fly Agaric. I remember your comment on a picture of one, that you had used them for rituals. That is a special relationship with a mushroom, for sure!

would love to see how you use that red capped little fellow.

I'm an amateur mushroom hunter too. What sort of rituals do you use mushrooms for?

I have experimented with taking a tea but have found smoking it works the best for me. I do this at the summer and winter solstice usually.

The mushroom of the White Poplar tree logs that if I have eaten it and I would love to eat the mushroom that grows on the sequoia tree.
It's my dream to be able to go to the forest of these beautiful trees in the Sequoia & Kings Canyon Park in California I know I'll go to that beautiful place someday.
As always I loved your post of such a delicious mushroom BBQ
Thank you
Have a beautiful weekend @haphazard-hstead

Thanks, @gladysstillwagon! I hope you do see those giant sequoias in California some day. They are so gigantic! I am fortunate to have a sequoia in my yard, for sure. The Split Gill mushrooms grow all over the world, so they may be in your region, too. I am going to make a big BBQ sandwich with them soon! :D

Oh my oh my that looks fine indeed, wish I can taste it. If you were able to find some potatoes it might've been even finer

Thanks, @arhaynez! That's a great idea to have some potatoes with that. It would have helped the plate look less flat. I'll remember that -- because these BBQ mushrooms are so good that I will make this dish again! The other one is good, too, but I am lucky to get even 1 of them. I don't think I will find any more until next year.

Yeah the plate will definitely look more lively and appealing and by the looks of it that is definitely a dish that's worth the wait

That looks delicious! My boyfriend's aunt and uncle forage mushrooms on their property, so we usually get a few jars of pickled mushrooms every year. I have never used conifer needles in cooking before, but I can imagine what a fresh, bright flavor that imparts. I really enjoy seeing your creations!

Thanks, @plantstoplanks! I'm glad you get to enjoy those pickled wild mushrooms! I wonder what kind they are -- I'm always curious about what other wild food people are enjoying! I enjoy the new spring growth of a lot of different conifers (but not all are good for people to eat). For most of the edible conifers, the older needles have more of a resin flavor - and sometimes it's a little too much. But the Grand Fir is so good, even when the needles are old. I could easily get carried away!

I'll have to see if I can figure out what kind of mushrooms they find. His family is Polish so sometimes they know what things are called in Polish but not English. Kind of fun sometimes to figure it out!

Thank goodness for scientific names! I like learning the different local names for plants and mushrooms, too. Some plants have so many names! Enjoy your mushrooms!

Interesting dish with wild mushrooms around your area again! The Shaggy Stalk mushroom which grew in your yard is the most amazing mushroom, I like it.

Good luck for the Steemit Iron Chef! ;)

Thanks, @tangmo! The Shaggy Stalk lives only in a few places, so I'm fortunate to enjoy it. But the Split Gill mushroom is even in the tropical areas. It may be one of the few wild foods that lives around both of us! I will write a post that says more about the Split Gill mushroom. You may already have seen them in your area!

You're welcome! Yeah! I think I found the Split Gill mushroom in Thailand, too. I'm looking forward to reading more about it with much interest. ;)

I would eat that in a heartbeat. Looks delicious.
I would love to learn the fine art of foraging, but it is not something I feel comfortable learning from books / internet. I would need someone to show me.

Thanks, @hhayweaver! I learned to forage my first wild plants as a kid, from my dad. But I have learned most of the rest from books and now, the internet. There's definitely more to know than what any one person can learn in a single lifetime. So I'm still learning a lot, all the time, too. I'll try to write more on the process of learning new foraging skills. I hope it will help you become a forager!

I was so excited to discover what you will come up with this time my friend and as usual...BOOM...another awesome dish in which most of the ingredients are new to me and for a lot of steemians I am sure!
How I wish I had such a great knowledge like you in wild plants my friends, please do share some of your secrets...well I know it is your passion but still would love to know the roots of this passion!
Thanks so much for always coming up with such amazing informative post!
You rock!

Beautiful and interesting dish ...sure looks yummie !

Thanks, @globaldoodlegems! It's amazing how different mushrooms can be! Each one has its own unique character.

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