Many children spend an average of 3-4 hours a day watching television. Television can be a very powerful influence in the development of the value system, in the formation of character and behavior. Unfortunately, many of the television programs contain a high degree of violence. The psychiatrists of children and adolescents who have studied the effects of violence on television have found that they can:
Imitate the violence they observe on television.
Identify with certain types, characters, victims and / or victimizers.
Become "immune" to the horror of violence; Y
Gradually accept violence as a way to solve problems
Thus, extensive exposure to television programs that contain violence causes greater aggression in children. Sometimes, watching a violent program can increase aggression. Children who see shows in which violence is presented very realistically, or without being punished, are more likely to imitate what they see. The impact of violence on television can be reflected in the child's behavior immediately or manifested later in its development. Young people can be affected even when there is no tendency toward violence in the family atmosphere. This does not mean that the violence seen on television is the only cause of violent or aggressive behavior, but there is no doubt that it is a significant factor.
Paying more attention to the programs that children see.
Establishing limits on the time spent watching television.
Preventing them from seeing those programs known as violent. They must change the channel or turn off the TV when offensive scenes appear, and explain to the child what is considered bad about that program.
Point out to the child that even if the actor has not been hurt, injured or died during the program, the violence can cause pain or death if it happens in real life.
*Disapproving the violent episodes that happen in front of children, emphasizing the fact that this is not the best way to solve a problem.
- To counteract the pressure exerted by parents, peers and friends, you must contact other parents to enforce similar rules about the timing and type of programs that children should watch.
Parents should use these measures to prevent the harmful effects that television can have in other areas such as racial or sexual stereotyping. Apart from the content of the television program, the time that children spend on this activity should be limited since it takes them out of more profitable activities such as playing with their friends, family interaction, study and reading.
If parents have serious difficulties establishing controls and limits or genuine concern about the child's reaction to television, they should consult a specialist.