As i was doing my little research about Christian behaviour, I came across this article by Jacob Ninan and would like to blog for all of us to take note of some important things. Hope you'll find this article very interesting and spice up our faith in Christ Jesus.
Much confusion, fear and doubts have been created in the minds of many Christians as a result of the teaching on generational curses. This is a subject that has emerged comparatively recently in Christendom. The proponents include many famous names. Since it has spread all around the world through TV, internet, CDs, books, etc., with lots of testimonies claiming breakthroughs and deliverance's, the doctrine seems to have been accepted as Bible truth by a large number of Christians. Even though there are many teachers who disagree with this, somehow they do not seem to have succeeded in overthrowing the doctrine. This is one more attempt in that direction.
What Are Curses?
We see three types of ‘curses’ in the modern context. The first one refers to violent ‘curse’ or swear words which people use to express their anger. I will not address those here. The second one concerns curses God or people place on others. The third one is the curse that is supposed to come down to individuals, families, races and nations because of the sins of the ancestors. We will only look at the second one which:
When Someone Curses Us
We must remember that as His children we are a blessed people, having been redeemed from the curse of the Law (the punishment that comes upon those who disobey the Law, as given in Deut. 28) because Jesus has taken that curse on Himself and suffered on our behalf (Gal. 3:13,14). As the spiritual Israel of God, whom God has blessed, no one can curse us (Num. 23:8,23). Christ has justified us and will not allow anyone to condemn us (Rom. 8:33,34). If anyone curses us in his anger when we ourselves are innocent, it will, of course, not find a place in us (Prov. 26:2). If we have done something that makes us deserve that curse, what we need to do is to confess our sins to God and claim forgiveness and cleansing (1Jn. 1:9). The best way to ‘break’ the curse is to bless the one who cursed us (Luke 6:28)! We do not have to live in fear of the curse at all.
In conclusion
What we need as children of God is to know our Father better, and to understand what all He has done and prepared for us. We need to understand the rights and privileges He has given us, and become bold and confident before His presence. We are not to live in fear and confusion, and we are not to allow ourselves to be tossed around by every wind of doctrine.