My Steemit Familia! @transcript-junky (An Amazing Writer)
Hello my lovely Steemian friends,
I really should be helping my boyfriend move his stuff into our new house but sometimes an idea grips me and I CANNOT let it go until I have pooped it out of me.
This is idea has been lingering around in my head but now it's coming into fruition.
I realized that one of the things I love doing on Steemit is connecting people and building relationships!
What with being a curator for @ocd and having my own loveproject @humansofsteemit, which both bring me SO MUCH JOY!
But I wanted to make it a lil more personal.
It's time I introduce you to my Steemit familia!
Peeps whom I've met through Steemit and who are pretty damn amazing and I believe YOU should know about!
These are the people I speak to quite frequently and we have a friendly vibe with each other.
I am a lucky lady when I say there is quite a few of them!
So let's get started!
Please meet @transcript-junky
I can't exactly remember how I stumbled upon his blog but when I read the first post, it was like my brain was fried from all the good shit!
He is a fucking AMAZING writer and has a way of thinking and an eloquence that I have NEVER EVER seen before!
He writes a series called 'Steem Success Tip Of The Day' which honestly, is SO helpful and really we can learn a lot from!
Yes, he also posts boundary-pushing stuff that sometimes makes you squirm in your seat but hey, it's all part of the experience.
Oh and he writes poetry too!
Right now, he is doing a 300-followers milestone giveaway!
As he is a professional editor and proofreader, he is offering a FREE edit/proofread of a Steemit post!
Here's the link if you'd be interested!
Obviously, I am going to suggest you head over to his blog @transcript-junky and go on and read through his stuff.
It's good.
It's juicy.
It'll get your head thinking
As I know a lil bit more about the mysterious man behind the username, I really hope he starts posting about what he is doing in his life because where his passions lie and his goals are pretty damn amazing!
(This is an invitation extended to you my friend @transcript-junky!)
These are some of my fave words he has said :
I'm tired of waiting to become a "crypto MULTI-zillionaire" so that I can FINALLY have the financial security which will PARTIALLY CLEAN the SLATE of all the TRAUMA and AGONY of a life of poverty and THWARTED dreams, the FINANCIAL DICTATORSHIP of student loan debt bondage, the MENTAL BONDAGE of MASS MIND CONTROL and MASS "education", and the PERPETUAL BATTLE of trying to stay RELATIVELY SANE in this RAMPANTLY SHALLOW reality I was INVOLUNTARILY BORN into, and "raised" in.
Okay. I know that sounds SO DRY that it would make Karl Marx's head spin, so let's now add some JUICINESS to this whole concept. As CONSUMERS of information on Steemit we have certain NEEDS which arise NATURALLY out of our activity on the platform. We have INTERESTS in certain TYPES of content (ex. cryptocurrency, photography, self-help, info on new Steemit productivity tools, etc.). We also DEVELOP NEW interests over time as we consume information, and so our needs are evolving and never exhausted. There are then OTHER Steemit users out there who ALSO have such basic needs. Then we all have DIFFERENT SKILLS, TALENTS and LIFE EXPERIENCE which - when PACKAGED and DISTRIBUTED properly - can fulfill the unique NEEDS of OTHER people on Steemit. The Steemit protocol then INCENTIVIZES us to package and distribute our unique "information products" in the HIGHEST QUALITY form. Other people CONSUME our high-quality information products and REWARD us in a way which MOTIVATES us to develop MORE high-quality information products; Steemit INCENTIVIZES us to PACKAGE and DISTRIBUTE our unique, individual SKILLS, TALENTS and LIFE EXPERIENCES in a form which other people on Steemit can MOST BENEFIT from, and vice vera.
But before this turns into a TREATISE on the "golden age" of the 1980s, with its timeless TECHNOTRONIC music genres, cult films, MTV debut, break-dancing, and BIG HAIR, let's bring this idea into the LARGER HISTORICAL context, right on THROUGH to the present EPOCH. Art has ALWAYS existed, and WILL ALWAYS exist, AS LONG as more advanced HOMO-nid and NON-HOMO-nid CREATURES - like those "TALKING BABOONS called "homo sapiens"" - ROAM around THIS planet (and ALL OTHER planets and EXOplanets BOTH IN and BEYOND this galaxy) - and are able to engage in ADVANCED, ABSTRACT, CREATIVE thought and speculation - that is, the kind of MENTAL ACTIVITY which has enabled us to CRAWL out of the ocean, CLIMB down from the trees, and start mixing together various NATURAL RESOURCES into such complex and advanced functioning tools as : forks, houses, jazz music, toilets, computers, cars, COCKTAILS, and neutron BOMBS. In other words, WHEREVER there are COGNITIVELY ADVANCED beings with the CAPACITY to engage in "HIGHER-level", CREATIVE THOUGHT there is the POTENTIAL to HARNESS and CHANNEL the HIGHER-DIMENSIONAL SPIRITUAL ENERGY, which can then be made to MANIFEST on the 3-D plane in the FORM of "style". STYLE is the POWER which NEUTERS digital music, when compared to analog recordings. STYLE is what TRANSFORMS material SCIENCE into MAGIC. STYLE is a NANO-VIRUS lying DORMANT in its TECHNOLOGICAL HOST, preparing to RE-AWAKEN and NEUTRALIZE the cold, hard, DESTRUCTIVE "force" of MATERIALISM from growing into a CANCER which consumes everything in its WAKE. Style is the ILLOGICAL "BITCH-master" which RISES from the DEPTH of RATIONALISM and turns it into HER BITCH. Picasso TAPPED INTO style as he tried to EXPRESS the MADNESS of WAR, and whose ONLY expression could be PARTIALLY-attained through PUSHING THE BOUNDARIES of TIME-SPACE and "mental energy" into the "distorted", CUBIST reality whose PHYSICS exists BEYOND the 3-D world. It is STYLE which creates the MAGNIFICENT PATTERNS and COLORS in the MUSHROOM CLOUD of a nuclear BLAST. It is STYLE which FUELS our NERVOUS BREAKDOWNS, and DELIVERS us HALF-CONSCIOUS and HALF-NAKED in a DUMPSTER on the WRONG side of town, BRUISED and BLOODIED at the ANTI-CLIMAX of a week-long BENDER of HARD LIQUOR and/or CRACK-cocaine. Without STYLE the world is DEAD and MEANINGLESS.
I think that should be enough to incentivize YOU to head on over to read his WONDERFUL stuff!
@transcript-junky, I hope you start writing MORE on Steemit because I really miss your stuff when you don't post for a while!
I truly believe that your brain-words have a very POSITIVE impact on the community as a whole!
And for everyone else reading this, if you feel like it, go on over and hit that follow button on his blog and say hello to him! :)
He is friendly and doesn't bite ;)
Here's to the sharing your fave Steemit peeps with other Steemians so we can be a proper tribe!
Photo is from
BIG love,
My LoveProject is @humansofsteemit! Featuring the humans behind the Steemit usernames!
nice.....great work and initiative with Humans of Steemit, it "humanizes" the users and think that leads to a kinder platform/experience
Would you like to be featured lovely? :)
Oooh I like this amazing information 👍👍
Good luck my friend😊 @ashleykalila
Keep it my friend👍👍😊
I plan to find out more on transcript junky
So honored to be your "daily POOP"! As I am not one to GLOAT in my GREATNESS I will just let you do it for me (above) - even with the few "cheap shots" you PEPPERED in there. Just be warned that I am the "KING of the "cheap shot"" - BOTH LITERALLY and FIGURATIVELY. My natural health posts (however gross) are based on HARD scientific evidence. It is up to the READER to DESCEND from the shallow INTO the DEPTHS to understand their GREATNESS...