Opinions needed please
A married couple once lived together happily in an area, with their three children.
It happened over time, that the ex of the wife happens to relocate to same area. The wife and the ex are in good talking terms and as such became friends.
She invited the ex to her home and introduced him to her husband as her brother (relation), and at such the husband has been relating very well with the ex as his in-law and all has been nice between the husband and the ex (assumed in-law) over time as they eat together, go out together and do other things together.
Rumours started creeping out that the woman was having an affair with the ex in her matrimonial home. This got to the man and after much confrontation, she opened up that truly he was her ex but they have no affair together since she has been married to her husband.
This has been a big issue to the family as the woman who still insist she is innocent of having an affair decided to quit on the marriage. She packed and left.
The husband went to meet her and told her to kill goat as custom demands and return back to her marriage, but she insisted that she is innocent. And she proceeded to request for the return of her bride price to the king of their land, claiming she won't kill any goat that she is innocent. The bride has already been returned.
What are your opinions at this juncture?
Candid opinions and advice are needed.
Thank you