The Importance of Financial Freedom: An intro to preparation for the financial collapse

in #steemitexclusive4 years ago (edited)

Freedom vs enslavement. Censorship, lockdowns, and scare mongering tactics are just another way to enslave the nations at the whims of those who profit off of us. On so many levels, this battle for truth has us all on the edge of our seats, carving out new levels of anxiety. I know I am not the only one feeling this way. This is the very thick of the battle, and it is heating up every day we allow it to continue.

Health is not found through authoritative government dictatorships.

And your interests, especially the financial ones, have never been the priority of those who own the majority of wealth in the world.

Those that are currently in power, [the same ones that got us into this mess,] know that income, wealth, inflation, and inequality were built into the debt based system they created. And if you have been reading my posts, you should know who suffers the most from this.

I can merely explain to you whats happening; I can't force you to understand it.

I don’t pretend to be an expert, least of all a financial one. But I can and do read extensively, research thoroughly, and most importantly I question everything.

Whats comforting is knowing how many of you like minded people out there share my concerns.

I feel more confidant to speak now, having found the necessary people inside the legal, financial and medical professions who corroborate that which I have been researching.
I welcome your feedback, (unless you aim to shill bitcoin at me ) and am open to all suggestions…..I will update as many times as necessary.

There are no right or wrong answers and definitely no “one size fits all.” This is not financial advice. All I can do is help you think through this process.

So, litigious disclaimers aside, Let's talk about freedom.

What does freedom mean to you?

Social media apps with pronouns? Rioting in the streets? Or sitting at home with the tv telling you a poisoned dart will end the tyranny?

Pick your battle, it's all part of the same weaponised rhetoric of war.

Spiritual, civil, and financial freedom are what we are fighting for right now. Everything else is noise.

The global monetary crisis is very real, all part of the globalists “great reset.”

"How do we prepare?" I have been asked at least a few hundred times in the last month.

I have to admit, never ever in my life would I think I would be the one writing blogs for “what to do in case of a global economic crisis and world leader dictatorship.”

But alas, here we are.

If you understand whats at stake and how the system works, you can make better informed decisions about how to respond when it does collapse. I realise it sounds overwhelming but you don’t need a million dollars to prepare for whats coming. Small steps can go a long way.

Think about everything you and your family consume weekly, and work backwards.

Ensure you have the means to provide food, water and shelter for yourself. For how long? I can’t decide that. Everyone has different usage requirements, budgets, mouths to feed, space for storage, etc. You have to make the decisions yourself. Think critically.

A few questions to ask yourself:

How much does my family eat within in a week? What happens if there isn’t enough food and the shelves are bare?

What goods does your family need now outside of food and water that helps you maintain a level of comfortability?

What happens if the power grid goes out? Do you own a generator, flashlights/torches, and candles? Glow sticks? Solar panels? Do you have enough extra batteries? How will you be able to communicate with those who rely on you if there are no cellular towers or signals of communication? Do you have any basic radios or walkie talkies for yourself, family and close neighbours?

How can you cook your food if the stove and oven go out? What about a small propane camping stove-- or perhaps a fire pit? Extra wood anyone?

My friend Stuart has also added to this list to suggest:

" A flint and steel is a better investment.[to the propane stove]
You can use it to make fire with more things.
Hoard tampons because they are an exceptional source of tinder when you pick them apart.
Hydrocarbons such as butane, propane, petrol and diesel will soon become short in supply. For the more adventurous, straight glycerin from a pharmacy is good to have, as is potassium permanganate, again from a pharmacy."

How much water does your family drink in a week? What if the sources of water become too toxic? How can you purify, filter, distill and store water at home?

Anyone have a friend with an extra underground bunker? :-)

I highly recommend an urban garden, or an additional freezer and storage supply of basic necessities.

Growing local, supporting local, and ultimately living local should be a priority for all of us.

I am not stating any of this is inevitable, definite or guaranteed, but I do hope you will think through these questions so that if something really truly “ unprecedented” happened to your life, you and your family can survive and thrive.

How will your wealth maintain purchasing power if its not worth the paper it's printed on?

I have also received a lot of messages around what to do to prepare financially, outside of food, water and shelter. Paper money should never been the foundation of any personal wealth.

The key foundations to financial independence is having the option to live both inside and outside the system as the ultimate defence against inflation and personal autonomy. When I posted the thread on the differences between currency and real money, I had hoped that you would start to research more into what it means to be on a gold standard vs a paper system backed by nothing.

I, personally, don’t trust any paper money at the moment. It's not that I believe people need to sell everything— as some are in a position to ride out whats coming and hope for the best on the other side. But many times people use investments to hedge their income or offset expenses that occur in life. I , personally, do have shares in certain fin tech and crypto companies who I believe will triumph tremendously in the reset. However I do not “save" in the banks. I hold what is needed in the bank to pay bills, as they need to be paid. Everything else I own is held in crypto and metals.

Now to the dreaded pension question.

To be very clear- I do not have and never have earned a pension. I am hardly in a position to tell you how to handle your pension. But this is one of the biggest questions I have been asked, so I had to look into it.

I have already explained how all institutional money can not be trusted, yes, including pensions.

How you respond to that message is up to you.

It's not essential for you to believe me, it's essential for you to make time to research what I am saying and find out what would happen if your pensions stopped paying you. How can you militate against this risk?

I researched a few links to find out a bit more on pensions before posting this thread. Feel free to do your own research- but here is the most relevant sentence from the “reassurance" part of the article that I implore you to follow up on (link below.):

"pensions are structured as long-term insurance contracts and therefore benefit from 100% protection should the money manager become insolvent. This means that if something happens to one of our money managers, who are BlackRock, State Street Global Advisors, Legal & General and HSBC, your pension will be protected by the FSCS up to 100%.” 

I realise that reads like its reassuring your money is safe, but given all that we know about institutional money: What happens when all those institutions linked above don’t have the money? Remember 2008? Or 2014 when they legalised bail INs? The FDIC and FCA guarantee your cash, until they don’t. And even if they could— as in, you still get your nominal payment— what happens when hyper inflation debases the currency you are meant to be paid? How far do you think you will get on pension payments worth nothing?

In this case my best advice is to prepare for the worst and obviously hope for the best. There are loads of resources on line and very sound people speaking on this topic. Listen to as much as you can until you can make an informed decision for whats best for your family.

Bitcoin and Crypto

Bitcoin is no more digital gold than fiat is real money.

There I said it.

As unpopular as it is to say on a crypto forum none the less, I don’t speak from a place of not having owned and mined btc for years. I get bitcoin— I don't need to listen to the brainwashed. You’re speaking to the crypto converted, who knows better now.

For anyone who has not followed the narrative of bitcoin the last ten years, please don't buy into the “main stream fomo” right now.

I kindly encourage anyone still believing in btc to research where the space of digital assets are headed. And no its not proof of work..

We [might] see the $100k glory spike but it will be fleeting, and there are far better returns to be made on coins under a $1 at the moment than to risk a penny into something with no utility and sky rocketing fees. When regulation yields its big ugly head— oh the crash and burn btc will feel. And I would caution: Do not assume you will be able to sell at the high either as the markets tank. It's not a risk I recommend for anyone.

I will do an entry on bitcoin and the larger crypto market if you are in any way unclear of where I stand with this "shill campaign;" but for those still wondering, and are here to learn— google the global bridge currency and ISO utility tokens. Start there.

Again, you don't have to believe me. It's your money. You do you.

Gold and Silver are real money. Crypto is not.

I am a huge believer in crypto and own a lot of digital assets. But I am not one to gamble. I strongly believe in preserving purchasing power before anything else and the best way to do so would be to own physical metal.

For those who say to me “ I can’t afford precious metals”- I get it. You do NOT have to buy full oz of gold or silver; buy fractional pieces. Whatever you hold in the bank, hold in metals to keep what you own.

Metals protect your wealth as it stands now.

Crypto gives you an opportunity for transformational wealth.

Both are essential to survive the reset.

In conclusion, this isn’t a competition. It's not a “slag”show. If you don’t like what I say, thats ok. I am not here to convince you. I only wish to help those who want to help themselves.

However if you do like what I am saying, I have started a public telegram chat for an active discussion on these topics so we can discuss with out trolls. You are very welcome to join and meet a community of like minded people who want to discuss information with out censorship and prepare for the global economic collapse.

The Jennifer Arcuri Channel:

Shadow Banned Chat:

Stay positive, keep your spirit and no matter what— never ever give up.


Pension link quoted:

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