DIY Easy and Natural Salt Foot Scrub, To Help Moms (and Dads) Wind Down!

Hi everyone,
I find myself struggling to introduce yet ANOTHER scrub recipe, and I am aware that I, personally, am the sole reason for the depletion of salt as a mineral resource, so I'm just going to get straight into it.

These kinds of recipes are my favourite, because you don't really have to prepare anything beforehand, or go out and buy ingredients. On a day that you get home and feel like adding something to your bedtime routine, you can easily whip this up in minutes, with whatever you have lying around, and you are good to go!

Parents tend to spend a lot of time on their feet, and let's not even mention the amount of stress that tends to pile up. I personally do not have a human child, but I do have a fairly large cat baby who is a full time commitment. He has now decided that it is a good idea to perch on the side of his litter box, instead of in it, and as I mentioned he is pretty large so he frequently tips the box over, and sand ends up spread across a 10 meter diameter, so I think that gives me the right to lay claim to some stress too. This is why it is sometimes nice to give the feet some TLC, and it is surprising how much something so simple can make a difference.

Anyway, you can customize this recipe however you want (I'll show you how), aaannndd it is completely natural. I have seen so many marketed scrubs, that are full of chemicals and "micro beads" which really aren't good for you, or for the environment. It is also cheap, which is always a perk.

All you need is,

  • A moisturizing component
  • An exfoliating component
  • And a fragrance, or any extra bits and bobs that you may feel like adding.

The Moisturizing Component:
For this part, you can use any natural oil that is good for the body, such as coconut oil, cocoa butter, or olive oil. If you have nothing of the sort available, you can also use a moisturizer you already have, which is what I did today. Obviously that takes away from the natural aspect a little bit, but in a pinch it will do. This aspect ensures that the skin stays nice and moisturized while you scrub, to prevent sensitivity afterwards.

The Exfoliant:

For this you can either use sugar, or salt. If you have more sensitive skin, I would recommend sugar, but I usually go for salt, or a mixture of both. The particles are small and coarse enough to remove dead skin cells without causing harm, and can also easily dissolve when you want to wash it off.

The Fragrance and Extras

This part is non-essential, you can totally throw together the top two ingredients and call it done, but if you would like to add something extra, here are some ideas.

  • Fresh lemon juice and rind, This is great for getting more of an intense scrub, and a lovely way to freshen up and bring life back into feet that have been in shoes all day.
  • Lavender, Whether it is essential oil or freshly cut up buds, the scent will leave you feeling calm, fresh, and ready for bed!
  • Rose oil, This gives a luxurious scent, and adds moisture to leave your feet feeling soft and supple.
  • Any of your favourite essential oils, Epsom salts, and whatever else you can think of to add in. Be creative!

This also makes for a lovely DIY gift, and you can personalize it to exactly what the person likes.

Mix everything together thoroughly, and you are done!


To use it, all you need to do is gently rub the mixture over you feet, just before you get out of the bath or in the shower(a little more acrobatics required, but it is doable). Try to focus on the more rough areas, and if you don't have very sensitive skin you can even leave it to sit on the feet for a minute or two before rinsing. If you start to feel an uncomfortable sensation, rather stop scrubbing, because then you know that you have reached the fresh cells underneath the dead ones. usually 20 seconds to a minute should be a good amount of scrub time for each foot.

I hope you liked this tutorial, please feel free to leave any questions and feedback below! Also, if you do try it out, let us know what you put into it so that we can have more ideas on here for anyone interested.

Have an awesome day!

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