
Yeah, I discovered that his wife, Josephine, isn't too popular in her native Martinique, when we visited there.

Apparently she tried to have slavery reinstated, after it was abolished, which didn't exactly endear her to the people there, not to mention those living there now.

But she was a woman of her time, and her family's plantations depended upon slave labor, so it isn't surprising. It would have been far more surprising had she held the opposing viewpoint.

Did you know that St. Pierre, on Martinique, was once considered the Paris of the Caribbean?

That is until Mt. Pelee erupted in 1902, sending a pyroclastic flow that obliterated the town, and burned all the ships in harbor to the waterline. Only one person survived in the town itself; Louis-Auguste Cyparis, a prisoner in the local jail, who was found several days later by rescuers. He later toured with the Barnum and Bailey Circus.

I read the account as a kid, when my mom gave me the book "The Day the World Ended," about the eruption, when I was home sick over Christmas vacation. Having grown up in California, a state replete with earthquakes and volcanoes, I always wanted to visit there.

It's a pretty amazing place to visit, and absolutely gorgeous, should you have an interest.

Good comment CoP.
No place better than the German forest.
However, soon enough I shall start traveling.
California would be a good place to visit.
Lifting weights outside at Venice beach must be epic.

LOL- I used to live about three small blocks from Muscle Beach . . . maybe half a kilometer, if that.

My favorite part was always the street performers, everyone from guitarists to comedians to magicians, and we even had a guy about a block from us that performed sword-swallowing feats with flaming swords!

And of course your requisite soap box preachers heralding the coming doomsday. You just never know what you'll see on Venice Beach.

I went walking one day with my Newfoundland when there was a Hari Krishna parade, complete with highly decorated elephants, and Ebony was fascinated with the elephants, as she had never seen anything living that dwarfed her before. She and one of the elephants made friends while others went by in the parade.

It was a great place to live when I was there, though it has changed a lot, but still fun to visit. And you can't beat the weather, most of the time, anyway.

And yes, the German forest is gorgeous. No argument there. But a heck of a lot colder than Venice Beach.

I was surprised the creek wasn't frozen when I was in the forest 2 days ago.

Muscle beach sounds like a central point where people meet.

Pretty much just the guys that work out, and the tourists watching them.

But all of Venice Beach along the Boardwalk (which is actually asphalt) is one big meeting place. There are a lot of outdoor cafes, and covered pavilions by the sand, so you have a lot of options.

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