Time reveals people’s hearts 日旧见人心
Chinese Proverb
疾风知劲草, [Jí2 feng1 zhi1 jìng4 cao3]
烈火见真金. [Liè4 huo3 jiàn4 zhen1 jin1]
路遥知马力, [Lù4 yáo2 zhi1 ma3 lì4]
日旧见人心. [Rì4 jiu3 jiàn4 rén2 xin1]
Through mad winds one knows the strong grass,
Through intense fire one sees true gold,
Through distant journeys one knows horses’ endurances,
Through length of time one sees people’s true intentions and character
Picture credit : Modified from Pixabay
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qurator-tier-0 (40) 7 years ago