Computer-based exams at my school - My steemhomework

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

Hi, the educators!

A long time I did not contribute to @steemiteducation. I have been busy with several activities have on my school. For three weeks I had to finish the job.

Well, on this occasion I will write about #steemhomework. This article will discuss about the effect of technology on the future of children.


Currently, the Indonesian government has been socializing the use of technology in the learning process. This step has been done in stages. The biggest obstacle in the implementation of this program is the lack of supporting facilities, such as the unavailability of computers in every school.

However, my school requires children to have a laptop. Children should understand the use of technology for their future development. We know, the age of globalization has increased significant competition. The machines have replaced the work done by humans. Therefore, to be able to run the machine, man must master the working system of the machine.

We return to our children. The biggest step taken by my school is changing the conventional exam system by using paper into computer-based exams. Well, this is my busyness for three weeks ago. I have to teach kids how to use a computer or laptop to answer exam questions.


Children looked happy with this system. They did not have to carry a pencil, eraser, ruler, or pencil sharpener. They just bring a laptop, run the software application exams that have been installed, and answer these questions with happily.

With computer-based exams, children will not cheat. This is important for children. They will be trained to compete fairly without cheating. Every child's computer, will show different problems. So, children will not have enough time to ask their friends beside.


I think, cheating on the exam often happens in any school. Of course this is bad behavior for our children. Morally, fraudulent behavior will create the students character become lazy children in the future. They will live their lifes without doing a good process.

In addition, computer-based exams will enhance children's skills in technology. We know, some big companies will apply vacancy application by online. Perhaps, the written test must be answered online in a certain time.

Computer-based exam is something new for us in the third world. Perhaps in developed countries, this program has been successfully done. In conclusion, we do expect this program will affect good impact for our children. Especially when they face future competition dominated by technology.


Hopefully the computer motivates students to be more active in the learning process.

Good luck @teukumukhlis

Hehe, brat mumang proktor ngon uambnbk.

Computer or laptop is one of the needs in the current information technology era. Therefore, students the basic level must starting learn to operate the computer. School leader or teacher then also need to introduce the internet and how to use it for positive purposes for all students.

We expect the government to provide computers or laptops for all schools to be used by the students. Because, not all parents of students can afford to buy a laptop for their child, especially if in one house there are some children who have the status of students.

So, on the one hand, some students are already adept at using laptops, even they master the internet because it has long had a smart phone. On the other hand, some students do not have smart phones and laptops because they come from weak economic families.

The condition is a challenge for school leader to find solutions to procure laptops in addition to hoping from the government. For example, increasing cooperation with foreign NGOs that concentrate on improving the quality of education, or set aside a small profit from school co-ops to procure laptops that later became school assets. If goodwill is done with a real effort there will be a solution.

Thanks @teukumukhlis already various information is important to many people.


It is true of your opinion @teukumukhlis, that we must adapt to technological progress because otherwise we will be oppressed by the progress of time.

Regarding the use of computers for online exams is an advance as an effort to save paper and the ease and increase the accuracy and speed of data processing, of course, we fully support.

Given the limitations of schools in Aceh, not all schools already have adequate computer equipment and Internet networks, it is certainly a homework for us and related stakeholders. Happy work Regards Education.
Currently, we are also implementing a "Gladi Bersih" of UNBK SMA @syafiqali

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Sebuah artikel yang menarik menjelang unbk. Disatu sisi unbk memiliki banyak dampak positif tetapi disisi lain ada dampak negatif. Untuk daerah pedalaman yang akses internetnya masih kurang tentu ini menjadi suatu masalah besar. Selain itu kemampuan siswa yang berada dikota dengan fasilitas belajar yang memadai tentu berbeda dengan mereka yang berada dipegunungan. Jangankan mahir mengoperasikan laptok memegang saja belum pernah.

Program pemerintah kadang-kadang tidak didukung dengan peningkatan sarana. Inilah kendala kita.

Semoga dengan cara ini bisa ada kemajuan bagi Anak Bangsa @teukumukhlis

Semangat that aneuk miet nyoe Bang

Nyan teungoh simulasi. Brat seunang ngon riyoh aneuk miet nyan.

Kadang teungoh dimeuen game aneuk miet. Ban silap mata ka dimeuen ps.

Hahaha, nyan payah ta yueba stik.

Setuju, tapi pertanyaan saya bagaimana dengan sekolah-sekolah yang kondisinya masih di bawah rata-rata sekolah yang ada di daerah perkotaan,yang belum mampu untuk menyediakan alat penunjang belajar seperti komputer atau laptop bagi para siswa. Bukankah ini sebuah DILEMA. Karena saya pribadi sudah pernah melihat langsung kondisi sekolah yang ada di daerah pedalaman yang masih sangat minim fasilitas belajar nya.

Iya benar ini menjadi permasalah juga untuk penerapan unbk khusus nya, untuk sekolah yg belum mampu tentu tidak dipaksakan untuk menerapkan sistem pembelajaran/ujian secara daring. Untuk pelaksanaan unbk bagi sekolah yg belum punya sarana dan prasarana komputer dan internet dapat menumpang pada sekolah yg mampu.

Betul pendapat bapak-bapak.

Excellent work @teukumukhlis, at present it is very important to go, on par with technological advances. excellent work, at present it is very important to go, on par with technological advances. Congratulations on this project and implement it with your students, it seems wonderful because the motives to strive every day more.

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