What To Do When A Student Refuses To Work

As teachers or even as parents, we’ve all been there at some point. Do you know that saying “you can lead the horse to the water, but you can’t make him drink”? Well, once in a while we come face to with a student or a child who simply “won’t drink”, that is, no matter how fun or enticing you make the learning process, he or she simply refuses to participate and do the work.

This often leaves us frustrated and at a loss of what to do, but this is an issue that cannot simply be ignored. I have gathered some suggestions that might just be your saving grace!

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5 Things You Can Try To Do With A Student Who Refuses To Do Their Work:

  1. Start with talking. Usually, when a student refuses to work, it means there is an underlying issue. There could be a psychological reason behind the behavior, or perhaps the student does not feel comfortable in his or her environment. By striking up a casual conversation with them you could possibly find the fault and then of course, the solution.
  2. Stop nagging. Often, kids don’t do something simply because we ask them to do it. Yup, call it rebellion or stubbornness, this is a trait that most children have at some point. Give them the task and remind them of the repercussions that will occur if they do not do the work e.g. extra homework and so forth. No need to nag again, the ball is in their court and the options have been set.
  3. Positive reinforcement. OK, so the “don’t nag” trick could backfire on you. If this happens, reward those who do do their work, be it with a treat, school outing or a simple gold star, leaving those who refused to do their work without a reward, but a promise that they will receive one if they do complete the task or the next one.
  4. Talk some more. I truly believe that no student just “doesn’t want to learn”. There’s always more to it. At this stage, you could suggest to the parents that perhaps a professional counselor should intervene.
  5. Don’t give up. I know that by this stage you are ready to bury your head in the sand. But kids need us to keep trying, even if they resist our efforts, the efforts count. Don’t ever give up on a student, the day will come when they hand in completed work, even if it is 10 years down the line, it will happen because you played a part in making it happen.

Become a teacher they said, it will be easy they said! Honestly, teachers probably have the hardest jobs in the world, they have the futures of our next generations in their hands, and these kids or more stubborn, resilient and sensitive than ever. My advice to you, just keep swimming! All you can do is your best!



When it comes to practice sometimes handle there kind of stubbornness is hard. I experience that when I bump into first year of teaching. and I still struggle. Thank you for the article. it enlightens me

"kids need us to keep trying" - very true and something we forget too easily. I'm not a teacher, but I'm a parent of a very stubborn little 2 year old (3 in March). I thank you for your post, it's been a good reminder for me to keep at it :)

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