The great challenge of parents.

What does it mean to educate?
The challenge presented to parents is to make their child a healthy, intelligent and free, who knows how to organize their lives and relate to their environment in a positive way. Therefore, to educate is to take care of the total development of the child with an eye on the future so that he knows how to act and it is necessary to start from when they are small Education proposes to develop the child in all its aspects. It is necessary to help him to enliven his senses, to enjoy the game, to conform his intelligence and his thought, to acquire and perfect the language, to control the emotions, to structure his habits, to obtain the experiences of life ...
Educating is not difficult.
This task seems difficult and even unattainable. However, it is not like that. First, because it is a long process, of years, that is done patiently, without haste. Second, because it has the exceptional and enthusiastic collaboration of the baby, always willing to learn, experience and enjoy all this. Third, because parents love their children so much that they really want to help them and just need to know how to do it. And fourth, because this process only works when all who intervene in it, parents and children, feel happy with what they are doing.

The goal of education.
The ultimate goal of education is not to achieve a process of rapid and early development of the child, but to ensure that all its capabilities are taken care of and, therefore, to ensure that the process is complete. The love and intuition of parents aware of their responsibility as educators will find their own resources at all times to achieve good results.
High expectations.
A child should not be forced to develop according to the wishes of his parents, programming him, for example, to be a doctor. But if you have to set a more general goal: educate him to be a happy and intelligent person, able to implement his potential and achieve his own goals.

You must support your child in order to achieve his goals in his own way