The Explorers / Strategies to know the books in the pre-school one

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

To touch, to manipulate, to turn the pages, to weigh, to look, to see, to feel, to smell … activities linked with the reading that depart from the exploration that a book proposes to the reader. Since it happens with all the materials that they come to the Pre-school one, the exploration is the first step in the advance towards the interior of the same ones, towards his cognitive possibilities, towards the infinite range of the creativity. A book is primeramente object, and as such, is perceived by our senses: we see it, touch it, weigh it, value his colors, the texture of his leaves, the thickness, the size, the form, the olorcito to newly or old … And the children also.



They must explore the materials of reading using and abuse of all the sensory possibilities that have, since this one will be the door of the access to an interior loaded with meanings, to the own world that he will construct with the reading, to the intellectual representation that he will construct from her. The exploration of texts must be such a habitual activity in the pre-school one, which makes possible that the children feel natural inclination towards the materials of reading and give course to the own curiosity of the infancy.
The exploration allows to the small child to know about what there treats itself a new object, which has to offer him, that it can find with him. The babies approach the book with his energy and try to conquer this discovery; the children pequeñitos do it with his body, sitting down above and jumping to prove his resistance, and already a bit bigger, we will find a born explorer, who also plunges inside the book and discovers colors, forms and writings. The whole universe for the exploration and the whole range of exploratory profiles. It is important to value the diversity in this respect and to stimulate different models of approximation to the reading, the books and to the writing


The docentes of the pre-school one have the possibility of doing of this game a significant learning, of offering help for the exploration and of giving tracks to construct a sense; the platform that the teacher can offer becomes more necessary than never, since the magic of the discovery does not repeat itself if it is not stimulated.To the room it is necessary to take authentic materials, of social traffic, offer variety, offer options that show the wealth of the reading and his plurality.

We propose you now two activities for the exploration of materials of reading that favor the formation of a curious and filled with enthusiasm reader who will continue growing in search of new challenges.


The idea is to arm collections of similar texts. For it, the teacher will request the children who take to the room diverse texts that have in his home and she was contributing also the necessary ones to enrich the activity. Before to the activity in the room, the docente will check the material, corrobando that is changed and adapted for the group and that answers to the foreseen aims. It will complete it in case of being necessary. Once in the room the children will be distributed in groups and the materials were placed in boxes, baskets or bags that will be provided to each of the groups.

There is looked that the children group the materials classifying them for type:

  • The stories.
  • The recipes.
  • The invitations.
  • The advertisements, the labels of the packings.
  • Others.


2. Differences in books.

To compile radically different texts and to compare them. As soon as the texts are in the room, every child and every girl will choose one and will explore it in individual form. In general group, the teacher will guide the activity proposing the comparison of books with which she goes to promotions of tidy form. It will extract a book of the box and will ask, pointing at his exterior characteristics. To every delineated feature, he will propose the comparison to the children to show those materials that expire with this requirement. For example, if they say that it is a big book, they will search between the boys who has one small, and if it is without drawings, will look for one with drawings. This way, each of the boys will have a moment in which his book you differ those that the teacher is presenting and between all they are comparing the materials attending to different variables as:
  • The size: it looks for a big book and small other one.
  • The extension: which is longer, which we would be late more in reading and which is the most short, which is read rapidly, etc.
  • With or without drawing: to repair in the presence or not of illustrations and why: books exist with forms of animals or of objects that fascinate the boys. To compare with others of conventional form.
  • The materials: there exist books of plastic, of fabric, of paper, of carton, of rubber, etc.
  • If they are new or old: to seek to know and to compare books of other times, good old men and to confront them with one new newcomer of the publishing house (smell, form, color, texture, etc.)


Once finished the stage of comparison, it is possible to do a record of the characteristics of the books, already be with an explanation of the teacher or a drawing for the children.

Other proposals of exploration:

3. Visit bookshops, exhibitions and fairs.

This offer is subject to the royal local possibilities where each one lives, but safely even in the sites smaller there exists a bookshop ready to share the promotion of the reading with the teacher. Many bookshops possess even a room of reading for children and girls, where they can approach all the books to his taste and freely. It is very important to design this exit with time and dedication, of way his utilization to the maximum, many activities that we can evaluate can be:
  • Do we look for a book that has drawings and other one that does not have them.
  • To there see the one who finds the fattest book … and the thinnest?
  • We choose a book that we like and share it with our companions.
  • Sit down to listening to the reading of some texts, included a good story or other literary texts.

4. Organize samples of books in the pre-school one or in the classroom being useful such special dates as:

  • The day of the book, it is possible to ask for collaboration to the bookshops in order that they contribute materials.
  • The day of the embrace in family, in which each one brings his favorite book.
  • The day of the teacher: what do teachers read? Which is the book that more they like and why? Have they books of his infancy? Which are?

Any of these proposal has as purpose offer a space of massive traffic of books, in which these objects are the absolute protagonists of the event and show openly all his possibilities.



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