Education and values; the reinforcement of the home

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

Childhood is undoubtedly the most important stage for the human being, since all learning starts from there, it is the stage of ¿why ?, of knowledge, it is the stage where being human is like a sponge new absorbing all information that we can collect through our senses. Among these learnings are values and education taught by parents, family members and teachers.

Children come to this world and their main objective is to absorb information that will help them to be independent, knowing unconditional love, respect, tolerance, equality, good and bad in life, therefore, it is very important to give them love and prepare them with the knowledge imparted in education and values allowing them to grow in fellowship, in equality, in respect, in tolerance, in this way they can be willing to face any adversity that may be found in the way of life and especially for that they can later provide the same education and respect that could be offered at home.

The ideal is to have a healthy childhood (physically and mentally), where in the growth stage can share recreational activities with other children, playing, laughing, singing and doing various activities that promote companionship, respect, reinforcing the value of friendship Currently, the childhood and education of now is different to that of a few years ago, before the technology did not exist as advanced as it is now, since children in this era only focus on technology and not on going out to share playing , nor to have fun with other children in healthy recreation, nor do they have that respect towards each other. Today, there are many cases in which we see how children are offended with bad words mutually, and this is undoubtedly due to bad education or lack of values from parents to children.

is not only given in school, parents are the first educators, and although children spend a lot of time in school, where they also receive knowledge to prepare themselves in life, they have that capacity to absorb good and bad habits, it is Therefore, parents must always show his children that the human being is governed by values in society. The lack of these values will only turn children into ignorant beings that society will reject and put aside regardless of the reasons for the wrong behavior because that was the learning that was obtained in their home.

It is important for a child during his initial school years that the parents shows interest in how he is doing each school day, how he feels in that environment that is new to him, and of course if the child needs help in carrying out any assigned, it is essential to support and understanding at this stage of learning, that motivates the child and makes them get a good education.

The support of the parents, when the child arrives from school consists of situations as small as a simple question of how the child fared in his evaluations, or interested in the evaluations of the following days. This action initiates a relationship of complicity that can end in the help of carrying out the assigned didactic activities, that parent-child contact; it is part of education, which will later be transmitted when that child who is educated and trained grows and forms his own family.

"In the words of Santos. G (1992). It is useless to educate in values, if educators are not models to be copied by their students, they are educated as they are, not as they say that others have to be. Ultimately, students learn from their teachers, not just their teachers. That is why the noise of what we are reaches their ears with such force that it prevents them from hearing what we say. "
The society in which we are immersed demands specific actions and behaviors that require that individuals value the right of all to be taken into account and the need to comply with certain rules of coexistence. It is the responsibility of the social environment of children and young people, to teach them to belong to a plural society as part of a collectivity that has endowed itself with a set of norms that express rationality, freedom, respect for others and the solidarity that constitute the foundations of it.

Aggression in a family should not exist since children are the reflection of their parents and peers, if a child is present in your home or school this type of activity no doubt the child will do the same thing that observes and will be an unscrupulous person, without values, and a child without education will be an incomplete being rejected by many, children have the duty and the right to study and grow as educated people.

The lack of an academic preparation or a university degree are not determining factors in aggressive behavior or abuse, good behavior or peace and harmony are part of the values transmitted in the home and family, being these people considered as with a good and healthy education. Transmitted values such as equality between brothers and rights, come to reinforce the teaching and training of the individual that will be accepted more easily in society.

It is important to teach children to believe in themselves, to believe in others, to believe in a dream they have, and above all to believe in God. Faith in them is a constant generator of hope and strength for their stage of growth and learning. Children are a reflection of parents and if that is what you teach your children, the result that you see will be considered positively.

Teaching a child during his educational training the value of hope will mean a lot, throughout his childhood, every child has to know that hope is an attitude of progress, they should feel that if something does not go as it should, not losing hope can lead them to obtain satisfactory and positive results because then; "So Why you believe in a dream if you are not going to hope that it will be fulfilled".

Children have the right to an education and not particularly to education where only they learn to read and write, otherwise it is the right to that education that allows them to develop as better people, this will be their best tool to obtain a dignified life and with principles, every child is worthy of receiving an education that allows them to be better people, and it is at home, with their parents and family members as they will obtain it. Articles related to the topic:



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