Early sexuality

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

I chose this topic because it seems very interesting to me. Many people believe, wrongly, that sexuality refers only to the sexual act, just seek pleasure and reproduce. But it's not like that; Sexuality goes way beyond that, at least it's how I see it. But what is known about this topic, depends a lot on the information that we have been taught at home throughout our education.

Sexuality includes sexual behaviors, sexual relations and intimacy; how we choose to express ourselves as men and women (including how we dress, talk, and how we relate to others); sexual orientation (heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual).

Sexuality is a process that encompasses a variety of phenomena where physical and physiological characteristics are mixed with feelings and behaviors related to sex, the sexuality of each person is part of their own personality, is the way each individual relates to the others and with it.

Throughout life, human beings go through different stages, childhood adolescence and adulthood. Adolescence can be defined as the stage of change between childhood and adulthood.
This topic also has a lot to do with the values ​​and beliefs that each person has at home, and it is a topic that should be dealt with with the children at an early age so that they can relate and learn about this as it is very important.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines adolescence as the stage between 10 years and 19 years. It is considered to have two phases: early adolescence, 10 to 14 or 15 years; and late adolescence, from 15 to 19 years old.

During adolescence, in both males and females, great physical changes occur. Physical changes in girls are shown by the growth of the breasts, the appearance of pubic hair and the appearance of menstruation. While in men it is evidenced by the development of their testicles, the increase of muscle mass, the appearance of axillary, pubic and beard hair, and the change of voice.

In adolescence both sexes also experience behavioral changes in terms of emotions and attitudes, males become more energetic and more aggressive, females manifest maternal instinct.

Changes in adolescents are produced by hormones that are directly involved in sexuality are: estrogens, progesterone and testosterone. Actually, these hormones are found in both sexes.

However, it has always been a taboo, and for anyone it is a secret which is worrisome since that prohibition on the subject has had many consequences for adolescents because they are unaware of the issue and therefore lead them to make mistakes that later on are often serious. Poor decisions about sex during adolescence can bring consequences such as unwanted pregnancy or the spread of a sexually transmitted disease such as HIV / AIDS. And they can block dreams or goals.

Unfortunately we are in a time where society judges and criticizes you whatever you do, even if thousands of years have passed and we are in the 21st century where there has been so much evolution, we live in a world where many subjects are still taboo and that is regrettable.

Sexuality also includes the theme of "sexual preference" as I mentioned at the beginning, this side of the issue is very delicate also because the society that still judges many young and not so young live under a shadow that disturbs them and frustrate

"Sexuality represents the generation of desires, feelings, fantasies and emotions, that is, the development of a sexual identity which allows the individual to recognize and act as a sexual being." Source

The best preventive measure is a sexual education given at school and at home, through programs that allow the adolescent to know their own body and the changes that are occurring at a corporal and emotional level and to try to delay contacts until they have the necessary organic and psychological maturity.

Generally in the middle of adolescence, dating relationships become more common, which are short. In addition, in the adolescence sexual identity is consolidated, that is, the way in which a person feels, in the most intimate part of their being, as a man or as a woman. Although this identity is the product of a long process that starts from childhood, in adolescence "is tested and tested" through all those behaviors towards people of the same sex and the opposite sex.


All this behavior that each person has comes from the family environment, values ​​and beliefs that developed in this nucleus. That comes a lot of responsibility when it comes time to talk about this issue with the children.

The subject of sexuality is very extensive, but it is very important to have information about it. Most teenagers say they find information about sexuality in the media and on the internet. Forbidding them this access or claiming that they are not old enough for sex is a mistake.

Adolescent sexuality exists, and the maturation and responsibility that young people acquire in this sense will depend largely on the support of adults. It should be normal and speak it with total naturalness and freedom with the children from small.

I want to end by saying that sexuality is something that both men and women carry, because it is what defines us from the moment we are born and that we are learning throughout our development and growth. Let us leave the taboo aside, it is important and very necessary to know about this subject, we have a lot of responsibility, caution and carefull.

The lack of information or mistaken beliefs or myths affect our way of living and expressing our sexuality, so it is important to clarify our doubts and find the information we need, but at the source and with the right people, that is, that they are prepared in the subject.

Related consultation links

The difference between sex, sexuality and gender
Sexuality for young people
Gender and sexuality
Importance of Safe Sex


A very interesting post!

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